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It's Flu Time

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Well, I woke up this morning with a 102 fever, nasty dry cough and a sinus headache. I realized quickly there was no way I was going to go into school and called the doctor (usually the flu is no big deal for me but this thing totally kicked my ass). Went in and got some antibiotics (I really hate using ab but it seemed necessary this time). The doc didn't think it was H1N1, which was my first concern. There does seem to be a respiratory virus making the rounds, but I'm not sure if it's H1N1 or a different virus. I'm already seeing students start to get sick- I think it's going to be a rough year. This thing is really a drag. Take care of yourself, folks.

Anyone else seeing this around your neck of the woods?

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A month ago I had some flu like symptoms, everything but the fever. I was at work and went to the doctor just in case, this was on a Monday. She told me everything right now is H1N1 and gave me a doctors order stay home for the week. The feeling lousy and tired lasted about two weeks even though I was able to go back to work after I was no longer contagious. I have had much worse flu's with high temperatures but this one lasted a while.

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They say it's going to be nasty this winter. Wouldn't you know this is the year that Zora is starting Kindergarten. I am a bit worried. I'm wondering if perhaps we should have her vaccinated.

EDIT: Just googled it and realized there is no actual vaccination for children. Oh well. I hope her immune system is up to snuff. She's a pretty tough kid.

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Had a very rough bout of severe cold some weeks ago - rough head and chest for weeks. In the end it took strong antibiotics to help clear it, otherwise I could have ended up with pneumonia. Unbelievably runny eyes, nose and bunged up lungs - and fatigue for days. I know it wasn't 'flu because my appetite went up if anything and I take an annual shot. Nasty stuff - get well soon.

Edited by sidewinder
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Why are you guys taking antibiotics? The flu is viral, antibiotics are useless against it.


Well, that's why I don't think what I have is the flu- it seems to be a bacterial infection. Believe me, I don't want to take antibiotics any more than necessary.

Edited by Free For All
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I started coming down with it (just regular flu, I believe/hope) last Thursday afternoon and am still not out of the woods yet...stayed home from work today and may do so again tomorrow. An added bummer is that we've been enjoying beautiful weather here in Bloomington; the contrast between the outdoor air and one's own sense of physical well-being exacerbates the irritation at being laid low.

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I had the flu...not the H1N1, but the garden variety, man of the street, average everyday flu.

It still sucked. $91 dollars worth of [not covered by my insurance] Theriflu killed it.

What worries me is this is still September...this is going to be a brutal flu season, folks.

Affordable health care now!!!

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So are people here getting (or going to get) flu shots?

There's the usual flu shot, and then the H1N1 shot, although I'm in a low risk demographic for that one. I usually don't get flu shots but am wondering if i should this year.

I still don't know what I had, the antibiotics definitely helped, so it must have been more than just a virus. And I don't know if I have any immunity against the other flu viruses.

I also don't know whether to get the stereo or mono Beatles box. So many important decisions...... :rolleyes:

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My wife's better. She definitely exhibited flu-like symptoms but the "virus" itself ran its course in less time than the typical 24 hour flu, so I'm wondering if it was something else like food poisioning.

Glad she's OK. Maybe she needs to read the "What's for Dinner" thread a little more closely....... :)

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On my way home from work I started shivering and felt rather poorly, got home, flopped on the sofa, took my temperature which was 38. The missus freaked, rang the hospital Swine flu line, hauled arse to the hospital, flu test, negative but the doc warned that full blown symptoms usually take 5 days to appear. He was worried given my history of bronchial problems, gave me some heavy duty antibiotics and medication to bring down my temperature. He was also concerned about my liver function but the test results were fine.

Today almost normal at 36.8 but feel exhausted and down. Hopefully it's just a viral infection like Holy Ghost's wife.

Thank goodness for the Japanese health service.

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On my way home from work I started shivering and felt rather poorly, got home, flopped on the sofa, took my temperature which was 38. The missus freaked, rang the hospital Swine flu line, hauled arse to the hospital, flu test, negative but the doc warned that full blown symptoms usually take 5 days to appear. He was worried given my history of bronchial problems, gave me some heavy duty antibiotics and medication to bring down my temperature. He was also concerned about my liver function but the test results were fine.

Today almost normal at 36.8 but feel exhausted and down. Hopefully it's just a viral infection like Holy Ghost's wife.

Thank goodness for the Japanese health service.

Hope you're getting better. Strangely, my wife's office assistant came down with a very similar "viral" infection, with identical symptoms and a very similar five hour or so time span. :mellow: Don't know what this is, but I don't think they had lunch together because she got sick a couple of days later, so I ruled out food poisoning. Whatever it is, its strange; very strange indeed.

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