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James Moody - Our Delight


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Guest youmustbe

With all due respect, who gives a shit about a record by a guy who is 83(?)? and a guy who is 92(?)?

Both of these guys should quit or die and jazz will be better off.

And I say this as someone who thinks Moody is a great and wonderful fellow as is Hank.

Enough already!!!

Neither, once again with all due respect, will be remembered other than one had a hit record thanks to Eddie Jefferson and the other had famous brothers.

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With all due respect, who gives a shit about a record by a guy who is 83(?)? and a guy who is 92(?)?

Both of these guys should quit or die and jazz will be better off.

And I say this as someone who thinks Moody is a great and wonderful fellow as is Hank.

Enough already!!!

Neither, once again with all due respect, will be remembered other than one had a hit record thanks to Eddie Jefferson and the other had famous brothers.

Assuming I'm not missing an element of sarcasm, I can't remember a post I found so infuriating or boneheaded (with all due respect). Everyone has a right to their opinion, so let's leave aside the evaluations, dubious as they may be in my view, that Moody will only be remembered for "Moody's Mood" and that Hank will only be remembered for his famous brothers; this drastically underestimates Hank's gifts as an individual stylist, profound synthesizer of pre-bebop and modern styles and influence on several generations of pianists.

Instead, let's focus on the abhorent ageism, mean-spiritedness and spleen behind salvos relating to the irrelevance of their music because of their age and that, really, both of these guys just should quit or die. For me, players like Moody and Jones are among the biggest inspirations that music -- hell, life -- has to offer. The fact that at their age they are not only playing with such energy, creativity and especially a sense of wonder at the possibilities of music and learning and a commitment that their best work is still ahead of them -- well, that's what I want to be like at their age. Shit, that's what I want to be like now at half their age. Hank still practices two hours a day, and Moody, well, here's a quick story:

I was introduced to him for the first time backstage at the Detroit Jazz Festival a few months ago after he had played with the Dizzy All-Star Big Band. As we were talking, an awestruck kid who played saxophone with the Temple University band earlier in the day came up and stammered a few things to Moody, who still had his tenor around his neck. He told the kid, "Just practice, practice, practice, practice. And the more you learn, the more you'll realize you don't know." Then, excitedly, he asked the kid if he had seen Jerry Bergonzi's latest book. ("Hexatonics"). "You gotta get that book!" he said, shoving his saxophone stand and music into my hand so he could play for the kid. He started running a sequence of triads that weaved in between C and D major up and down the horn. To see an 83-year-old so geeked about the latest wrinkle he had learned about harmonic motion, and to see him breathe musicianship and inspiration into a young musician he had just met and to have heard him 20 minutes earlier play with a ferocity and a frankly more modern edge than the other saxophonists in the band was to witness the life force at its most compelling. Jazz needs more of this not less.

Edited by Mark Stryker
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I don't care how old he is, James Mood can PLAY!

As long as he has a life, he should be playing it, just as he always has. Write that book right up to the closing sentence, last period, THE END! I have no problem with that whatsoever, and question the spiritual core of anybody who does.

What I do have a problem with is other motherfuckers not even having a book to write but not letting that stop them from getting published. WTF are THEY gonna be doing at 83, huh?

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With all due respect, who gives a shit about a record by a guy who is 83(?)? and a guy who is 92(?)?

Both of these guys should quit or die and jazz will be better off.

And I say this as someone who thinks Moody is a great and wonderful fellow as is Hank.

Enough already!!!

Neither, once again with all due respect, will be remembered other than one had a hit record thanks to Eddie Jefferson and the other had famous brothers.

this is obviously somebody looking to get a reaction, for reasons inexplicable.

the best response is to ignore this uninformed and mean-spirited post.


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With all due respect, who gives a shit about a record by a guy who is 83(?)? and a guy who is 92(?)?

Both of these guys should quit or die and jazz will be better off.

And I say this as someone who thinks Moody is a great and wonderful fellow as is Hank.

Enough already!!!

Neither, once again with all due respect, will be remembered other than one had a hit record thanks to Eddie Jefferson and the other had famous brothers.

this is obviously somebody looking to get a reaction, for reasons inexplicable.

the best response is to ignore this uninformed and mean-spirited post.


Y'all have never seen a troll before??? :cool:

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Help me live vicariously! I really want to hear this. It can't be less than splendid - music from two of the finest human beings I know. So...comments, anyone?

aqui --> http://www.amazon.com/Our-Delight-James-Mo...8308&sr=8-1

To return to the original intent of the thread, I found this to be a really terrific CD, with an emphasis on the poetry of bebop, even on the uptempo tunes. Think of the lyricism inherent in Dameron's music or a song like "Con Alma" -- that's the spirit of the album. There's a nice cross-generation vibe in the band too, with bassist Todd Coolman and drummer Adam Nussbaum.

Edited by Mark Stryker
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Coolman was with Moody several of the last half-dozen times I've seen him, dating back many years - I want to say late 80s. (Could it be?) I think there's a real mutual admiration there.

The same seemed to be true for the singer, Roberta Gambarini. She was at Moody's 80th birthday/benefit concert.

The song Darben the Redd Foxx (sp.?) comes off an old-as-the-hills album on Argo or Cadet. About the simplest blues line you can imagine, but fun to play, like damn near every song on this album. So I hope these guys are having a blast. They deserve it.

Edited by BeBop
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With all due respect, who gives a shit about a record by a guy who is 83(?)? and a guy who is 92(?)?

Both of these guys should quit or die and jazz will be better off.

And I say this as someone who thinks Moody is a great and wonderful fellow as is Hank.

Enough already!!!

Neither, once again with all due respect, will be remembered other than one had a hit record thanks to Eddie Jefferson and the other had famous brothers.

this is obviously somebody looking to get a reaction, for reasons inexplicable.

the best response is to ignore this uninformed and mean-spirited post.


Y'all have never seen a troll before??? :cool:

This is hardly the first time. A search of his posts reveals this in the HIram Bullock RIP thread:

I used to book Hiram!

Hiram was the junky's Junky!

An incredible talent but a total asshole as a human being!

Get over your pathetic man-crushes as White Boys toward Negroes!

Hiram was a total waste as a human being!

So what we know is:

This guy has never identified himself and hides behind a screen name, but apparently he books concerts or clubs or at one time he did

He enjoys trashing people, alive, dead, or those he just wishes would die

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I've been enjoying this side- I hear a high level of musicianship and a high level of joy. Sure, it was likely a "manufactured" project by some producer, putting the two older guys together, but I don't hear any "feebleness" in their performance. No need to "cut the cats some slack" here, no "clutching at straws", everyone is doing just fine. Moody & Jones are great treasures and we're lucky to get to hear their work, now and before. :)

Edit: You know, another "geezer" I had the honor to know was Bill Perkins, and he was continuing to evolve as a player 'til the day he died. No "rusting on laurels" there! That's very inspiring to me as a player.

Edit #2: Pardon the "extreme" use of "quotation marks"...... :lol:

Edited by Free For All
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So what we know is:

This guy has never identified himself and hides behind a screen name, but apparently he books concerts or clubs or at one time he did

He enjoys trashing people, alive, dead, or those he just wishes would die

well, i know who youmustbe is and i never paid close attention or googled him, just read some posts here and there

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