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Everything posted by jlhoots

  1. Among others Pee Wee Russell, Hampton Hawes, Art Pepper.
  2. No prize fight here. The writing was great.
  3. Stefon Harris & Blackout tomorrow night. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Hope the "vocoder" is kept to a minimum.
  4. I think it's a fair price too - especially since I paid $19.80 online (no tax or shipping). My copy has been sent.
  5. Still one of my favorites. Lawyers, Guns & Money; Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner, etc., etc.
  6. Strange title, never heard of the author, not very impressive cover. Therefore it far exceeded my expectations, & I endorse it highly. Compelling writing IMHO. I'm happy a friend suggested that I read it. There's already a sequel of sorts called The Gourmet. BTW, the UK cover is nicer. I don't know how much more I would pay for that, but between the two, that's the one I would opt for. I wouldn't pay more for the cover either, but that one sure is better. I purchased a fairly inexpensive paperback version via Amazon.
  7. I see you're still watching Lon. What keeps drawing you back? As you know, I like the series.
  8. Muriel Barbery: The Elegance Of The Hedgehog
  9. I ordered Fearless Leader from the same source on Wed.. Hopefully they had more than 1 copy & mine will arrive soon.
  10. has been mentioned before, the other two are not much more expansive, e.g., between 14 and 16 at amazon marketplace Yes - I picked up Fearless Leader yesterday for $15.58 + shipping (the usual $2.98).
  11. So do I. I also often return to the Tiny Bell Trio.
  12. Looks like we all agree. What a novelty.
  13. I agree with that. Interesting to see the varied opinions. In its own way there were times that the MJQ swung just like the Basie band.
  14. Probably currently the best series on TV. I respect Lon's objections. However these "issues" don't mar the show for me.
  15. Pentangle: The Time Has Come (1967-1973) - 4 CD set I know - only partly jazz, but really good.
  16. I'm a fan too. Good player.
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