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My little sweetpea broke her elbow!

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I'm just waiting until midnight to give her another dose of Tylenol 3. At around 11:15am this morning Zora and I were in my basement studio jammin' (me on organ, she on drums) when she decided she was tired of playing and went to spin around in my computer chair. I kept playing organ, only to look up mere seconds later to her launching herself off the computer chair, which rolled out from under her, causing her to lose her balance and she hit the floor on one hand. The floor is a thin layer of carpet, no padding, and then concrete.

I knew she had really hurt herself instantly. I felt her arm, which she wasn't moving, and it was like a wet noodle. I took her upstairs, cut open her shirt to get a better look, almost lost it (had to breath deep a few times to catch myself), got some ice, called my wife and told her to come home now (I didn't have a car with a car seat in it). We drove to the ER and just got home around 10pm.

The doctor had to do surgery, putting three pins in, and she has a big cast on her entire left arm. My poor little 3 1/2 year old sweetie. I think I can feel my hair turning grey.


I'm sure those of you with children have experienced something like this, but it was my first time. One of the worst moments of my adult life, for sure.

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I'm just waiting until midnight to give her another dose of Tylenol 3. At around 11:15am this morning Zora and I were in my basement studio jammin' (me on organ, she on drums) when she decided she was tired of playing and went to spin around in my computer chair. I kept playing organ, only to look up mere seconds later to her launching herself off the computer chair, which rolled out from under her, causing her to lose her balance and she hit the floor on one hand. The floor is a thin layer of carpet, no padding, and then concrete.

I knew she had really hurt herself instantly. I felt her arm, which she wasn't moving, and it was like a wet noodle. I took her upstairs, cut open her shirt to get a better look, almost lost it (had to breath deep a few times to catch myself), got some ice, called my wife and told her to come home now (I didn't have a car with a car seat in it). We drove to the ER and just got home around 10pm.

The doctor had to do surgery, putting three pins in, and she has a big cast on her entire left arm. My poor little 3 1/2 year old sweetie. I think I can feel my hair turning grey.


I'm sure those of you with children have experienced something like this, but it was my first time. One of the worst moments of my adult life, for sure.

My daughter was about 7 when she tripped and fell off of the curb while playing with the neighbor kids. Fractured leg and in a cast. I was devestated.

Good news? This too shall pass.

Welcome to Parenthood.

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Sorry man, hope she has a quick and safe recovery. :( Reminds me when my daughter wiped out on her bike last year and she actually had a little pebble inbedded in her arm which had to be surgically removed. She cried all the way through it, but once it was over, she forgot it almost even happen. Hopefully, it will be a distant memory for her too, and before you know it, she will barely remember it.

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Sorry to hear that. Hope she gets the cast off soon. Don't beat youself up-- it seems to be part of growing up. My daughter was in and out ofthe emergency rooms with broken bones, sprains and even burns. She's now 21 and doing fine. (Strangely my son-- who's younger-- had many fewer injuries, though he did break his wrist once.)

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My daughter broke her collarbone falling off a carousel horse when she was about 6. I still feel horrible about it, though she made it through fine.

I'm sure she will remember it more from the story telling about it than the actual event. Just like I'm betting Zora will as well.

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Sorry to hear it, Jim. Good thing kids heal quick.

I think I've sprung a few gray hairs just watching my nieces and nephews play in the pool--and not get hurt. Seriously, I was this daredevil kid and now I'm the lamest, most worrying Uncle.

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I'm surprised I ever made it through childhood. I was a total hyperactive dumbshit. When I was in fourth grade we were getting ready to go to the State Fair and I was excitedly jumping up and down on my parents bed (they weren't in it). I jumped too high, rebounded off the ceiling, hit the floor and broke my MF collarbone. No State Fair for me!

I've also got several chipped teeth from various acts of recess stupidity.

Sorry to hear about Zora, Jim. I'm sure it's horrible to see your little sweetie in pain. I'm sure she'll heal up fine- in the meantime, it may be time for some special treats!

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We were hoping it wouldn't require surgery, but she fractured two bones and dislodged a couple others. She really messed it up. I'm hoping the scar will remind her to think before she leaps! :)

This morning I got up after my wife and Zora and Zora was on the couch eating a purple popsicle... at 7:00am!!! Talk about getting spoiled! :D

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Broke my elbow once by falling down the stairs in the subway. I landed on my keester with both hands protecting my fall. Unfortunately my left elbow separated in two at the impact.

Was about one month in a cast and since i'm a southpaw, i could not manage to do a single thing properly and could not work. Not a lot of fun during that time.

Get well Zora

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Oh no, Pumpkin Pie! :o

Sorry to hear about Zora, Jim. I'm sure it's horrible to see your little sweetie in pain. I'm sure she'll heal up fine- in the meantime, it may be time for some special treats!

Exactly. But no too many treats - she might decide it was a good idea after all. ^_^

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I'm surprised I ever made it through childhood. I was a total hyperactive dumbshit. When I was in fourth grade we were getting ready to go to the State Fair and I was excitedly jumping up and down on my parents bed (they weren't in it). I jumped too high, rebounded off the ceiling, hit the floor and broke my MF collarbone. No State Fair for me!....

Dude, did you know you were really, really lucky??? My Dad's best friend's daughter is a nurse and works for the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. Dealing with kids. One of the toughest cases for her (Next to a little kid dying of Cancer wanting to be held by her, because she was so cold, and Mom had briefly left the hospital) was a 14-15 year old girl who, while staying at a hotel, jumped up and down on the bed and hit the ceiling. Apparently there was a support beam right where her head hit...Now she's a quadriplegic.

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My oldest is in college now, but back when she was around Zora's age, she had a knack for breaking bones. She jumped off the changing table at 9 moths and broke her collar bone. She bounced off her grandmother's bed and broke her arm. She played around with an exercise machine and crushed her finger.

But she's fine now. You would never know she had those broken bones. It breaks your heart to see them hurt, especially when they start crying at the hospital, but it is reassuring to know that kids heal fast.

Edited by Kevin Bresnahan
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