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About AndrewHill

  • Birthday 10/16/1970

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    Cleveland, OH
  • Interests
    Philosophy, especially bioethics, jazz, poker, golfing, reading, and taking vacations, especially to Las Vegas.

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  1. I love to hear the connection that Joe had with KD; makes total sense and frankly there is no 60's side project (respectively) they did that was not a success (in my mind). Love KD's records with Joe too.
  2. In n Out (top JH for me) Our Thing (Andrew Hill, esp.) Mode for Joe (Sloppy at times but still a blistering record) You can't go wrong with 60's Joe at BN, they're all worth getting,
  3. Mentioned many times,The Fox is a must. Besides everything else with Hutch, if u can find it, get Xocia's Dance as mentioned is a find, but its on Muse so it can be a pain in the ass to find.
  4. Not here enough n I had to hear this terrible news from a friend. This is our Music, in my opinion, is the badassit record period: everyone is pissed off on the jacket n theres a white guy there just as pissed looking: brilliant photography, but the music is just as aggressive. OC knocked me sideways with this record.
  5. . Nice score on tauhid. Someone must've not known that's a $30+ record at least.
  6. Jim Hall is one of the best, up there with the best like in the ranks of Wes n Joe. Happy bday!
  7. Mcleans scene is a fav just because it really shows his erupt style in the prestige era: flawed brutal and brilliant all wrapped up in a sleeve photo that really shows his state: wicked package n a wicked date. 456 is a near top fav too.
  8. Side note: bout soul sounds like it could've been an ESP date.
  9. Listened today to some CDs who maybe some don't amount to jackies best 60's work, but I put on swing swang swingin ( ha, the only jmac my wife at the time found listenable) tippin' n consequence, and although they didn't knock me sideways, I certainly did enjoy them for what they're worth: the progression of a man trying a sort of styles that ultimately sounded like Jackie n no one else. And that is whats so enjoyable is that no matter the project it was his project. Reid miles adds to the excitement too, his album covers of the period were the sense of urgency: get this record now!!! Glad to own of his what I have. Yup to hipnosis n hi frequency as single disc reissues....
  10. Starting with let freedom to demons dance is a treasure: u get Jackie pushing it to back to hard bop n to me I'd wish he'd got more pointed (esp with ornettte) but I don't leave this work unamused; indeed I turn to let freedom ring n new n old gospep most
  11. Brotzz Sharrock?
  12. At an all time low ginger baker went back to his roots n went straight back to jazz (anyone own no material)?
  13. much love for ginger he sparred (on his own accord) with Blakey Elvin etc to show his talents ( he is talented n Blakey for arguments sake fell back on his usual technique) we're cool despite his doichebag behaviors but I wanted to correct a mistake I made about Phil Collins in this thread where I dismissed him; I couldn't be more wrong I'm embarrassed n wanted to clear up much love for his contribution to what's made genesis so great.
  14. Played a prestige w 50th modern jazz q/milt Jackson 5tet on my daughters new turntable while explaining rudys techniques and although her turntable was not top shelf ( she digs records and all that is involved!) his recording popped like a motherfucker nearly 60 years later n she said dad when was this recorded? Happy bday rvg, because of your engineering n progress in capturing sound my daughter knows who you are. Stay healthy n hopefully more years to come.
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