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Everything posted by Aggie87

  1. I am in on this too - really looking forward to it! I was lucky enough to catch Mike & Jimmie Vaughan a few weeks ago in Austin, and the interplay between them is a thing of beauty. Along with the surprise guest appearance of Lazy Lester! Looking forward to hearing Mike & Jimmie together in the studio - AND Billy Gibbons AND Alejandro Escovedo AND Gary Clark Jr!
  2. I have found that the weeks that I go out on a limb and pick some upsets, I generally fail miserably. Now I'm scared to pick against the grain for just about anything!
  3. In related news, Bobby Keys passed away the day before.
  4. Maybe you should just delete that extra account, since it's not being used and has never had picks made for it.
  5. It would be cool if TomatBlueNote showed up here.
  6. I don't like Jerry Jones at all, and really don't think Jason Garrett is a very good coach. I don't think he was that good of a coordinator either, for that matter. But I can root for the players - it's not their fault that Jones has saddled them with such poor coaching and management decisions, drafting, and on and on, for years. For decades.
  7. I'm not scared of you!!!! Since I'm in the pool, be afraid, be very afraid!
  8. I really hope they put out a live cd from this tour, would love to hear this incarnation play! Of course a studio release would be perfectly fine as well!
  9. I'm still trying to overcome my horrible Week 2, but at least I regained a pulse if nothing else! Some good competition going on this season!
  10. He also appeared previously on her album "West". Looking forward to the new one! He's actually supported a number of female artists - Jenny Scheinman, Bonnie Raitt, Petra Haden, Shawn Colvin, Abigail Washburn, Carrie Rodriguez, Rickie Lee Jones, Laura Veirs, Norah Jones, Sarah Siskind, Laurie Anderson, and Blu Cantrell - and that's just in the past 15 or so years.
  11. I just picked up John Zorn's "Testament of Solomon", which is performed by the Gnostic Trio (Bill Frisell, Carol Emanuel, and Kenny Wolleson). This is the Gnostic Trio's fourth recording, and very good. It's meditative music I suppose, for lack of a better description, but very beautiful. Anybody else keeping up with them? As with anything Zorn, they're hard to keep up with. This only came out in August, and yet there's apparently already another Gnostic Trio recording coming out in October - Transmigration of the Magus - though it expands the lineup from a trio to a sextet, so I suppose it's different than the first four recordings. Here's a track from the previous record: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECRgwwoPQ-E
  12. From all of the reviews & comments I've seen, it should be well worth your time, Buzzzz!!!
  13. Caught the Mike Flanigin Trio with Jimmie Vaughan last night in Austin. They laid down some tasty greaze and blues. As an added bonus blues legend Lazy Lester hopped up on stage and sat in for a bit. Highlights of the show for me were Sugar Coated Love w/Lester, Thunderbird, and a sublime version of St. James Infirmary. Mike, Jimmie, and Frosty: Lester sitting in: With board-member Mike: With Jimmie:
  14. "Most Consecutive Incorrect 5 Aggie" LOL that can't be good.
  15. There's a 2cd King Crimson tour box available on Burning Shed and DGM right now (and at the King Crimson shows which just started last night in Albany) , which has alot of unreleased material on it from throughout the band's career. It also contains rehearsals from the current lineup. This is the only place the current lineup has been issued on CD at the moment.
  16. I'll do it again, what the heck.
  17. Rest in Peace, Robin. I didn't like every movie he made, though a handful were excellent IMO - Dead Poets Society, Good Morning Vietnam, The Fisher King, Good Will Hunting, World According to Garp. And maybe What Dreams May Come. His quick wit, intelligence, and comic talent were undeniable.
  18. Aggie87

    Norah Jones

    On the topic of Norah Jones, I actually somewhat enjoy her two country albums (The Little Willies group she leads). And the rock album she did as well - El Madmo. Her "normal" albums haven't really impressed me as much, though I certainly think she's very talented at what she does.
  19. Welcome back, haven't seen you in a while!
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