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Everything posted by JETman

  1. I have a US copy of Blue Rose, and French copies of Bal Masque and A Drum is a Woman.
  2. Amazon UK Marketplace sellers do NOT subtract VAT from their prices, even for non-European buyers. They do not operate within the same set of rules that "Papa" Amazon does. And yes, based on the US shipping address that you use, any Amazon site knows that you are in the US. When you order from Amazon UK (or DE or FR) proper, VAT is automatically subtracted out from the price listed on the website. For example, if you order an item listed at 10 GBP, your price (as long as your shipping address falls outside of the European Union) would show up as 10/1.2 = 8.33 GBP. Note that VAT percentages are different on the other Amazon Euro sites.
  3. I believe the one you're referring to is "Inversions" on Muworks Records. It's from 1992, and is worth the search. Sadly, it's out of print, but should be relatively easy to find.
  4. And it's a double cd! Thanks for posting.
  5. You mean you didn't enjoy today's game?
  6. Surely you've heard of the Yankees and Red Sox. Just sayin'.
  7. Tsuris! If you're as cool they say, lay off. Posting here should NOT be a miserable experience.
  8. Personally, I think schools with a high incidence of heroin abuse should be called IV League. Not the complete story, but why should we expect anything more from someone whose hallowed halls were as close to Ivy as China is to Mexico.
  9. I suppose I owe you an apology. The inclination to correct others is indeed unbecoming. In my defense, I will say that I do check my facts. Were I to continually correct people with misinformation I'd justly be considered arrogant, annoying and, of course, intellectually suspect. You're walking a very fine line here. I'd be careful. Your smugness is bordering on disgusting. True to form, I'd say.
  10. I will give you points for that. Never heard it called Division 4 before.....and I have had and have family members who have gone, or are currently. Where did you think the term "Ivy" came from??????? Can we all now agree that universities can be rich, well known, highly regarded and well attended (with waiting lists numbering in the thousands) without the need for a revenue generating sports program??????
  11. Take your own advice! Mr. Radio Dude, EVERY comment that has been made here is pertinent to the Sandusky case. Broaden your mind and maybe you'll see that. In the meantime, if you don't like what you read, move along. It's really that simple. Or, here's an idea, make a well-thought out, meaningful contribution. Better yet, make one at the PSU board. I'm sure you'll find many like-minded people there. Tiddly-Winks Team Captain Exactly, JetMan. Some people here just don't get it. Mike comes from a BBS which encourages verbal clutter and mental vagrancy. Well put, my friend. Mr. Hijacking busy at work!! That other BBS is the one at which you've been banned for life, right? And at your behest, Mike. Here, you actually have to tolerate opposing views, not insult them. I left on my own terms by waving bye-bye with my verbal knuckles knowing full well what would happen. Best decision I ever made on the Web. Now stay on topic. Translation: Here they have moderators. I can't act they way I did on a board I was banned twice before finally being banned for life. I left on my own terms by insulting amongst other things other members manhood, intelligence and sexuality. Never mind how I treated the female members. Now to on topic. Everyone knows just how much you were concerned about the victims in this case. There are two threads which you can't edit anything out to show just how much you cared. You cared so much about the victims....Aggie87 had to ask you this. "I hope you're quicker to report things when you find out about them than McQueary and Paterno were. For the victim's sakes." You do realize there are no Division IV schools in College? There are Division IV schools on the High School level in different states. There absolutely are. Say the roman numerals "IV" once to yourself. If you still don't get it, try again!
  12. Jealousy? Probably not even envy. I think Jim's got it. http://www.diffen.com/difference/Envy_vs_Jealousy I'm assuming you were beaten up often in high school. I'm sure your petulance wouldn't have gone over too well in Midwood.
  13. Mr. Radio Dude, EVERY comment that has been made here is pertinent to the Sandusky case. Broaden your mind and maybe you'll see that. In the meantime, if you don't like what you read, move along. It's really that simple. Or, here's an idea, make a well-thought out, meaningful contribution. Better yet, make one at the PSU board. I'm sure you'll find many like-minded people there. Tiddly-Winks Team Captain OK rollhead......wink, wink Do you know what the Division 4 schools are? I wouldn't have been caught dead going to PSU!
