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Dan Gould

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Everything posted by Dan Gould

  1. I'm not a member of the Hoffman forums so I'll post here what I'd like to say over there: Hold your horses, people! The information posted at the start of that thread refers to the individual Rick Flynn. NOT the business, Red Trumpet, LTD. The further fact that the website continues to process orders indicates to me that the company is still in business. As has been noted, Chapter 11 is the kind that precedes a reorganization, a new business plan, and another chance. Chapter 7 calls for liquidation of assets to pay off creditors. Now, it might make sense to keep the website operational for orders, but only if the orders are limited to what is on hand, i.e., a court-ordered attempt to sell, at near-full price, on hand stock in order to maximize funds available to creditors. Does this mean that I'm about to order something? Hell no! But I do think people are making assumptions based on facts not yet in evidence.
  2. Personally, I'm takin' a break from the BFT thing for only the second time since inception.
  3. Well, that puts you ahead of Miss Simpson herself.
  4. Its a pretty good 'un, too. I'd pounce.
  5. Tierney Sutton "Tribute to Sinatra" at Amaturo Theater November 9 I took advantage of the "Duo" concert offer to get tickets for Sutton and the Golson/Eddie Higgins shows. Anyone else planning to attend Miss Tierney's show? Would love to meet up with anyone who is.
  6. Are you asking about the 80s-90s vinyl reissues? I had a few until I replaced them with CD reissues of one sort of the other, and I can tell you that like the mini-LP JRVGs, they are total facsimiles of the originals. That is, everything is in English, and there is an insert with Japanese translations inside.
  7. My wife understands all musical joneses, as well as this one:
  8. Damn... ← Got burned by Moose in the past with a payment of purple shirt buttons. ← I'm guessing they weren't purple and your bank gave you a hard time.
  9. Thanks again for the BFT, Chris, even though I think I ended up setting a new mark for most recordings I own and didn't identify. Those would be the Perkins/Kamuca, Fathead, Duke Jordan and the Benny Carter.
  10. Indeed I do! First off, glad to see Evan and Marty are doing OK. I was wondering about Marty in particular when I heard that Boynton Beach had a confirmed wind gust of 119 MPH. Anyone hear from dsgtrane lately? Wilma was definitely one hellacious bitch. At one point, we were watching the glass in the sliding glass doors bow inward about 2-3 inches, and this was with hurricane shutters up. Very disconcerting and we ended up using a staple gun to secure an old comforter over the door, just in case the glass shattered. Thank heaven it didn't. When the storm was over we found: Two of the three trees we had completely destroyed, but on the positive side, we had a new tree in the backyard: Our neighbor's 80 foot pine tree had come crashing down, killing what was left of the mango tree. Total destruction of 2/3 of our fencing (you may recall that last year we lost one side of our fence - that survived but the rest came down this time.) Very minor shingle damage. After six days of back-breaking and skin-tanning labor, we finally completed the restoration of our "Security Perimeter" and were going to celebrate with a pizza when FP&L gave us something to really celebrate, power in the neighborhood. So we ended up going without power for about 12 hours shy of a full week. Fortunately we had taken advantage of the "hurricane tax holiday" in June to get a generator so we were able to keep our fridge and freezer contents alive. But we're also still on a "boil water" order so that was a pretty nasty thought when we were taking our cold showers. Now it will be a nasty thought when we take hot showers. Some pictures: First, a reminder of what our backyard used to look like: On the left is the star fruit tree which we removed about six months ago. On the right is the mango tree, picked apart by Wilma and shattered by the falling pine tree. In the rear is the lone surviving orange tree, which my wife thankfully had pruned significantly before hurricane season started. Here's the front yard with the destroyed pigeon plum tree: That's the downed pine tree in front, the surviving orange tree is in the rear: Looking from our backyard toward our neighbor: This picture of some of the fence damage gives you a good idea of some of the work we've had to do. After a couple of days I finally realized that I was missing the appropriate musical accompaniment for this back-breaking labor, and once I started listening, my mind started playing with the lyrics and so, it is with sincerest apologies to Nat Adderley and Oscar Brown, Jr., I give you The Wilma Song Breaking fence out here with my neighbors Breaking fence and killing some time Breaking fence out here with my neighbors Wilma committed the crime Hold it steady right there while I hit it Well I reckon that ought to get it been working been working Still got so terribly far to go Wilma committed the crime I’m payin’ Got tired of beating the hungry and poor Left my yard and house a shambles When ‘Cane Wilma crashed ashore Hold it steady right there while I hit it Well I reckon that ought to get it been working been working Still got so terribly far to go I heard FPL say “Four weeks no power. On a gas line you’re gonna go.” I heard FPL say “Four weeks no power.” I heard my woman scream "Lordy, no!" Hold it steady right there while I hit it Well I reckon that ought to get it been working been working I still got so terribly far to go Wanna see my jazz forum buddies Need to break this post off the ground Gonna lay down here where its shady Lord it sure is hot in the sun Hold it steady right there while I hit it Well I reckon that ought to get it been working been working Still got so terribly far to go
