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Johnny E

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Everything posted by Johnny E

  1. Now I want to rent a movie from Netflix to test this baby out. What movie has the best modern surround sound? And please make it a movie I can watch, not some stupid ass Bruce Willis blow em' up shit. Thanks
  2. Damn! But seriously, I've heard that some of the Pullen Blue Note stuff is rare. And this is the first time I've ever seen this CD, and I search the used shops daily.
  3. Just pickd this up in a used CD shop in Seattle. I been looking for it for a long long time. IS this thing rare or what?
  4. Who cares, football sucks.... I know, I know - Why does Johnny E hate America?
  5. Maybe this fine lady is what you need toi get you excited about tennis... ...uh, maybe if I were 51 or 61! OK, Steffi Graf, but that's my final offer...
  6. Maybe this fine lady is what you need toi get you excited about tennis...
  7. Guess that explains why Richard Simmons is so happy all the time.
  8. No problem Al. It is truely a horrible horrible thing that has taken place. A momentary lapse of reason is completely understandable.
  9. I grew up on Breyer's Butter Almond flavored Ice Cream. When I moved to Seattle they didn't have Breyer's at all here. But in the past few years it has found it's way onto the Pacific NW grocery shelves...but NO BUTTER ALMOND! Do they still make that flavor?
  10. I'm from Philly, now living ion Seattle, so I have a little insight, for what it's worth. Raising a family? Seattle, hands down. My brother moved his family out here a few years ago and he feels like it was the best thing he ever did for his kids. Good schools, less crime, liberal minded people. You'll be losing the cheesesteaks and hoagies, but you'll be gaining the Thai food and Dungenese crab. It's so much cleaner here, and you have rain forrest, desert, Cascade & Olympic mountains, Pacific ocean, and Canada all within a few hours of the city. Wadiya got in Philly? The Poconos? One thing though...if you do move back to Seattle, could you pick me up a box of Peanutbutter KandyKakes?
  11. Now Reading: Imperial Hubris: Why the West Is Losing the War on Terror ~and~ Inner Game of Tennis
  12. Flys in the house. Luckily in Seattle we mainly have the small ones that buzz around stupidly in the center of the room. Most people don't even have screens. But for some reason, last night we had three big green headed ones that kept landing on our food and flying straight into our face. Blah!
  13. Cheech and Chong 'plot comeback' Cult comedy duo Cheech and Chong are to reunite for their first film in almost 20 years, according to a report. Jesus recently pleaded guilty to drug paraphernalia charges The pair - Cheech Marin and Tommy "Jesus" Chong - are in the early stages of making a new film, their first since 1984, the Hollywood Reporter said. Cheech and Chong were stars of six wacky comedies about dope-loving hippies in the 1970s and 80s, and decided on a comeback when they realised how popular the films still were, the report said. "We've seen our audience grow and grow, even in the 20 years since we stopped creating stuff," Marin told the Hollywood Reporter. "The albums and the movies have become a rite of passage for each generation as they grow up." The pair already have the story mapped out and will bring another writer on board to help with the script. "The world is ripe and ready for a new Cheech and Chong movie, especially considering they have a whole new generation of fans out there," said Kent Alterman, executive at film studio New Line. Marin said the pair now had "a better understanding" of each other and working with Chong again was "the easiest thing I've ever done". Now 57, Marin had a role in police drama Nash Bridges for five years until 2001, and will soon be seen in new comedy The Ortegas - the US version of UK hit The Kumars at Number 42. Perspective Chong's biggest role since the pair's last film was a recurring part in That 70s Show. The duo's first film hit, 1978's Up in Smoke, "put the 60s in perspective", Chong said. "Now we need to put the 90s and 2000s in perspective and tell everyone that you can still laugh a little." Chong recently pleaded guilty in a US court to conspiring to sell drug paraphernalia. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/3090533.stm
  14. Go on, have a read, they won't bite you.
  15. Monktail Records just released it's third CD this past month. It is by the self-professed "Bop-Core Trio" FLOSS. AAJ reviews it here: And in case you missed it, please read my article in Earshot jazz magazine about Floss here:
  16. Jim that's so great! Nice tub! It looks like a really nice place to take a shit My wife and I just bought a house and she is 4 months pregnant. I am getting ready to start re-doing my bathroom too! Mind if I PM you if I have any questions? I hope I can get it done before the baby is born, but since I just sank $900 on getting car fixed....I don't know.
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