  14. Mr. Radio Dude, EVERY comment that has been made here is pertinent to the Sandusky case. Broaden your mind and maybe you'll see that. In the meantime, if you don't like what you read, move along. It's really that simple. Or, here's an idea, make a well-thought out, meaningful contribution. Better yet, make one at the PSU board. I'm sure you'll find many like-minded people there. Tiddly-Winks Team Captain
  15. So if you've got the Sony 4 cd Hot Fives/Sevens box AND the RCA 4 cd box, you've got at least 8 of these 10 cd's?
  16. If there's no new mastering. . . no sense buying this one. But. . .seems unlikely. I'm guessing that Sony's Pop Market arm will be releasing this. Does anyone know if the scaled back version of the Billie set they put out last year has new mastering when compared to the deluxe version that came out in 2001? I asked a few people who have access to the latest, scaled-back version of the Billie Holiday set and they told me it does not have new mastering, it has the same mastering as the older big box. I think it's very unlikely the upcoming Armstrong box will be newly remastered. We can only hope
  17. The only money losers would be the ones that receive no revenue from TV contracts and/or make no bowl appearances. Even that would be a stretch. And those wouldn't even lose money if they cut down on the free rides. There is no community outreach reasoning in the big 4 states (PA, FL, TX and CA) which produce most of the professional football player population! Funny thing -- my Division 4 school had absolutely no problem attracting students without even so much as a hint of athletic glory!
  18. If there's no new mastering. . . no sense buying this one. But. . .seems unlikely. I'm guessing that Sony's Pop Market arm will be releasing this. Does anyone know if the scaled back version of the Billie set they put out last year has new mastering when compared to the deluxe version that came out in 2001?
  19. http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/06/22_college_football_programs_m.html Has the NCAA's actions gained so much respect from you that you actually believe everything that it says? I doubt there's anybody on this board that has more loathing for the NCAA than I do and that began a long time before the Penn State fiasco. But I also have read from multiple sources that college athletic programs generally operate in the red. You called it a ridiculous statement without putting up anything to refute it. I'll admit I'm wrong if you can find some documentation. I'd also be surprised if Penn State's football program wasn't operating in the black. First of all, there is no such thing as "believable" documentation on the net. Secondly, why in the hell would universities run these programs if not to make money? Good will? AFAIC, it's your perogative to remain ig'nant!
  20. On this point, we completely agree, JetMan. Well put. As to hockey, well...if slashing an opponent or beating the crap out of somebody after a hard chuck against the glass is humble and law abiding, then perhaps we are at cross purposes. That stuff is punishable by arrest/jail on the street, but hockey gets a free pass. I have a real hard time with that. Well, there could be a couple of reasons you feel that way. SF isn't exactly a hockey town, ya know? Checks against the boards are well within the rules of the game. There have been a few hockey players, btw, who have been prosecuted for actions clearly outside of the rules of the game -- but still taking place on a rink, NOT in a public place where the rest of us reside! This is a key point. Hockey players in general are more humble because a) many come from humble beginnings and b) most have a respect for the sport which far exceeds the respect they have even for themselves. Try teaching these things to football, basketball or even baseball players. http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/06/22_college_football_programs_m.html Has the NCAA's actions gained so much respect from you that you actually believe everything that it says?
  21. But to accuse every large program of running dens of sexual abuse of minors is making a ridiculous leap. Where did I say THIS? This particular issue is but one of MANY issues that point to the LARGER problem. School athletic departments generally don't make money. THIS may be the most ridiculous statement I've read in these parts! And Goodie, I am not pissed about the scholarships. I am pissed about what they engender. I am pissed about the message they send to kids who do not have athletic talent. I am pissed that athletes can get away with behaving like scum and still succeed in life while acting like they are above the law. I am pissed that these kids are not generally using these scholarships to become more intelligent and well rounded human beings. I am NOT advocating for the elimination of college sports. I AM advocating for placing a greater emphasis on producing human behavior which is normal and clearly within the confines of the law. An education helps to guide people towards this goal. These athletes are, unfortunately, more concerned with other things. AFAIC, how the big-time college sports programs are perceived and promoted is an indirect, if not a direct cause of this. Funny thing -- you do not usually see professional hockey players popping up in the news on a regular basis. Many of them go to college, and participate in big-time NCAA programs. Have you ever wondered why these guys are so humble and law-abiding when compared to players in the other 3 major sports?
  22. I am saying that the majority of professional athletes are encouraged into a feeling of "self-entitlement". I am even saying that the majority of professional athletes are NOT what I would call model citizens. Let's go even further back along the lines of your argument: I am even saying that maybe, just maybe, the fact that these schools DO make tons of money from the use of athletes is the cause of the problems encountered in this arena (no pun intended, obviously, since more of this bs happens in the basketball world than in the football world!). I would contend that there are NOT "too many issues" going on in my argument. It's really only comes down to ONE issue. Don't be fooled into thinking that the schools are making athletic scholarships available in order to give the poor and disenfranchised a fair crack at college. These kids are being used and turned out. Nobody's really minding the store (despite the perception of minimum GPA requirements) and many, if not most, are coming out no smarter than when they went in. After how many soundbytes of athletes being interviewed have you come away thinking "boy that guy REALLY sounds intelligent"??? To go even further along the lines of your argument: shouldn't ALL students with ANY kind of prowess be EQUALLY entitled to some sort of scholarship? I noticed that you just glossed over my 2nd point above!
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