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Everything posted by bertrand

  1. Didn't think of looking there - I sure use that site a lot. I was hoping it was Wayne, because he did Newport with Horace, but it must have been 1956. Bertrand.
  2. Brandon - I got your PM. I'll call you next week. Bertrand.
  3. According to the notes in the Max Roach Mosaic booklet, the entire festival (or most of it) was filmed but most of it ended up on the cutting room floor. This includes the Max Roach quintet with Booker Little, and a Horace Silver quintet set. Does anyone now who was with Horace at Newport in 1958? I would love to see the Roach and Silver sets. DVD anyone? Bertrand.
  4. I am thanked in the 2nd edition of the Blue Note discography (I sent Michael a few comments), and in a couple of PhD and Masters' thesis' (on jazz, of course) by a few students that I gave some info to (mostly copyright info). Bertrand.
  5. Will most of this material be out on separate CDs as they usually are? 4 and 5 would be a 2-CD set, and 6 and 7 could be available each on their own. 1-3 might be tricky; they would probably have to leave out some tracks from Seven Steps, and make Europe a 2-CD set. I really don't like the boxes (price and packaging). I really am mostly interested in Tokyo and Berlin, and if they come out as stand-alone CDs, I could get 'em at Tower or Borders' for $8-$9. I would consider the others later. I don't need every rehearsal take out there. I would be upset if the extra track from Berlin is AWOL, however - it should not have to be. Bertrand.
  6. Today is the day. Happy Birthday, Stefan! Bertrand.
  7. I was thinking about Wonsey - do you know who's playing with him? Also, Armacost at Fat Cat is an option - who's with him? The other three don't really tempt me. Thanks, Bertrand.
  8. I will be in NYC this week-end for the Shorter/Hancock/Holland/Blade show. I didn't see anything really exciting in the main clubs otherwise going on. Anyone know of anything in some lesser-known place? Anything that starts early so I can bring my 4-year old? How's the jam session at Cleopatra's Needle? Thanks, Bertrand.
  9. Alternate take to what Chuck posted above: it now looks like it is from the Lighthouse (the first days of the week-long engagement). The sound is iffy, but the performances are very good, and the material is quite different. Word on the street is it will be reissued. Bertrand.
  10. Through some fluke, I will be seeing them in NYC this Friday. I'm going up with my wife and son. A friend of ours will also be there with her son, and somehow she will pick up our son to watch him while we go to the concert. I can see it now: we'll be trading kids in front of Carnegie Hall ten minutes before showtime! If it all works out, I'll have seen my two favorite musicians, Wayne and Jackie, within three weks of each other!
  11. I've been told it's actually a quintet with a young guitarist on board, Lionel ?, who was one of the students at the Monk Institute school. This cat is awesome. I wonder what material they'll play? They're in NYC next Friday, but I don't think I'll go. Bertrand.
  12. Do they explain in the film how Tom Hanks was able to track down Gigi Gryce and get his autograph between 1958 (date of the photo) and 1963 (date of Gigi Gryce's dropping out from the music business). I very much doubt that he tracked him down during his 'post-jazz' career. Bertrand.
  13. Kevin, Best wishes to you and your father in this difficult time. Bertrand.
  14. Norwegian Wood is by Buddy Rich. Lee never covered this tune. Bertrand.
  15. I know very little of Kellaway, but I LOVE his playing on Alfie. Of course, I love everyone's playing on that record. And the arrangements. And the compositions... Bertrand.
  16. I checked the track listing on The Sixth Sense at the CD Universe site. Please tell me that they are taking this listing from the previous edition, and not the RVG, because... Tracks 7-9 are listed as previously unissued. Track 6 is called 'The City Of My People'. I hope the Massey tune is not still mistitled on the RVG. Bertrand.
  17. I heard that James Newton guests on a couple of tracks, although he is not aware of it. Bertrand.
  18. I once read an article on Mosaic that said that Gary Larson and Matt Groening were Mosaic's two best customers. Bertrand.
  19. Apparently, it's not his first record date. I started a thread elsewhere (too lazy to do a search righty now) that Wayne apparently recorded with a pianist named John Eaton for Columbia in the mid-50s, a session that has yet to be issued. At first, I thought it was the John Eaton who lives in DC and does these kind of general public history of jazz type concert/lectures, but that guy didn't start recording until the early seventies. I talked to Dan Morgenstern at IJS two weeks ago, and he remembered hearing about this session, and also confirmed that it was not that John Eaton. A search in the Lord shows that there was a John Eaton, pianist, recording for Columbia back then, but of course Lord does not list the session with Wayne (this would involve doing actual research as opposed to pilfering the info from other sources as Lord is reputed to do). Dan suggested contacting George Avakian, which is what I plan to do as soon as I get up the nerve to disturb this giant with my trivial query. Bertrand.
  20. Every word in that book is a lie, including 'and' and 'the'. (with apologies to Mary McCarthy). Bertrand.
  21. Thanks guys (et merci beaucoup). I was feeling down in the last few weeks, and this sure cheers me up! I took the day off today (and tomorrow, since the Gipper gave me Friday off), but I haven't listened to anything yet. In fact, I may just go back to bed! Bertrand.
  22. Thanks guys. Impossible, Does your DVD have the same four tracks: The Git-Go; All ALone; Fire Waltz; Left Alone? Is Left Alone a solo track? The Woody Shaw discography points out how it is not clear if this concert is from the same date as the two CDs that came out, since the tunes are for the most part different. So, I'm wondering if the two DVDs might have different tunes, or if the more expensive one has more tracks etc. etc. Thanks, Bertrand.
  23. At the Iridium, during 'Dance Little Mandissa', Jackie Mac picked up a cowbell during Rene's solo. It was hard, but I was able to resist calling out 'Jackie, I want more cowbell'! Bertrand.
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