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Why all the October Conns suck...


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Because I haven't gotten them yet.


Ditto!! :angry:

wouldn't that be funny as hell, if rooster couldn't find/hear that new hill conn, today....


Son of a bitch!!! :angry:

Free For All and I got together to buy the new Hill Conn, and listen to it together for the first time. But at Noon today, Streetside Records still hadn't gotten their 'other' UPS shipments yet today. :angry::angry:

So we drive down to Barnes and Noble on the Plaza, and they don't have any of the Conns - nor was their store slated to carry them either (or at least they weren't ordered for people to buy today, "maybe sometime in the future though"). :angry::angry::angry:

So, then we drive our asses down to Borders Books down in Johnson County, KS - and after we turn the store upside down - we finally find the crash-cart with all the new releases that they hadn't put out yet. And after 10 minutes of searching, we find 5 of the six new Conns. Anybody wanna guess which Conn they didn't have???? ("maybe it'll come next week????") :angry::angry::angry::angry:

So, we go get some lunch, and then drive back to Streetside, hoping that the UPS truck had finally been there by then (it was about 2:30pm by that time), and when we got to Streetside, there hadn't been any more UPS boxes delivered today, so "maybe tomorrow??". :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

Edited by Rooster_Ties
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Well I just confirmed that my local independent retailer has the Hill and he is putting one aside for me to pick up after work. :P Since I have most of the other Connoisiers in another format, I will not be in a rush to pick those up. Never can quite understand the need to constantly purchase repackaged music that is already in your collection unless there is a significant flaw that diminished the ability to enjoy the music.

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I ordered mine at CD Universe last night, when I saw that they were charging $3/disk less than what Dusty Groove (the bastards!) was selling them for (and from where I was just about to order them until I remembered this thread). So I multiplied $3 X 6 ('cause I ordered them all, because things are temporarily flush, thank God), took the whopping $18 savings, and applied, what, $6 of it(?) to upgraded second day shipping.

So I STILL saved money, even as I spent it. I'm doing my part to rescue the American economy from its doldrums, and to keep EMI a happy, profitable corporate dicksucker. Plus, I demonstrate a theory of Economics that our political leadership still fails to grasp - if you're broke, you're fucked, but as long as you're not, it's not really "money", it's just numbers. As long as income exceeds outgo, let's party.

Yeah, it really IS just that simple. ;)

Edited by JSngry
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Sangrey for treasury secretary. Party till the money runs out!!! :D

The trick is in seeing that the money never runs out. THAT requires creativity, flexibility, personal charm. and sometimes even a job. But only as a last resort. Nobody said fun was easy, but consider the alternative.

Set your priorities, pay your bills, take care of your family, and blow the rest. If there's no "rest" to blow, put your kids to work and take all their money. It's good training for when they have to pay taxes, and as much as they'll curse you now, that's how much they'll thank you later. Especially when they ace the English class unit on Dickens w/o having to so much as crack a book.

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