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Posts posted by king ubu
you sure?!
meant Jim, of course, but couw was faster...
you sure?!
That Kenny G thing's worth a good laugh!
Bird Lives! And he'll go on forever, as long as folks like us stay.
Happy Birthday
Me either KU. . . .
Glad not to be alone in the desert... that would make two heads
I don't rate I know what I mean that high - I'd say, it's a beautiful record, it's nice to have Evans and Cannonball together, and it's probably the best Evans & horns date, yet... somehow, I don't find myself returning to it all that often.
8 1/2 is one of my say 10 (which means 20) favorite films ever!
I - by the way - prefer it by far to La dolce vita.
I have never seen all of I vittelloni, but that seems to be a very nice (and very italian) film, too. Roma is good, Amarcord, then those other ones, like Satyricon, have their moments, too.
How about neorealismo?
I have recently seen Ladri di biciclette, Sciuscia, La terra trema, Ossessione and some more. Some time ago also Roma città aperta and Paisà. But my all-time favorite film of that era is Umberto D.!
brownie: I never heard of "la maman et la putain", but I made a mental note! Sure sounds good!
On Bresson: I did like "L'argent" a lot. Bleak? Hell, I like that!
How 'bout Antonioni? I had some strange discussion with our friend Heaney on another board. Anyone here likes La Notte, L'avventura and L'eclisse (I still had no possibility to see Il deserto rosso yet)? For me, these are some of the best movies ever made!
(a side-note on La notte: the band playing that night was a real jazz quartet, the piano player is Giorgio Gaslini, who made some interesting recordings, a solo piano Monk tribute, as well as an adaption of Ayler tunes for solo piano. Antonioni let them play the whole night - not caring they also had day jobs - in order to get them unshaved and tired for that final scene in the early morning)
Jim & Lon: thanks, will have to get these two as soon as I can afford!
That's a good point you have re: 'experience'. I'm with you on that, generally. And that's the reason, too, why, having seen three or four japanese films, I usually have my share of japanese cinema for the next six months or so. (and I like to go to the movies up to four times a week when time allows)
But Imamura, for me, was quite an experience on its own. Those films have a sort of anarchy (as has Oshima), which you don't see in our own films too often, and which did quite strike me.
Will have my eyes open (that's easy, as I'm a member of both those two venues here...) for anything to come by Mizoguchi!
What are your favorite Truffaut films?
Mine would be the Doinel stories, Nuit américaine, and maybe La chambre verte and Tirez sur le pianiste. (Though there are some I missed)
Thanks, Aggie! Relief! I tend to quite care a little bit too much about such things!
Yep. The Carter one was a trio affair, with Buddy Rich on drums, if I remember correctly, and the ones with Webster (some 3 or 4 trio tracks and some more with strings) were included on the Verve 2CD Music for Loving (the strings dates).
Forgot about these!
The Carter is interesting to compare with the Tatum/Carter/Rich trio.
brownie, I don't know many of Louis Malle's films, actually, but I enjoyed Ascenseur a lot. Sort of a late french film noir. Beautifully photographed, nice style, and then of course, there's Jeanne Moreau... (La mariée était en noir is another good one with her)
Ozu & Mizoguchi I hardly know. Being still young, and there being only 2 good venues showing anything other than recent hollywood s**t and some european new stuff in between, I have to wait for the next retrospective, which will come for sure, but maybe, this will take 5 or 10 years...
Imamura, for me, was very much closer to our western (old european) mentality, our way of thinking, understanding life, than the few Ozu films I've seen. L'enmpire des sens and Diary of a shinjuku thief (by Oshima) are similar. Sort of a japanese nouvelle vague, also influenced by the likes of Godard.
Of the older japanese films I know, "Tokyo monogatari" is by far my favorite. The formalism and those wonderful pictures are stunning (the tour through the town of Tokyo the parents do, where you only see them sitting in their bus - because actually, when the film was made, Tokyo was still very much destroyed...), all the people coming or rather creeping into the picture from far below, then the camera, which usually is on the height of the knees of a standing person (which seems to be the height were the japanese live(d)). Stunning in every respect!
Yes, I got it last week and listened to the friday night stuff so far! What a groove they hit, almost from the first note! A wonderful band in its own right, absolutely no need to compare them to the Coltrane of Shorter bands! Kelly is so fresh, Cobb and Chambers form a hell of a trio with him, and Mobley alway has some good ideas, and the usual marvellous sound...
I got the two 2CD sets. What's the difference between them and the 4CD set (which I have seen nowhere here in Switzerland!)?
Let's hope our own favorite Blue Note records will bring out "Cannonball in Europe!" soon! That's a hell of a record. The Lateef band, with him having a feature (Trouble in Mind) only accompanied by Zawinul/Jones/Hayes. That's baad!
(that's the last of the seven recordings Cannon took from Riverside to Capitol, the only one not on BN-CD yet)
b3-er: I didn't realize you meant those Riverside/Capitol masters only!
Get all the Riverside stuff by Cannonball. In San Francisco would make a good start. Includes This Here (Timmons is on piano), then go on to the recordings by the sextet with Lateef, such as Nippon Soul (another one of my faves).
Jim Dye (or anyone): that CD (the cover of which you posted), does that contain the rest of the Nippon Soul/Japanese Concerts stuff? Or is there still some music not on CD yet?
