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Everything posted by JSngry

  1. With a little imagination... Great find. Fajardo post-exile.
  2. So THAT'S where all the money from those bullshit prices is going. Criminal activity. I'm shocked. I tell you. SHOCKED.
  3. This is a pretty damn good record.
  4. Sandi & the Bet-Bels - Hug Me Thoroughly!!!
  5. JSngry

    Tyshawn Sorey

    He just won a Pulitzer Prize! https://pirecordings.bandcamp.com/community?sid=1460391&st=sm
  6. Pretty good record. The leader is to be commended for hiring up, spending that money, and getting a good record for it. He's an ok player, but let's just say that the extra help is the difference maker. Really nice tunes to boot!
  7. The union needs to self-police. Simple as that. And if they don't, hey. I read some recent stats somewhere that the percentage of missed calls has decreased every year for the last 6-7 years. I don't know whether to believe that or not, but it's hardly news that the more you want to complain about something, the easier it is to find something to complain about. The strike zone is one thing, but of more concern is the Napoleonic behavior of some of our Men In Blue. Talk about self-inflicted wounds...
  8. A fond reminiscence about Cleveland's Municipal Stadium: https://theathletic.com/5469789/2024/05/06/cleveland-indians-browns-municipal-stadium/?source=thewindup_newsletter&campaign=9762634&userId=14372387
  9. Whatever the gig was, he did it without resorting to cheapness. A role model for us all in that regard. RIP.
  10. But they're all dead now. Except for William Parker. And he makes all the records.So, who else?
  11. I have a lot of hard copies of the early ones. Let me find them and sort them out.
  12. I like Linger Lane just fine. Natural Illusions is probably a bit better than it seems. The sweetening was inartfully done. But the core tracks seem really solid. The one post...whatever Hutch record that carries the full weight of Bobby Hutcherson for me was his Contemporary record. That's one for your Bobby Hutcherson Desert Island. But even at that, I find him, from start to finish, one of the more easily listened-to soloists ever. First heard him on a Gerald Wilson record and ever since, it's just all been fun. Even the lesser records. And his first NYC years...damn near iconic.
  13. The Wet Woolies - Stinky! Stanky!! STUNKY!!!
  14. How far back would you like to go?
  15. I seem to be an outlier in today's world about this, but for me it's Montara that is the nadir. A very canned record it seems to me. A real "Latin-Jazz" record by Hutch would have been a delight.
  16. Stella Estrallita - Blink And You'll Miss It!!!
  17. The beef seemed to be with his double-stopped solos. I mean, ok I guess, but still... I'd like to go back in this thread to second the rec for Wellman Braud. Stong bass playing!
  18. Oh wow, didn't read that fat into the blurb. Pre-ordered as well.
  19. A few years ago, in this community, I was a bit taken back at the amount of ambivalence toward Jimmy Garrison. It was all aimed at his solos. Ok, I guess, but what about the rest of it? Still underrated in my book.
  20. Tempted...and saddened that there will be no more Cuscuna-produced Mosaics. I have all of the music, so this will be a symbolic purchase, if I make it.
  21. It does seem that she has a cult following though, for whatever that's worth.
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