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Hank Mobley's "The Flip"

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I am curious as to how the readers here think of The Flip in terms of how it measures up against other Mobley sides.

Also, is this LP particularly hard to come by? I have a copy, and I am constantly badgered to sell it. (no way)

I like it a lot. Although the packaging would indicate that this is another session led off by a formula funky boogaloo, it's actually is a fine session with a few players not commonly heard on Blue Note dates, because it was recorded in Paris. When this originally came out, I passed on it after having been a little disappointed in its predecessors, Hi Voltage & A Caddy For Daddy. Eventually I caught up with it, and in my opinion, this album is better than either of those.

I wouldn't say that it's especially hard to come by, certainly not among the rarest Hanks, probably because it came out during the Liberty era.

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I like it. Nothing to write home about, but a solid effort from Mobley near the end of a remarkable Blue Note run. Not rare at all--a nice copy can be had for $20-$25 on ebay. The tunes are all Mobley originals and run the gamut from hard soul bop to samba. Some killer Slide Hampton work here too. But one gets the sense that the world had passed Hank Mobley by in 1969--and that the world had made a huge error in doing so!

I'm selling one on ebay right now with no reserve at $19.99. I run into 4-5 copies a year in my hunting and they are almost always clean as a whistle and alomost always "cut outs."

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and alomost always "cut outs."

Just about every copy I've ever come across has had a cut-out on the lower RHS and/or has ring-wear on the front. Not my favourite session from Hank (sounds a bit un-rehearsed) but repeated listenings of the Conn have made this one grow on me. The Hank of 'Breakthrough' is evident at times in this session.

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I would have to guess that the appearance on CD has led to this LP apparently becoming fairly common ebay fodder. I had never seen it before when I snagged it probably 7 years ago, and I definitely had some coompetition for it then.

As far as the music goes, its Hank, and that is always good enough for me. Some find the pianist a little annoying but I have no problem with it.

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I'm one of those that wish the pianist had been enjoying a croque monsieur and a nice cool glass of something in a cafe and missed that call. It's not a dealbreaker for me but I've never dug his contribution.

I dig the lp/cd though!

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I'm with Lon on this. I dig the session but the piano just doesn't hit me right. It may be the recording because it sounds "off".

Before the CD came out, I tried buying this on LP. I missed out on about 10 eBay auctions where it went for $30-50. Since it came out on CD, it's been going for a lot less, but I haven't succombed to it yet. The CD sounds good enough to me.


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I like that album! Have an original copy (Liberty label), unblemished by any cutout!

Vince Benedetti is not the most inspired pianist and he is recorded up close. RVG who is credited with having rerecorded the session must have tried damn hard to attenuate the piano sound!

Too bad producer Francis Wolff could not get Kenny Drew or Tete Montoliu for this session!

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This is a solid effort, but at best, it has to rank in the bottom third of the Mobley canon. One of Hank's recordings which, IMO, and like "Thinking of Home", profited greatly from its very scarcity. Over the years, it seemed to morph into something of a post-bop Holy Grail, in the manner of Dex's "Landslide" and "Clubhouse" or Marable's "Tenorman". For that reason TF probably suffers from what I call "anticipation beats realization" syndrome in that there was little chance of its measuring up to one's inordinately outsized expectations.

Up over and out.

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OH bitch bitch bitch....what do you really want from hank. just come out and say it. do you want a new piano player for the session to satisfy you, do you want different material, what is wrong. hank made hundreds of records there not all gonna be as tight as dippin', although it is notable to note that with hank, MOST of his lps ARE as tight as..., etc.....HANK MADE 'THE FLIP' AT A GOOD TIME OF HIS LIFE HE WAS ENJOYING EUROPE AND WAS GETTING MORE GIGS THAN HE HAD IN A WHILE AND HE WAS EVEN PLAYING CONCERTS IN CLASSICAL CONCERT HALLS, FOR THE 1ST TIME IN HIS CAREER AS A 'LEADER'. (HE PLAYED CARNEGIE HALL W/ MILES AND OTHER HALLS AND THEATERES AS WELL). BEFORE U CRITIZE WHY DONT YOU BE MORE RATIONAL-- TAKE A LOOK AT THE TIMES. 1969: PARIS. THAT AIN'T NO ELIZEBETH, NJ: 1952. HANK HAD COME A LONG WAY, AND HAD A VERY DISTINGUISHED CAREER BY THIS POINT, AND IT WAS NO PICNIC ALONG THE WAY. BUT PARIS WAS GOOD TO HANK, TAKE A LOOK AT THE COVER FOR HANK'S PRIOR LP 'REACH OUT'. HANK LOOKS HAPPY ON IT.

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The Beany pretty much sums up my sentiments about this one in his own unique way.

Hey, it's a damn good side afaic. Yeah, the pianist and bassist are lacking, but hell, Philly Joe more than picks up that slack. Plus, the front line is in prime form throughout, and the tunes all kick ass.

Works for me.

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Hey, it's a damn good side afaic. Yeah, the pianist and bassist are lacking, but hell, Philly Joe more than picks up that slack. Plus, the front line is in prime form throughout, and the tunes all kick ass.

That's how I see it. Focus on the good things. "Feelin' Folksy" is among my favorite Hank tunes.

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Does the grimace on the back cover mean that side two is bad or just that Hank was constipated? :D


He looks as if he's watching the owner of a 2CV nudge his car out of the way, in order to park.


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