And anyone has heard the recent Verve LPR of Cannonball?
Anyone knows Shohei Imamura? (The Insect Woman, Unagi, Intentions of Murder, Introduction to Anthropology - the Pornographer, etc)
some real good stuff!
William Wyler, Dead End
-, The Collector
-, Roman Holiday
Raul Ruiz, Généalogies d'un Crime
-, Fils De Deux Meres Ou Comedie De L'Innocence
Louis Malle, Ascenseur pour l'échafaud
-, Vanya on 42nd street
De Sica, Ieri, oggi, domani
-, Sciuscia
-, Ladri di biciclette
Scola, C'eravamo tanto amati
Jacques Rivette, Secret défense (starring Sandrine Bonnaire, one of my favorite contemporary actresses)
Gawd, I forgot "Pierrot Le Fou" in my list! Hell! That's a great movie for sure!
Check out Samuel Fuller's statement on cinema!
I just heard the album Frisell did with Jim Keltner and Viktor Krauss, "Gone, just like a train" - and I like it a lot. Higly polished, most of the time (sure fits Keltner), but often humorous, and lots of drive. "Post-modern" seems to be the right label for Frisell, if we need one.
Recently, I also found "Bass Desires", and then realized I have some more albums with him, as the first Joey Baron disc with Frisell/Blythe/Carter ("Down Home"). And also have I heard one of those duo gigs with Joey Baron, which was very good. They even played a standard (There Is No Greater Love).
How good is the album with Dave Holland and Elvin Jones?
By the way, thank you to all of you who helped me out! It looks as if I probably won't have this music for quite some time.....gonna have to save for the box set! But I'm sure it will be well worth the wait.
That's the best decision, sal!
The box includes the three albums issued later on and compiling material from several sessions, which are not available here as single CDs, and all the stuff is chronologically packed. It's very interesting also, to see how the sound of the quartet changed with the changes of the bass or drums players (Higgins-Blackwell and Haden-Garrison-LaFaro).
And the music is sublime, of course!
Hey, I didn't notice this thread was safed from that evil other place!
Very nice link, brownie! thanks for posting.
Milt Jackson's "Plenty, Plenty Soul" is also one to have. "Here Comes Louis Smith" is still another fine recording with Cannonball.
Yeah, these are two good ones!
And of course all the stuff with Miles/Trane (get that box if you don't have it...)
(Not just what's on KoB and Milestones)
On www.warnerclassics.de you find some reissues of newer origin.
As I have the box, I don't know any of these, but the two series called "Atlantic Masters" and a (little older) "Atlantic Original Sound" are not bad. Anyway, I have no idea about the remastering quality of the Ornettes.
The "Atlantic Masters" include "Change of the Century" and "Free Jazz", the "Original Sound" includes "This Is Our Music". "Free Jazz" was also issued in the Rhino/Atlantic deluxe series.
But I would recommend the box, too! Was one of my first box sets, and it's sure worth every penny!
yeah, Parlan!
Coppola, Godfather
Scorsese, Mean Streets
Scorsese, Good Fellas
Scorsese, Raging Bull
Scorsese, Taxi Driver
Forman, Cerný Petr
Forman, Loves of a blonde
Forman, The Firemen's ball
Chytilowa, Sedmikrsky
Welles, Citizen Kane
Kubrick, Killing
Cassavetes, Shadows
Cassavetes, Woman under the influence
Polanski, Knife in the Water
Polanski, Repulsion
Polanski, Cul de sac
Bresson, Un condamné à mort s'est echappé
Bresson, Journal d'un curé de campagne
Bresson, Pickpocket
Stroheim, The wedding march
Wilder, Sunset Boulevard
Wilder, Sabrina
Mankiewicz, All About Eve
Mankiewicz, The Barefoot Comtessa
Renoir, La grande Illusion
Vigo, L'atalante
Renoir, La règle du jeu
Carné, Le jour se lève
Carné, Les enfants du paradis
Carné, Quai des brumes
Losey, The Accident
Losey, The servant
Losey, The Go-Between
Visconti, Il Gattopardo
Godard, Le mépris
Lang, M
Lang, Metropolis
Walsh, White Heat
Walsh, The roaring twenties
Walsh, The man I love
Scola, La famiglia
Scola, La terrazza
Greenaway, the cook...
Huston, The Dead
Huston, The misfits
Huston, Asphalt Jungle
Bresson, Au hazard balthazar
some more...
Favorite movies?
in Miscellaneous - Non-Political
"L'argent" was Bresson's last film. I had a chance to see it at a retrospective held in Zurich a couple of nmonths after his death. I saw many others there, too (Condamné, Journal d'uncuré..., Balthazar, Le diable probablement - some others were missing as they could not get any copies).
There was a recent (Hollywood?) movie starring Al Pacino (whom I don't like that much in his recent films, ususally), called "Insomnia". Can't remmeber who directed it, but that was quite a bleak affair, too.
I have just now seen Alexander Medwjedkin's silent movie "Stschastje" (german: Das Glück), from 1935. What a great film! They even had a piano player who did a quite decent job. Tomorrow, I'm going to see Griffiths "Intolerance" (for the first time in its entirety)