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Modern/Avant New Releases: A running thread


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I thought I'd go ahead and start a thread for the board's contingent of modern/avant/whathaveyou fans to keep up with new releases, which can just kind of come out of nowhere sometimes. So here's the place to post the goings-on over at Clean Feed, Firehouse 12, No Business, Not Two, Cuneiform, Tzadik, Intakt, Leo, Mode, Red Toucan, Delmark, 482, et al.

I submit these two killer-looking all-star sessions just out at the world's finest working record label:

Eric Revis' Parallax w/ Ken Vandermark, Jason Moran, and Nasheet Waits(!!)


Ingebrigt Haker-Flaten's NY Quartet w/ Joe McPhee, Joe Morris and Nate Wooley.


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Also coming soon on No Business: The Group - Live 1986 w/ Ahmed Abdullah, Marion Brown, Billy Bang, Sirone, Fred Hopkins, Andrew Cyrille.

Oh heck, another one to get from NoBusiness!

That group would be of interest to me. I'm not familiar with the label, though. Is it direct order, or will the usual suspects be dealing it?

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Also coming soon on No Business: The Group - Live 1986 w/ Ahmed Abdullah, Marion Brown, Billy Bang, Sirone, Fred Hopkins, Andrew Cyrille.

Oh heck, another one to get from NoBusiness!

That group would be of interest to me. I'm not familiar with the label, though. Is it direct order, or will the usual suspects be dealing it?

DG will stock it inconsistently, and JazzLoft should have it. But your best bet is the label, via eBay or their website. That's usually the cheapest option.

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Ingebrigt Haker-Flaten's NY Quartet w/ Joe McPhee, Joe Morris and Nate Wooley.


I like that one quite a bit, but then again I'm biased.

Looking forward to finally hearing The Group. No Business are pretty consistently interesting and the packages are always well done.

The "Funny Rat" thread used to be kind of a good go-to for new avant-garde release info, but I suppose it eventually got out of hand.

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what a great thread - could be costly! I'd spotted the two Clean feed's in Colinmce's op too - particularly intrigued by that Revis as I enjoy all the players in seperate situations

I'll add a recent one that's well worth a listen

Peter Brötzmann & Jason Adasiewicz

Going All Fancy

Brö-E CD

through Eremite


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Yeah, that's a good one. I really liked seeing the duo live.

Here's another impressive disc. Weasel Walter doesn't get enough props from the "traditional free jazz" cognoscenti, which is too bad, because I think his catalog is consistently of interest. Not coincidentally, ugEXPLODE (his label) is having quite a big sale thru mid-December:

ALRIGHT KIDS: here's the deal . . . you get 10 classic ugEXPLODE cd titles (10 different titles, no duplicates - all factory sealed, in mint condition) of my choosing for only TWENTY BUCKS including postage in the US. (foreign orders pay 20.00 plus u.s. post airmail shipping.)

paypal weaselw at juno dot com and a big box of noisy love will enter your life immediately. offer ends 12/15/12.

it is very likely that i will actually destroy much of my remaining cd overstock soon, so now's the time! there will never be a sale like this from me again. please show support. thanks.


Edited by clifford_thornton
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Yeah, that's a good one. I really liked seeing the duo live.

Here's another impressive disc. Weasel Walter doesn't get enough props from the "traditional free jazz" cognoscenti, which is too bad, because I think his catalog is consistently of interest. Not coincidentally, ugEXPLODE (his label) is having quite a big sale thru mid-December:

ALRIGHT KIDS: here's the deal . . . you get 10 classic ugEXPLODE cd titles (10 different titles, no duplicates - all factory sealed, in mint condition) of my choosing for only TWENTY BUCKS including postage in the US. (foreign orders pay 20.00 plus u.s. post airmail shipping.)

paypal weaselw at juno dot com and a big box of noisy love will enter your life immediately. offer ends 12/15/12.

it is very likely that i will actually destroy much of my remaining cd overstock soon, so now's the time! there will never be a sale like this from me again. please show support. thanks.


