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Everything posted by JSngry

  1. Sanborn on Phillip Wilson and the St. Louis scene in general: https://iverson.substack.com/p/tt-404-david-sanborn-on-phillip-wilson Check it out.
  2. I remember playing pencil drums to Beatles records when I was 12 or so. That took time, trying to hang on every beat and fill. Now I know that Ringo was the shit, so, work finished. Onward.
  3. Mid-70s, I met a dude who worked at the Dallas Peaches who came up with Sanborn in St. Louis. I got snarky about Sanborn and this guy set me straight, telling me how Sanborn used to shed with Oliver Lake, just working on sound and altissimo. Between Oliver Lake, Hank Crawford, and Stevie Wonder's harmonica playing...there you go. No need for bebop, there's something to do for yourself.
  4. From 2-13 is hardly working with a fully developed adult mind. And pop music is not, mostly, deeply substantial. Nostalgia becomes content. Content itself remains unchanged, and there's only so much there to figure out. The last time I got remotely engaged with Beatles music was with the Mono box, especially on The White Album. Other than that, time flies because I'm just not paying attention because...who cares? It's not like there's any new music in there. If anything, it's annoying as fuck waiting for it to be over. One of the rare exceptions to this personal rule is Pet Sounds. I bought the sessions box but decided not to listen to it because...there goes the discovery. It's pop music. The game is different.
  5. I don't know about people like "us", but I started liking his records around the time of Hideaway, some more than others, some more "commercial" than others, but all of them very musical. Always. I always liked him with Gil Evans. He was in over his head, but he knew it and just went ahead, stepped on his dick, did the work, learned the lessons, and came out better for having done so. Always humble about his music, no matter how much success he had with it So if that's who "us" is, I'll take it. Otherwise...
  6. So I don't always hear them well. Online searches yield the following results 1. Slow Change https://unspeakableasheck.blogspot.com/2018/04/slow-change.html?m=1 Free soul soul free touch me feel you change Locked door lost key touch me heal you change Free soul soul free touch me free me Catch the spiral falling upward God is watching, God is dying, slow change 2. Hello To The Wind Can't find anything, but they're easily to hear and follow. 3. Now Can't find these either and not clearly understood by me. Help? 4. The Creators Nothing, really. 5. Black Heroes https://www.jazzimpressions.co.uk/bobby-hutcherson-black-heroes/ Folks all over the world are talking about freedom right now Garvey, Malcolm, Martin Men have given their minds and lives for freedom for us, Garvey, Malcolm, Martin Lies are wearing so thin the people can see through them now, NOW! FREEDOM NOW! FREEDOM NOW! Any accurate additions/corrections are welcome!
  7. It was a school, or a clinic really. So Giuffre & Cherry could well have played together, even though not on the concert that was recorded. Original LP: https://www.discogs.com/release/4368556-Various-Ornette-59-Lenox-School-Of-Jaz https://www.discogs.com/release/10340832-Various-Lenox-School-Of-Jazz
  8. Mystery takes longer than familiarity because you're not yet sure about exactly where you are and what that is. Same thing with driving.
  9. Now all that's left is the imitators. Sad news. RIP, and thank you for always knowing the words to the love songs.
  10. I mean, it's not a lost classic, but it is certainly a pleasant record. I bought the LP a few months years ago, cheap and on a whim with low expectations and was very pleasantly surprised. Also, recorded in 1977 and released in 1978, it was one of the last releases by the "unbroken" Blue Note label name. I think that Carmen McRae had moved on by then, so maybe she owed them some tracks or something. Bobby had just moved on. Earl Klugh had graduated to the parent UA label, so Blue Note was already running on fumes. And yet it's not a bad record at all and if there is more Hutch & McRae in the can from that gig, let's have a look! Somebody?
  11. On CD shelving. They fit. And I store the Big Boxes on LP shelving. They fit. So, no difference between Selects & Big Boxes in terms of where you can store them. They all go on the shelves.
  12. Fealty Goodhavens - The Chapstick Murders (OST)
  13. I would welcome some printed lyrics! That L.A. Phil album is not bad, really. Besides the Hutch stuff, there's also some dandy Carmen McRae doing some standards with Bill Holman charts and some perfectly nice wallpaper by Earl Klugh. It could have stood a reissue in itself, especially if decent tapes of the whole gig still exist.
  14. Pearlie Beetles - A Husband For Us Both!!! (OST)
  15. I don't require audiophile sound. Just being able to hear all the notes is adequate, sometimes more than adequate. If it's Bird, I'll settle for almost anything. So I am buying without dread, which is almost buying with confidence! 🤠
  16. Zebby "Pizza" Jones - Deep In The Dish!!!
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