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so I woke up in the middle of the night and my wife

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slurred speech, chest pains, almost passed out, nauseated, severe leg pain -

courtesy, it turns out, of the drug Protonix, which my doctor just gave me for reflux - got back to sleep after a while, but been reading on the net this morning about how bad this thing is for some people - one guy said his symptoms were so bad he started going to a shrink, only to have also his symptoms disappear as soon as he stopped taking Protonix - hope he got his money back (from the shrink, I mean) -

anybody here had similar fun with this drug?

Edited by AllenLowe
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I just take prescription-strength Prevacid as needed and all is well. Do you have a case that's too severe for Prevacid?

I agree that they've been letting things go to market with caveats that 30-40 years ago would have been enough to require further refinement. That ain't right.

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Not Protonix but a few weeks ago I was prescribed high strength para-codeine to alleviate the pain from an agonising shoulder/arm strain which was stopping me from getting any sleep.

Took the prescribed dose for a day and a half and ended up totally emptying my guts and hallucinating as high as a kite. Took 6 hours cold turkey rest sweating flat on my back to get back to a stable condition. :bad: Fortunately it was a weekend so I hadn't gone to work.

Ended up tolerating the pain on non-prescription painkillers (hardly effective) and fortunately now it's all OK. It was a very scary day though..

Edited by sidewinder
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search results:

side effects protonix

Related Searches: Diabetes Type 2, Diabetes, Women's Health, Senior Health, General, General Skin, Hair and Nails, Yeast Infections, Vaginal Bleeding, Premenstrual Syndrome

I quit, must be a chick problem.


try this stuff, instead------Metroclopramide (generic for Reglan) costs 6 bucks a month.

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I just take prescription-strength Prevacid as needed and all is well. Do you have a case that's too severe for Prevacid?

I agree that they've been letting things go to market with caveats that 30-40 years ago would have been enough to require further refinement. That ain't right.

I don't think Protonix in general has a history of nasty side effects with the majority of users, does it?

In Allen's case he obviously got a severe reaction from the drug which may have been caused by multiple factors.

I'm always concerened when they ask "are you alergic to any medications" and shit like that. I mean how the fuck do I know, it's not like I've tried everything once before. Same drill with liver disease and other possible problems that can cause side effects. Isn't it up to the Physician to check all this out?

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back to the subject - though doctors really deny it, the most accurate info I have ever gotten in regard to drug reactions is the anectdotal stuff on the net - my son has been through a million different things for various conditions, and the doctor always says - "that can't be related" but sure enough I find someone on some bulletin board recounting the exact same experience -

I also found one web site this morning with recountings of really horrendous physical reactions to protonix -

Edited by AllenLowe
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I just take prescription-strength Prevacid as needed and all is well. Do you have a case that's too severe for Prevacid?

I agree that they've been letting things go to market with caveats that 30-40 years ago would have been enough to require further refinement. That ain't right.

I don't think Protonix in general has a history of nasty side effects with the majority of users, does it?

No idea, I just know that I see commercials all the time that talk about possible side effects including rectal bleeding, increased forehead size, growth of additional limbs, all kinds of freaky shit like that like it's nothing to be concerned about, and all I keep thinking is that there was a time when we used to threaten people with shit like that, not encourage them to risk it....

For real, though, I know these medicines are usually safe in the majority of cases and that these warnings are a legal CYOA as much as anything else, but still...one of the legacies of the Regan revolution I'd like to see tightened up on just a little is the loosening of the FDA approval process. Not unreasonably so mind you, but I think there's room for the pendulum to beneficially "swing back" a little bit in this area.

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back to the subject - though doctors really deny it, the most accurate info I have ever gotten in regard to drug reactions is the anectdotal stuff on the net - my son has been through a million different things for various conditions, and the doctor always says - "that can't be related" but sure enough I find someone on some bulletin board recounting the exact same experience -

I also found one web site this morning with recountings of really horrendous physical reactions to protonix -

The internet can be an informative source, but one that is often overlooked is the Pharmacists.

People go and pick the prescription up and never ask, "anything I should be afraid of with this stuff?"

I know the bottle has the little warning stickers on it "no dairy" etc., but people really should consider the amount of knowledge an R.Ph has.

Lots of Pharmacists (and MDs) in my family, so I grew up with a different prespective on doctors and drugs.

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yes I agree with you - my pharmacist is a neighbor and always has good info on drugs, though I didn't ask him on this one - I always think of that Woody Allen movie where he's in prison and agrees to take part in a drug experiment; the only side effect is that he turns into a Hasidic rabbi for 24 hours -

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I also wonder if aging increases sensitivity - about a year ago I had four teeth pulled and was given a lot of novocaine, and I felt drugged for a few days - at one point I woke up in the middle of the night, went toward the bathroom, and passed out - fortunately my wife was there and caught me -

not to worry, however - as long as I know that Dan Gould wants me dead, I will continue to live, just for spite -

Edited by AllenLowe
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Back to the original topic, I think the advice about avoiding prescription drugs bears repeating. My Dad recently had angioplasty and they put him on Plavix. He was in constant pain with low energy, but they told him he had to stay on it at LEAST a year. After waking up from a nightmare and working hard to convince himself for 30 minutes not to do himself in, he researched Plavix and its side effects. After finding others with the same problem, he stopped taking it. He told his doctor he had stopped taking it and wasn't going to start again.

Get this, the doctor says, "Okay."

Dad says, "What do you mean, 'okay?' You told me I *had* to take this stuff for at least a year, and I tell you I stopped two weeks ago, and now it's fine?" It went further, but basically, the prescription had more to do with their worries about being sued for malpractice than the actual utility of the medication. What a bunch of shit.

Stay away from prescriptions. Find some herb that settles your stomach. Order some quality organic tea. Figure something out for the reflux, but avoid those goddamned medications and the quacks that prescribe them.

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amen - I think I mentioned earlier about one guy on the net who said he was seeing a shrink for problems that vanished as soon as he stopped taking this stuff - that's one of the weirdest things I've ever heard but I'll tell you, when I woke up at 3 AM and couldn't talk and could barely figure out what my wife was saying to me (I think it was my wife), I knew this wasn't my usual bad dream -

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interesting you mention chest pain, my girlfriend has been taking (an equivalent of) protonix for three weeks now and we had already suspected that the strong chest pain she has is not from the actual illness but a side effect of protonix (experimenting with leaving away protonix for a day or so which didn't work out well otherwise - still not clear what disease she actually has...) (other of the announced side effects like headache and, don't know the word but it's not too bad..., are there - but then again they could have other sources as well)

could i maybe have the link of that web page you mentioned?

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Allen, just give up eating anything that tastes good. Chocolate, onions, OJ, mint, catsup....all bad for you if you have acid reflux....I took that stuff for awhile....luckily I had no problems with it, but it didn't do any good either. Prevacid is very expensive, but docs will give you samples if you ask...and it's worked best for me...

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