Clifford, how's the label in general? I'm intrigued by the sale offer, but don't want to end up with a pile of crap alt rock.

Edited by Stefan Wood
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It's a quality imprint, though almost everything on ugEX is pretty far out/rackety. I have most of the catalog and never encountered any clinkers, though "To Live and Shave in LA 2" was pushing it (absolutely bizarre). Luckily, there are preview links for almost every title so you can get an idea of whether it's something worth dipping into.

If you go for the "grab bag" idea, you might want to be prepared for a few post-punk/noise CDs to be thrown in as well (which I tend to like) - but hey, it's a good deal.

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as long as it's not inappropriate, I will plug our new 4 cd release, out in January on Music and Arts; with Kalaparusha, Matt Shipp, Noah Preminger, JD Allen, me, Ursula Oppens, Lewis Porter, Ken Peplowski, Randy Sandke, Ras Moshe, Christopher Meeder, Lou Grassi, Rob Wallace, Ray Suhy, and two Catholic nuns who wandered in when I wasn't paying attention. Title: Field Recordings.

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Yeah, that's a good one. I really liked seeing the duo live.

Here's another impressive disc. Weasel Walter doesn't get enough props from the "traditional free jazz" cognoscenti, which is too bad, because I think his catalog is consistently of interest. Not coincidentally, ugEXPLODE (his label) is having quite a big sale thru mid-December:

ALRIGHT KIDS: here's the deal . . . you get 10 classic ugEXPLODE cd titles (10 different titles, no duplicates - all factory sealed, in mint condition) of my choosing for only TWENTY BUCKS including postage in the US. (foreign orders pay 20.00 plus u.s. post airmail shipping.)

paypal weaselw at juno dot com and a big box of noisy love will enter your life immediately. offer ends 12/15/12.

it is very likely that i will actually destroy much of my remaining cd overstock soon, so now's the time! there will never be a sale like this from me again. please show support. thanks.


Clifford, how's the label in general? I'm intrigued by the sale offer, but don't want to end up with a pile of crap alt rock.

Do a youtube search under 'weasel walter' and you'll get the idea.

I really like a lot of this guys projects i see on there. Really kind of lo-fi and un-pretentious.

Edited by freelancer
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I'll add a recent one that's well worth a listen

Peter Brötzmann & Jason Adasiewicz

Going All Fancy


Exactly why I started this thread! I salivated at the thought but had no idea there was a record. Thanks.

Dive in without hestitation. It was everything I wanted it to be. I'm vey impressed by JA in every context and he plays very well in this context

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Anybody pick up the new 7 cd DKV Trio box put out by Not Two recently?

I've been eyeing that one since it's release but havn't nabbed it yet

Thanks for starting this thread Colin - great idea

regarding the Lithuanian No Business label - I buy directly from them -> send an email order then pay with Paypal after a confirmation

recently picked up the Howard Riley solo box from them -> wonderful material

the label is planning to release next year the "Melodic Art-Tet" (Charles Brackeen & Ahmed Abdullah) (70's)

Also directly buying from the Polish Not-Two label (carries Multikulti & Kilogram labels too) - picking up most of the Vandermark & Evan Parker releases (I think I may be getting the Resonance Box set as a Christmas present - my partner received a box/package from poland yesterday - she couldn't remember what is was, opened it in front of me & very quickly closed it. In those short few seconds I spied the Resonance Box!!!)

Edited by romualdo
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These 3 recent Clean Feed's are all winners:

Paradoxical Frog - Union

Michael Attias - Spun Tree (can't say enough about this one)

Angelica Sanchez - Wires & Moss

Another goodie on Cunieform is Living By Lanterns - New Myth/Old Science.

And don't forget the new Formanek on ECM - even better than The Rub And Spare Change.

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