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Everything posted by Aggie87

  1. Org. board member Soulstream is all over the Billy Gibbons episode, check it out - Mike's rockin' the organ! And he's got his regular organ trio gig at the Continental Club in Austin, go see him if you're in town. It's well worth it! You might see him with Jimmie Vaughan or many other fantastic guitarists. And he's a great guy to boot.
  2. I see the LTIA sun on that poster! This was the poster for the first KC show I saw, at a large festival in Wiesbaden:
  3. Or pay employees reasonable wages, negating the requirement for a tip in the first place.
  4. Something I don't understand about tipping (at least in the U.S.) - why does Starbucks expect you to tip them but McDonald's doesn't? Is there any fundamental difference in what the service is? They are preparing food or drink for you and you pay them for said food/drink. Why does Starbucks have tip jars by the register and at the drive-thru window? Are their employees more deserving of a tip than a McDonald's employee?
  5. http://espn.go.com/blog/nflnation/post/_/id/160678/twitter-reaction-to-seattle-seahawks-fourth-quarter-interception All of these NFL players (who I'd assume have more knowledge about football than you, but then again there are no guarantees) feel like it was a terrible play call. I don't see a comparable article compiling NFL player comments that say "Great Call! Too Bad it was intercepted".
  6. I apologize. Clearly you are the expert and we are all idiots and you hate us. Whether we are older than you and have watched and evaluated more football than you or not. Simply doesn't matter. You're the expert. Your opinion rules. Nobody else's can possibly be valid for themselves.
  7. So YOU are saying it's NOT common sense to defend against the most likely play the Seahawks would and should call?? That's exactly what the Patriots did.
  8. If I'm Pete Carroll and the Pats come in with that defensive package, I either run Marshawn Lynch up the middle anyway (since there's a 50/50 chance he gains a yard or two anyway, since he'd been averaging 4+ yards per carry the entire game), or run a QB option around the end with Lynch trailing, giving Wilson the option to keep it or pitch it. Never a pass. That wasn't a tricky or clever defensive call by the Patriots, it was common sense to try to defend against what the Seahawks likely call in that situation on the 1 or 2 yard line - i.e. Lynch up the middle. Carroll tried to be clever instead and it cost them the game.
  9. Tempting! Maybe I can drive out in my RV. Can I hook up at your place?
  10. I'd love to see The Church, but not during SXSW unfortunately. I wish they were coming to Austin at a different time of year.
  11. Which means dick. For my purpose it meant that most people don't seem to have as high an opinion of Mr. Winston as Cali has.
  12. How about Philly on May 28, Aggggggggggg? Now why on earth do you think I have any affiliation with Philly?? Yeah, might have to consider that one for sure!
  13. I apologize for the "Not much else" part. Uncalled for on my part.
  14. More people - in every single state - think Winston is going to be a bust in the NFL, according to the current poll on ESPN.
  15. You come across as a serious Winston fan boy. Not much else. His team was undefeated, nobody's arguing that. They were barely undefeated against a not-very-tough schedule, and had to come from behind to do so, and Winston threw more interceptions this season than the previous one. He didn't have as good a season. Playing a good opponent finally in Oregon, they were blown out 59-20. That tells me FSU were overrated this season.
  16. Would be nice if he decided to pass through Texas again some day.
  17. If he worked as hard as you claim and was as great as you claim, FSU would have absolutely dominated their opponents this season. But they didn't. Winston played only as well as he had to to pull out come-from-behind wins against lesser teams with lesser talent all season long. He made mistakes, poor decisions (how about pushing that ref ON THE FIELD DURING THE GAME and getting away with it - for most players that's an automatic ejection). In retrospect TCU should've been the 4th team in the playoffs based on their performance, not FSU. But FSU got it only because they got the benefit of the doubt due to their weak, undefeated status. Winston's got a more prototypical build and arm for the pros than Johnny Football did. I'd still be just as wary of drafting him as teams were with Manziel.
  18. His off field transgressions certainly bolster the claims that's he's not very bright, and is coddled and has a sense of entitlement. I've never suggested he's not talented on the field. I don't think he works as hard as you obviously do, but I resent the suggestion that I'm being racist because of it.
  19. Right Kinda Guy. I put it in quotes before using the acronym. Sorry, i assumed that made sense.
  20. I think he's just got enough natural talent that superseded his need to work hard. But he doesn't strike me as the brightest guy in the world - witness this recent quote regarding FSU's first loss with him at QB: "It hurts badder than whatever you can imagine". Who says "badder"? If it were just the rape allegations alone, and there was an immediate response by the university AND the Tallahassee PD, and they determined there was not enough evidence to indict him, that's one thing. But stonewalling as long as they did is VERY curious. And then look at the other things - shooting squirrels on campus, shooting up an apartment complex to the tune of $5K worth of damage, stealing soda from Burger King, stealing Crab Legs from the supermarket, and making very misogynistic comments in the middle of a school cafeteria or somewhere. He's consistently shown himself to not be very bright, if you ask me. And entitled. Which makes me think it's VERY possible he raped a woman, and that there were coverups involved.
  21. Footage just showed up yesterday on youtube of King Crimson's "Cat Food", from the BBC Top of the Pops. It was apparently re-broadcast on a german show, which is where this is sourced. Never saw this before, but it's cool! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8t4lYNjS0Y
  22. While that may all be true, Mariota is the "right kinda guy". Winston simply isn't. I'd rather have a RKG that is hard working and teachable lead my team than a (probable) rapist who has the tools but a 10 cent brain.
  23. I think the only reason FSU made it to the playoffs was their undefeated status, and the fact they were defending national champs. Certainly not their play. If you look at their performances all season long, they struggled against a very soft schedule for the most part. They were very lucky to be undefeated at the end of the regular season. Not dominant at all. I think any of the other three teams in the playoffs would have dominated them just like Oregon did.
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