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Songs that make you smile

Ed S

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I'm having a particularly rough time the past few days. Those of you who remember my very personal post earlier this year probably can figure out why. Did you ever just throw on a disc for the sole purpose of distracting you from what you're thinking about or just to have something in the background so you don't have to think about what you don't want to think about? :wacko:

I threw on the Don Pullen Mosaic a little while ago. I was really only half listening and trying to keep myself busy when the song Sun Watchers caught my ear. Speaking of ears, the melody line just brought an ear to ear grin and a temporary distraction from a really rough time. I only wish that George Adams and Don Pullen were around to thank. Made my day.


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Ed, I've been listening to the first disc and a half of that Pullen/Adams set a lot, and you're right--that music really emits a kind of visceral pleasure. (I found myself smiling the other day at Pullen's playing on "We've Been Here All the Time" from BREAKTHROUGH.) Driving up to Indy today to meet a friend, I was listening to an old tape I have of Parker's Dial masters, and that music nearly always makes me smile. (Though some of it's pretty heartbreaking, too.)

Probably too early in the year, and outside of jazz, but the first two Marshall Crenshaw records have that effect on me as well. (I say too early because I tend to listen to MC in the spring and summer.)

Oh, and the Jazztet Mosaic.

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I really don't know how to categorize Pullen/Adams. I usually go with one of two categories - I like it or I don't. I really don't like to get too much into categorizing styles or influences and like to take the music at face value. All I can say of what I've heard of the Pullen/Adams Select (only had it for a couple of days) is that it is terrific. I find it , in a word - joyous

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"Ginza Samba" has to be one of the happiest songs ever committed to disc. I find it impossible not to smile when the head kicks in.....

That's really weird because upon seeing this thread, the first tune I thought of was the version of My Buddy, played here.

Another tune/lyric is 'I Concentrate On You'. Such a loving and focused song if ever there was one. Strangely I haven't heard Ella sing it yet (I'm assuming she does on her Porter 'songbook' album).

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Don't have the Select (yet), but that one album that came out in the West Coast series is certainly a case in point!

Two tracks that I love and can again and again enjoy immensely are the opening track of Johnny Griffin's "The Conversation", and the Grant Green/Sonny Clarke/ART BLAKEY (!!!) take of "Ain't Necessarily So"!

And I can always take any Dollar Brand with horns for cheering up, for instance "No Fear, No Die", "South Africa", or "African Marketplace". Also any of his Kaz/Camden ZA recordings work wonders.

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