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Filing the Sun Ras...


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Adjacent to the current Unfilables thread, where do people here file their Sun Ras?

I have always filed albums alphabetically:

The Miles Davis albums are filed under DDDs,

the Lee Morgans albums are filed under MMMs,

the Sun Ras are filed under SSSs.

Anybody file their Sun Ras under RRRs?

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Definitely Sun Ra goes in the SSS's. (Or at least in my world.)

Now record stores, Sun Ra always seems to go in the RRR's, which is understandable.

Where does the Jazz Record Mart have Ra filed??? (If anybody has him under the RRR's, it'd probably be them.)

Funny, I'm quite comfortable referring to him as "Ra", but I know he shouldn't go in the RRR's for filing purposes.

I know from interviews I've heard, that most of the people who knew him referred to him as "SunRa", said as if it were one word - usually with the accent on the "Sun", as in "SUNra"

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And as I know you like blues a lot, brownie.... where do you file your Howlin´ Wolf?  ;)

I keep the blues albums in a separate section. Howling is filed under WOLF (not far from the WATERS, Muddy) :wacko:

I have them separately as well. But da Wolf is filed under H, near the HOPKINS, Lightnin´. Yep, I don´t seem to be very consistent with my filing criteria :wacko:

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You guys need to start filing like in Japan:

Instrument as played by the leader on the session is categorized first, horns descending to rhythm, then by first name of the leader within those subsets of alto, baritone, tenor, trumpet, piano, bass, drums, vibes and so on.   :wacko:  :wacko:  :wacko:

Or like in Europe (or at least from what I've personally seen in stores in France and Spain)...

Everything is sorted by first name, or group name.

Of course that means that 99% of things aren't anywhere even close to where you're normally used to finding them...

...but at least Jethro Tull is filed correctly, for a change. :P

Edited by Rooster_Ties
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I file mine under the first letter of his real name. Unfortunately I still haven't found my copy of the Saturnian-English dictionary, so I don't know where in the alphabet that letter belongs...

... that would be H or B.

Herman Poole "Sonny" Blount, with his last name pronounced "blunt." Most members of the Arkestra called him Sonny, didn't they?

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Ah, but that's only his Earthling name. I'd write out the Saturnian version here, but it's kind of hard to render five-dimensional letters on a two-dimensional bulletin board. ;)

Oh ... I see. My mistake.

Well then, here is a meager attempt at translation through the picto-morphogram collage method:


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