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Everything posted by brownie

  1. It's a bird'es eyeview of a lampshade...
  2. Part of the problem is that many art workers were being kept busy with undeclared jobs which enabled them to work and get unemployment benefits at the same time. The problem went out of hands lately as special trusts supervising returns from art workers saw these returns dwindle while spendings surged to an all-time high.
  3. One of the really great ones is gone. Her performances in films like 'Philadelphia Story', 'Bringing Up Baby' and 'The African Queen', among others, were magnificient. She was unique.
  4. France has a quite unique unemployment benefit program for unemployed artists. Proposed changes to the program created an uproar. Art workers went into protest actions over the weekend and several festivals - including jazz ones - were disrupted. From AP: As mentioned in the story, Saturday nights' opening concert at the Vienne jazz festival was interrupted. Other jazz festivals hit were the ones in Paris and in Tours where the final night of the European jazz festival had to be cancelled.
  5. I am with Clementine. Get the Aladdin. The Proper box is a good introduction but with Lester Young you have to go beyond the introduction and get into the real thing. The Aladdin set is one of the essential Lester Young releases.
  6. Over the weekend: Anthony Ortega 'Bonjour' Roy Haynes 'Deep in a Dream' Mal Waldron/Marion Brown 'Songs of Love and Regret' Warne Marsh 'Star High' Duke Ellington in Hamilton, Ontario 1954
  7. Ubu, in the liner notes to the original 'Cumbia & Jazz Fusion' Atlantic LP, Nat Hentoff mentioned that 'because of deadline problems that had to do with Petrie, Mingus's score was not used for the European version of the film. When Petrie gets an American distributor for the movie, Mingus's music will be part of the American version.' Doubt that this was ever the case.
  8. From the Philadelphia Inquirer: http://www.philly.com/mld/philly/news/obit...ies/6171109.htm Bill Leslie's album 'Diggin' the Chicks' came out on Argo.
  9. Thanks for the all the tips. Since I'm posting from work, I will have a technician look into my problems and hope things will improve.
  10. Inquiring mind, two tracks by Billie Holiday with the Lester and Lee Young band (with Jimmy Rowles on piano) appeared on volume 11 of the Billie Holiday Masters of Jazz series (MJCD102). They were recorded on January 6, 1942 at Billy Berg's in LA. These are not good quality radio broadcats (and pretty short). Pity Masters of Jazz went down under.
  11. brownie

    Tony Fruscella

    Didn't realize the 'Cool Gabriels' date was on that West/East Coast anthology. Have been looking for that rare session for years. The original RCA LP had a cover by Andy Warhol which turned this rarity into a megabucks item on the market. The LP anthology shows up off and on. Will be looking for it now.
  12. And now for a taste of the real thing: http://www.franceway.com/cheese/intro.htm LIBERTY CHEESE!!
  13. The browser is Netscape Navigator.
  14. I checked the Jazz Factory Billie/Prez set when it came out here. It does not include alternates.
  15. A lot of posts on this board have images. A number of these images come over the texts of the posters and renders the posts unreadable. Is there some way to circumvent the problem? And slow, very slow. I'm a computer dummy.
  16. Summer sales season started in Paris yesterday. Lots of junk CDs. But I found these: - Cecil Taylor ' Melancholy' (FMP), - Anthony Ortega 'Bonjour' (AJMI), - Tete Montoliu 'Illiure Jazz' (Discomedi), all at 3 euros ($3.4) each. Also grabbed Beverly Kenney 'Like Yesterday', a Japanese Decca CD at 12 euros.
  17. Jim, thanks for your thoughtful comments on Roy and Max. I saw the Roach CD a few days ago and wondered if it was worth getting it. I know now. I'll get the Roy Haynes CD when it shows up here. The man's amazing.
  18. Dick Sherman also co-led at least one record date. A Gene Quill-Dick Sherman Quintet session in 1955 for Dawn (with Dick Katz, Teddy Kotick and Osie Johnson). The date was released on the Dawn Jazzville series volume 1, side B. Side A had tracks by Les Jazz Modes. This was reissued on LP by Fresh Sounds. Sherman plays a superb 'Everything Happens To Me' on his quintet date. Had forgotten about this session until I got into this thread. Gave it a listen last night. Beautiful session. And it's always nice to hear Gene Quill.
  19. Don't recall Stan Getz playing soprano on his Concord albums. He did play soprano on 'Body and Soul' on his EmArcy release 'Billy Highstreet Samba'.
  20. Got this news release from Blue Note: Wonder whether Madlib was allowed to remix any unreleased Andrew Hill BN sides.
  21. Does the sign say: GOD WAS IN THE HOUSE ?
  22. Gary Giddins' Weatherbird is about Roy Haynes and Max Roach in this week's The Village Voice: http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0326/giddins.php Waiting to get that 'Love Letters' album from Roy Haynes.
  23. Good old Zoot Sims! One of his album is 'Zoot Sims Plays Alto, Tenor and Baritone', a 1957 ABC LP. One Coltrane on alto appearance was on the Gene Ammons 'The Big Sound' and 'Groove Blues' Prestige session.
  24. Yes, yes, yes. Listening to a lot of Warne Marsh lately. Much to rediscover in his records. On another thread, I suggested a Mosaic Select of his Interplay albums. Some of those are very hard to find these days and some have not appeared on CD. The ones I have are just magnificient. About Warne Marsh and Art Pepper, there is also the Contemporary album 'The Way It Was'. The two produced surprising an exciting music.
  25. From a story in today's New York Times on Turkey fighting to save a national delicacy 'kokorec' (lamb intestines sandwiches) from European Union food regulations in case Turkey is admitted to the EU: Wonder how Bird would have played that one...
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