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  2. The Wilt Fallis Trio - Live At The Tropicina Room!!!
  3. Today
  4. Agree 100%. That's an amazing album. I wish he hadn't withdrawn from music, and had been more prolific, but it clearly wasn't something he wanted.
  5. An ambiguous signature album for the early 80`s ..... going down still looking forward .....
  6. I attended a local beacon lighting on the evening of the 6th (hosted by local residents with bar and barbecue) There was a chain of beacons lit right across the South of England, areas that were used as training and embarkation bases. Must make a visit to Tarrant Rushton, where gliders took off for the parachute drops and still largely unchanged from that time.
  7. Yeah, I figured that we did pretty well seeing him tour here at the age of 82. A great long life.
  8. Perhaps he will be attending the performance. Though he is now 97...
  9. I think that Saving Private Ryan took a lot of the fun of kids playing army after seeing the violence depicted on Omaha Beach. There's nothing glorious about a lingering death from being disemboweled by a shell or mission gun
  10. When I saw Eastern Rebellion, Sam Jones had very sadly recently passed. David Williams had recently joined on bass. Never heard Vols 5 and 6 so will look at checking them out. That Ultra-Vybe CD set looks nice.
  11. Just digging out Andrew Hill 'Compulsion' (BN New York mono) to spin - spurred by reading a review of a 1967 'return from NYC' Chicago concert written by John Litweiler for 'Jazz Monthly' back in the day. Hill was with trio and special guests Roscoe Mitchell and Wilbur Ware. He switched to soprano sax on a few numbers, shown in one of the photos. Sam Rivers had been due to play as well but didn't make it. Interesting !
  12. Sweet Emma Barrett and Her Preservation Hall Band
  13. Webb Crawford/Chuck Roth duo 20 minutes of genius John Blum/Michael Foster/Brandon Lopez/Joey Sullivan modern free jazz at the highest level
  14. Probably true, particularly in the case of my grandfather. I never even knew he fought in WWI until his dementia took over and it started spilling out non-stop. Up until then, he was just my grampa. When I was a kid, me & my friends used to play a game we called "Army", where we all ran through the woods with plastic guns yelling " Bang" and "killing" each other. Back then, it was a bunch of boys having fun. I even had a fake BAR and whoever had that gun would go by "Kirby", named after the character in the TV show "Combat!". I cannot imagine that would ever happen today.
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