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  1. Past hour
  2. Papaito "Sonero" (SAR Records) 1980 .... great piano solo by Manolo Albo .... and Papaito is straining on the leash ....
  3. Today
  4. Ah, I see. Looks like a young Jennifer Connelly.
  5. 600×600 73.2 KB Something soothing. . . .Marisa Monte “Universo ao Meu Redor”
  6. Giant Beauty by أحمد [Ahmed] compositions by ahmed abdul-malik, re-imagined and arranged by [ahmed] pat thomas, piano seymour wright, alto saxophone joel grip, double bass antonin gerbal, drums Very challenging 5 cd set that is really not at all my cup of tea but I will work my way through. Really well recorded. I’m on the first disc. 700×700
  7. There's definitely a vinyl box set, but I don't know who sells it. Maybe it was a limited release and already OOP?
  8. I believe this is Marylou Mayniel aka Oklou herself ....
  9. Hard to resist the ingenious approach of Otmar Suitner ....
  10. Did I just hear Plas Johnson on Varitone?!?!?!?
  11. Gunn, the 1967 movie. Apparently on the racy side of YouTube’s viewing standards.
  12. Can't yet speak to the Blue Shroud work, but these are a couple of things that got me interested in Guy/LJCO. [Off-topic warning, they're NOT new releases] Double Trouble Two (2 movements) Harmos
  13. Yesterday
  14. Chief Adjuah, Bark Out Thunder Roar Out Lightning
  15. For reasons I don't even pretend to understand (aka Random Spotify Recommendation), I've become "interested" in Dizzy's Paris recordings from 1952 & 1953. I've got a copy of the complete 1953 Salle Pleyel concert on the way and am looking for an inexpensive copy of the Blue Star recordings. The Salle Pleyel gig is something I knew from it being parted out on Roulette in the 70s, but hearing it complete is a trip. That group was leaning in to backbeat (implied and literal) music in a way that anticipates the Messengers by a few years! The drummer Al Jones is bringing it! And Wade Legge! This one above is pretty nice. Material varies, as do arrangements, but Dizzy himself is just dandy, always. There's some good Don Byas as well. They seem to have all been 78s, so things are concise, and that highlights the exquisite expertise on display at every turn. AFAIK, the early 1950s are generally characterized as "Dizzy lost his big band and formed a night club combo with an emphasis on novelty tunes". Well, maybe so. But in Paris, anyway, it's not THAT simple. I think these records very neatly fill out the Dee Gee sides. Good stuff!
  16. Blue Shroud band having some fun https://sluchaj.bandcamp.com/album/in-the-light-of-the-current-myth
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