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blowin in from chicago Vol 2 in the 70s

Guest ariceffron

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Guest ariceffron

have u ever heard that. someone was telling me that.--- that in the '70s- gilmore and jordan wanted to make a followup to blowin in from chicago but sun ra wouldnt let gilmore do it.

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Haven't heard that specific story, but have heard similar tales. Ra ran a tight ship, I'm told, some might call it a "cult" of sorts, and if you did anything he didn't approve of, you did it on the sly. Had a friend who got high on a break w/Marshall Allen once, and Marshall was totally paranoind about "Sunny" finding out.

A high profile recording like a Gilmore/Jordan reunion would be kind hard to hide. When Gilmore had that brief spurt of "outside" activity (when was it, '65?) it was because he had left the Ra fold completely. And when he came back, he didn't leave.

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  • 1 year later...

Haven't heard that specific story, but have heard similar tales. Ra ran a tight ship, I'm told, some might call it a "cult" of sorts, and if you did anything he didn't approve of, you did it on the sly. Had a friend who got high on a break w/Marshall Allen once, and Marshall was totally paranoind about "Sunny" finding out.

A high profile recording like a Gilmore/Jordan reunion would be kind hard to hide. When Gilmore had that brief spurt of "outside" activity (when was it, '65?) it was because he had left the Ra fold completely. And when he came back, he didn't leave.

Didn't he do one more "away" date--that 1970 album with Dizzy Reece?

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Haven't heard that specific story, but have heard similar tales. Ra ran a tight ship, I'm told, some might call it a "cult" of sorts, and if you did anything he didn't approve of, you did it on the sly. Had a friend who got high on a break w/Marshall Allen once, and Marshall was totally paranoind about "Sunny" finding out.

A high profile recording like a Gilmore/Jordan reunion would be kind hard to hide. When Gilmore had that brief spurt of "outside" activity (when was it, '65?) it was because he had left the Ra fold completely. And when he came back, he didn't leave.

Marshall got high???? :huh:

Here's a photo I made of him playing with Henry Grimes.


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Haven't heard that specific story, but have heard similar tales. Ra ran a tight ship, I'm told, some might call it a "cult" of sorts, and if you did anything he didn't approve of, you did it on the sly. Had a friend who got high on a break w/Marshall Allen once, and Marshall was totally paranoind about "Sunny" finding out.

A high profile recording like a Gilmore/Jordan reunion would be kind hard to hide. When Gilmore had that brief spurt of "outside" activity (when was it, '65?) it was because he had left the Ra fold completely. And when he came back, he didn't leave.

Didn't he do one more "away" date--that 1970 album with Dizzy Reece?

Yes. And iirc, there's a C. Jordan for muse with Pat Patrick on it, no?

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Guest akanalog

cliffe, i have that cliff jordan date. yeah pat patrick.

he was on a few things though-off the top of my head i think he was also on a frank strozier album and maybe even some mongo santamaria albums i haven't heard.

i don't think patrick was a mainstay for too long with sun ra (in relation to gilmore and allen, i mean)

hmmm-you didn't really see ronnie boykins name until post-sun ra i guess.

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i don't think patrick was a mainstay for too long with sun ra (in relation to gilmore and allen, i mean)

hmmm-you didn't really see ronnie boykins name until post-sun ra i guess.

I dunno, Patrick seems like a mainstay to me... Boykins definitely did leave, though, and he was on a number of fine post-Ra LPs. He also wrote a great tune that's on Horace Parlan's Happy Frame of Mind, "Home is Africa."

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When I played the Chicago Jazz Festival with Johnny Griffin in 1988 (?), we finished our set with a Chicago all-star tenor blowout with Eddie Harris, Von Freeman, Clifford Jordan and E. Parker McDougal. Gilmore was supposed to join us but Sun Ra put the nix on it. Gilmore seemed a little bugged but he wasn't going to challenge it. Missed an opportunity to play with one of my all-time favorite tenor players. At least we played a game of chess - he kicked my ass in just a few minutes. I performed "Saturn," "Images," and "Horizon" at Gilmore's memorial service with a quartet.

Edited by Michael Weiss
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hey everyone chewy-chew-chew here: I usually not one to critizitize suns teachings in any way shape or form but i am pissed at sun for all this gilmoure stuff. sun treated gilmore like roger treated gilmour. if that makes sense. DID SUN THINK IT WOULD NEGATIETIVLY AFFECT THE BALENCE OF SPACE 2 ALLOW JOHN GILMORE 2 PLAY IN A CONTEXT OUTSIDE THE ARKESTRA. it must of been something like that....

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To paraphrase Jack Nicholson, 'You wouldn't be able to handle the truth!'

Perhaps not - but I am willing to act as a human guinea pig for this forbidden experiment. The doctors and scientists are standing around me with sensitive registering equipment and emergency resuscitation gear. I am ready! Send me the PM!

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