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Everything posted by rostasi

  1. If you check my post, you’ll see that the third LP has bass overdubs of the first LP - making it a 21 track album.
  2. I just think that his Roomba® of Innovation got caught in the corner of Entertainment a long time ago and I find that unfortunate.
  3. My GB story is that when I would make regular trips to Linz, Austria, there was a wonderful restaurant named “p’aa”. A separate room in the back away from the main dining area used to show a Benson concert video. After not being able to really get away from seeing it on this huge screen, I’d laugh at the utter ridiculousness of him grandstanding to an audience that was damn near 90% old women who were just falling all over themselves just to get near him. It was pretty pathetic looking. The reason why this has stayed with me for so long is that I swear that this was the only video they had in this back bar because EVERY YEAR, without fail, whenever I walked into this restaurant (usually 3 or 4 times/year), it would be playing. I gotta think that that was the real reason that it closed around 2017.
  4. The Complete Ella Fitzgerald Song Books (I mention this, so that you can get an overall view of the individual albums. Next step: Are there songs that she might, on occasion, whistle or sing around the house that may be some classic ones that Ella sings?)
  5. I think Mrs. Big Al is looking for an Ella collection in general - not an Xmas collection.
  6. I miss the Schirn. Wonderful place. When I get traveling again, I'll be there.
  7. All of it - all of it, really. I think my 12 year old ears just kept taking in all of those sounds chronologically thru the vinyl - and then compounded by the fact that the sides kept getting longer - except when it got to Saturday with that long atonal beginning section. Speechless. Anyway, many copies plowed thru - much to the chagrin of family members - using headphones while clattering behind a trap drum set much of the time. It's time to revisit...
  8. I think I was more moved by this album than I was when Bitches Brew came out - either that or I just kept getting overwhelmed with each release. I do remember, as a youngster, almost always crying during certain sections of this because I just couldn't imagine that what I was hearing was actually being performed live. Peak times were during "Friday..." and "Saturday Miles."
  9. Ukrainian Field Notes is a 567-page A5 fully illustrated book with color and black and white photos featuring interviews with 170 Ukrainian musicians, volunteers, and filmmakers. It chronicles the first year of the full-scale invasion and traces the human stories behind the music. From revised setups and playlists to different approaches to sound, the artists involved discuss PTSD, belliphonic sounds, phantom air sirens, the ethics of performing live in times of war, and the changing face of the clubbing scene under curfew restrictions. The book aims to give agency back to Ukrainians by collecting first-hand accounts of those on the ground and the displaced.
  10. Ken Vandermark: Reeds Mars Williams: Reeds Jeb Bishop: Trombone, Guitar Kent Kessler: Bass Tim Mulvenna: Drums
  11. Yeah, the turkeys are what I emphasize during this time of the year tho.
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