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Everything posted by Shawn

  1. I've been using Spotify since the original trial started in the US, most of the time I've used the free version, I've upgraded a couple times to the paid version but it wasn't a significant improvement...and hearing an ad occasionally doesn't kill me...so I just save the $9 a month and use the free version.
  2. I thought attention spans were bad post-MTV, but JEEZ it has gotten so much worse over the last 20 years. With movies people expect non-stop action scenes from the beginning to the end. It's like video games now, watching a Michael Bay film is like listening to a blender on fast speed for 2 hours and 30 minutes.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aCZGM6z9Ls
  4. That's how I discovered Big Big Train as well, they won a Prog award the year before and after reading the article I went and sampled their albums.
  5. It's kind of pop/prog or something like that, song-based. It's nice. If you like bands with a lot of melody then i also recommend checking out Big Big Train from the UK, they have lots of Genesis influence but definitely have their own thing to say. Check out either English Electric Vol. 1 or 2 (I started with Vol 2.). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dL5qSj26NvU
  6. I saw Fripp in Seattle in the 90s and he was great, didn't say a single word to the audience, just came out and started doing his soundscape thing. He brought another guitarist on stage to improvise over the soundscapes, it was a cool laid-back gig.
  7. I have to wait until next payday, then you can count me in for a download.
  8. I get my internet from Time Warner but that's all I subscribe to, no cable channels, no phone. My monthly subscriptions to Hulu Plus, Netflix and Amazon Prime still cost less than adding cable channels. So most of my TV watching is done via streaming using either my blu-ray player or my Mac, I've been doing that for almost 5 years now and I really don't miss cable TV.
  9. iTunes has been updated consistently over the years, I still use it and I don't even have an iPod, it serves my purpose just fine. A little catalog where I can browse albums via artwork, create smart playlists based on whatever criteria I choose or just hit shuffle and hear how insane my musical tastes really are. This Gen-Xer hasn't had a landline phone in over 10 years.
  10. Aimless noodling? I fart in your general direction.
  11. I'm listening to their album Sound Mirror on Spotify right now. Good stuff, I'm enjoying it so far.
  12. The only way that would happen is if they completely overhauled the way iTunes syncs to devices...and I don't see that change being needed or happening anytime soon. It's a miracle the iPod classic lasted as long as it did (7 years without an update), I expected it to be gone long ago.
  13. Larry. First, reset Safari. Go to the Safari menu. Select Reset Safari... Click the Reset button. Then once that is complete try accessing the cancellation page again. If that still doesn't work then download either Firefox or Chrome. I always keep a couple extra browsers on my Mac just in case I run across a particular website that doesn't work well with Safari. I almost never have to use them, but it's always good to have them in case troubleshooting is required.
  14. No such luck. And when I try to reset my password, even though the "new password" and the "verify password" boxes are there, neither of them is active. That is, I can't type in them. Sounds like a browser issue, try a different one.
  15. Isn't it better than nothing, no matter how late?
  16. I finally finished season 4 of Breaking Bad. It has only taken me 3 years to work my way through seasons 1 thru 4. I can't binge watch this show, I watch like 5 episodes and then I have to take a break for 4 or 5 months, then go back to it. No idea why...it just wears me out.
  17. Thanks for the recommendation, I have been meaning to go down there but I wanted to get an idea of the quality of the display beforehand. Will probably go soon, I'm only 2 1/2 miles west of the museum.
  18. You beat me to it, that was the very first title that popped into my head.
  19. You should read the original short story by Richard Matheson entitled "Prey", the movie version is tame by comparison. All three stories in this movie were based upon short stories by Mr. Matheson, but he only wrote the screenplay for the attacking doll one. The DVD contains a "special feature" interview with him and he said he knew that story would be the clincher and he wanted to keep it for himself. Ms. Black said in the commentary portion that she made up some of the dialogue she used on the phone calls in that segment to help her flesh out her character and she said the idea for her character's final, unforgettable transformation in the end was her idea. Very cool. The first Matheson novel I read was "Bid Time Return", I think it was about a year after the adaptation "Somewhere In Time" was released. I was like 12 at the time, I loved the time travel angle to the movie and picked up the novel at the library. Then I started noticing his name in the credits for Twilight Zone episodes and sci-fi/horror films and I bought a couple short story collections. I've been a fan ever since, he's one of my all-time favorites. He had an impressive career.
  20. You should read the original short story by Richard Matheson entitled "Prey", the movie version is tame by comparison.
  21. "I was so much older then...when I was young."
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