  11. Dealing with far more important things for the past week: Try reading something other than the sports page.
  12. Isn't that the guy who's nutty enough to collect BNs with esoteric variation in what stamper pressed what vinyl?
  13. Always late to the party ... Thanks to Chris for a fine compilation of tunes. Could have done without the flutes but that's just me. The one ID I am sure about is Sweets and Lockjaw on track 12. One of my all-time favorite combinations, right up there with Hank and Lee and anyone else you can think of. I just recently picked up a Sweets and Lockjaw Pablo that I hadn't even known about, Simply Sweets but of course its not on there. I've got just about all of the albums they did together but I'll wait patiently to find out where this one came from. If it turns out its another album I don't have, all the better, cuz I'll be all over that in no time.
  14. Personally, I've never had a problem with the Webster/Peterson encounters. I think my first exposure to Peterson was on a Verve two-fer LP set of the Webster recordings. Gets a big from me.
  15. A fine idea but since Midnight Blue has come out as a regular reissue and an RVG, they'd have done that already. Hopefully though it is on Michael's radar and we'll see it out in the same form that he originally produced it for the Japanese market.
  16. I guess I should be glad that my birthday was last month and not this month, as I managed to score an audiophile pressing of a Ray Brown Trio album from them then. As everyone says, great service (Rick made it free shipping when he heard it was a birthday present for myself, even though I had removed the other item from the order and taken it down under $50.) As for prices, as Lon says, some great deals in the past. I wouldn't order stuff that wasn't on sale, but I've gotten some great stuff at excellent prices in the past, including a David Hazeltine Venus CD for only $14.99 (Cadence is usually best at $20) and I got a couple of Japanese Universal reissues of Argo/Cadet albums for $13.99. Japanese reissues at domestic prices = happy customer. Hopefully Red Trumpet will make it through this crunch period.
  17. I'm with you, a terrific series of recordings. Just impossible to choose among them, although the strings album never quite did it for me, relatively speaking. But God bless Granz for recording Ben so much.
  18. On a Misty Night is a good 'un, and I'm not just talking about the tune.
  19. Considering that at the moment, the Hurricane Center's strike probability for West Palm Beach - 2% - is the same as the probability of it hitting New Orleans I think its a tad early to start thinking in those terms just yet.
  20. You are so freaking paranoid it makes it easy to WANT to root against you.
  21. Those are some big IFs, I'm sure you know. Manny probably sings "Meet the Mets" at least once a day, and Herr Steinbrenner is practicing writing Damon's full name. Going to be a significant offseason for the Red Sox, whatever happens. Yet if Damon wants to be a Cub, I won't complain. ← Neither would I! The fact is, there are conflicting signals about Manny all the time. There was word put out by a rep that he wants to meet with ownership about the "direction" of the team, as in, I want to stay, and I hope you're going to do this or that to improve the ball club. Nevertheless, it seems likely they'll explore the options once again. As far as Damon goes, there are indications within the Yankees that they are not so high on him at all. They also worry about how many years it may take to get him signed and whether he'll be Bernie Williams-like by the last couple of years of the deal. Damon is more likely to end up with the Angels, I think, but hopefully the Cubs do what they can and ultimately he realizes he has the best possible world at Fenway.
  22. With Papelbon in the rotation, Hansen in the bullpen and a healthy and effective Schilling and Foulke, I think you know who I am picking. The Sox next year may have the deepest pitching staff in their history, and that's without making any improvements from without, like Burnett. So long as the offense isn't eviscerated by letting Damon go or an ill-advised trade to get out from Manny's contract, the team will be very tough to beat. And they'll do it with a fresh influx of youth, from Pedroia and Youklis in the starting lineup to Delcarmen, Hansen and Papelbon on the staff, and Jon Lester waiting in the wings, while the Yanks are getting older and older and older and older and older ...
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