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Everything posted by Aggie87

  1. I'd like to see Howard in a Rockets uni. I think he could fit in well with Harden & Lin - maybe they replace Parsons or Asik with him. Didn't seem like he ever complemented Gasol very well, and had a difficult time exerting dominance on the floor while Kobe was out there, too. Just didn't fit the Lakers very well.
  2. Not excited about the Cowboys' night. Dropped from 18 to 31 and then picked up a center (Travis Frederick) who could have been had in the 2nd or 3rd round most likely. Don't think he's necessarily a bad player, just picked way too early. Blah. I think the Vikings did well, all things considered, ending up with 3 first round picks, all of whom should be solid contributors.
  3. Do you think the Jets will dump Tebow before the season starts? I'm not sure there's a trade market at all for him, nor do I think he's even a decent #2 QB - the Jets apparently agreed when they bypassed him last season for 3rd stringer McElroy. I think Tebow's best bet is to try to switch to FB or TE or something - I don't see him ever being an NFL caliber starting QB.
  4. Starting a new thread for this NFL season, since the draft is 2 days away. I think this is a good point to begin the discussion for the upcoming season! My team (Cowboys) switched to a 4-3 defense under new coordinator Monte Kiffin. Not a Kiffin Jr. fan, but hopefully the old man's got something in his tank. So the Cowboys need some d-line help for the switch, and I can see them going with someone like Sylvester Williams if he's available at #18. What they really need (more) is some upgrade on the offensive line though, so I'd like to see them nab somebody in the first round who can help there. Their O-Line flat out stinks.
  5. This will be available on CD too, right? I know 8 track and vinyl and digital, but I'm interested in a cd version.
  6. Thanks all! Looking forward to some time with my wife and family for the weekend. Maybe squeeze a bier in somewhere too!
  7. Thanks gents! Looking forward to a nice weekend with my wife and kids, and visiting my mother. Family is the best way to spend a birthday, I think.
  8. Looks like Paul Shaffer and Joe Piscopo playing with Miles, Nojjy! LOL
  9. Loved the pics on your Facebook page, Mike! Wish I could have been there. I'll have to settle for seeing you at the Continental Club again some time I guess!
  10. That worked for you. This particular channel isn't on any cable network, other than Comcast, which is part owner of the station (via NBC). The Astros and Rockets are majority owners of the station. I assume it's on Comcast anyway, in Houston. Not on Dish or DirecTV either. I don't think Comcast has that big of a chunk of Houston, either. Comcast isn't even available in my city. So it's not an option.
  11. We are a secondary market for Houston and see those adds often here in Corpus. I'm not interested in paying extra for channels like this. I pay enough as it is, and got the games before. If the channels that used to carry Astros/Rockets games no longer carry them, just remove those channels from the expanded basic service and replace them with the ones that do carry them. At no cost to me. Outside of the season opening win vs. the Rangers, I'm not sure they've shown another Astros game this season here.
  12. Opened up CNN.com to check the headlines, only to find myself face to face with Thelonious Monk! Not a bad thing at all. The article's about the Baroness Pannonica. Nice to see that hitting the mainstream media. http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/11/showbiz/hannah-rothschild-jazz-baroness/index.html?hpt=hp_c1
  13. Excellent show tonight! Much better than I was expecting. He did most of the tunes from his new album and a handful from the Smiths. "Muscular" might be a good description, but without being "macho". It definitely rocked. For the last 2 tunes of the encore ("I Fought the Law" and "How Soon is Now?") he brought out an old childhood friend, Billy Duffy from the Cult. Said as long as they've known each other, they had never actually played together before tonight. I was wondering how much Smiths stuff he'd perform. I don't know much about Marr's solo work -I assume that's him singing as well? I've always dug The Cult too, cool that Duffy played.
  14. Mine is 2210/5000. Can you scan the inside page of your booklet with the 996/1000 marking?
  15. 2-6 baby! Astros riding a one game winning streak! (still trusting you, Goodspeak, that the Astros will finish 3rd in the AL West)
  16. Aggie87

    Grant Green

    I was a big VfB supporter for a time. I don't keep up with the Bundesliga as much anymore, but they were a fun team to support. Sad to hear that Vinyl West closed (I think Sidewinder/Bob mentioned that to me on here a while back as well). Tom was a very knowledgeable guy to talk with, I enjoyed my chats with him. It's funny that you and I may have been in the store at the same time browsing. Also getting back on topic - I spun The Complete Quartets with Sonny Clark earlier this evening, thanks to this thread. I've always loved that set - never had the original LPs, but it's an absolutely indispensable cd set for me.
  17. Aggie87

    Grant Green

    I enjoyed reading that, Steve. I was a regular at both Lerche locations on the Konigstrasse in Stuttgart, and World of Music, from Jan 1999 through November 2003, when I lived there. I liked the jazz selection there, and WoM's as well. I liked WoM better for their regular rock/pop selection though. And there was one small music store near Christophstrasse that I used to go in as well, called Einklang - they had a nice jazz selection and some very good deals. Plus zweitausendeins. I miss all of those stores! Even MediaMarkt had some good deals occasionally. For used cds & vinyl, I also used to visit Vinyl West, where I met fellow board member Sidewinder once (good guy too, with far better taste in music than me). And another used store called Second Hand Records. I don't know if either are still there though.
  18. You're either vastly overestimating the talent on the Astros, or much more optimistic about them than I am. I'm not familiar with the AL West teams, being new to the AL in general. But I still think the Astros will end up being the worst team in MLB this season. For the third year in a row.
  19. I enjoyed the win last night, and the pageantry of the first game. Not realistic that the Astros are going to do much more than be cellar dwellers, but it sure would be nice to see them exceed everyone's expectations. Rooting for Bo Porter and Jose Altuve at any rate!
  20. The 80's called. They want their Jane Fonda workout tape and headband back.
  21. Aggie87

    Grant Green

    Has anybody ever picked up this Grant Green compilation: I found it in the bins at Musikhaus Lerche in Stuttgart about 10 years ago, and wanted to buy it. But when I went to the counter for them to fish the actual CD out from behind the counter, they couldn't find the disc! Only copy I've ever seen anywhere. I think I have all of the tracks on it on their original discs, so not a big deal musically, just thought it was a cool thing to come across. There are copies on the Amazon marketplace, but they start at $70+, so way too rich for my blood.
  22. Ha - I kinda doubt that - out of the frying pan into the jumbo frying pan. I don't know any Astros fans that are actually excited about the move to the AL. It was forced on the team as a condition of sale from Drayton McLane to Jim Crane. So far Crane hasn't don't much to impress me. But we'll see. BTW, slightly off topic, but does anyone remember the White Sox wearing shorts in '76? Bizarre!
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