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Jim Alfredson

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Everything posted by Jim Alfredson

  1. I'll be spinning Jimmy Smith's Bluesmith tomorrow in memory.
  2. What about a band relying on their organist to run the board? I think everything is safe until we win a Grammy (yeah right). "And the Grammy for the nuttiest organ swidys goes to..."
  3. She had a good run. RIP.
  4. Changed the title for you. And yes, it's a great book. Highly recommended read for musicians.
  5. To all of you who have purchased the CD, thank you very much. We appreciate it. Having no label to back us what-so-ever, we made that CD using our own money as a labor of love. If you haven't checked it out yet, please do yourself a favor a buy a copy. Just go to the ordering page and order yourself a copy. You'll dig it, I promise! And how about posting your quick reviews here, those of you who've bought one. Entice the fellow board members to take the plunge! Thanks and enjoy!
  6. Jim Alfredson

    Bill Heid

    Yes. I would say "Dark Secrets" is my favorite record of his. Try to find the out of print "This Is My Rifle" for some serious Larry Young-isms.
  7. Damn, they lost their first game to Orlando even with Big Ben back in. T-Mac is a mutha. Oh well. Home court advantage should help. We'll see what happens Wed.
  8. The Xbox whoops the PS2 in the graphics department, hands down. Just look at Morrowind. Amazing game if you like RPGs, but even if you don't you have to be in awe of what the Xbox can do. I bought an Xbox when it first came out and since sold it for financial reasons, but I loved it when I had it. I was getting pretty pissed at the lack of quality games, but soon after I sold it they released some sweet ones including Morrowind, Panzer Dragoon, Phantasy Star Online (which I never got to play on my beloved DC) Gunmetal, Gun Valkerie (hard, but oh so cool), Shenmue II (I loved the original on DC) and Unreal. Not to mention the upcoming Soul Calibur II (Soul Calibur on the DC was and still is the best fighter ever). One of these days I'm going to get another Xbox and start rockin'!
  9. Jim, Do you need a press pack to lay on her? If so, PM me with your address and I'll send one or two to you. And conerning AMG, Michael G. Nastos writes for them who DJ's at WEMU, who are playing our CD quite regularly. So you'd think we'd end up in there at some point.
  10. Because they have a fan base I think. We're gonna keep pushing... regardless of the fact that I just applied for about 6 jobs. Eeesh. I've been enjoying this "only play music" thing.
  11. OH man, the show was fuckin' brilliant. He played a bunch of originals that I don't think he's recorded. Some really slow, churnin' tunes where he's singing the melody real high and conjuring sounds from the manuals. He did an amazing version of Caravan that started with a circus-like, gypsy beginning. The drawbar settings he was using are a mystery. I've never heard the Hammond sound like that. Wild stuff. He scared the shit out of the white folks, too! It was hilarious! He was the last musical guest to go on the stage at the sixth annual Mr. B's Piano Orgy, which is a boogie-woogie piano celebration for the most part. So there were all these old white people in the audience digging these heavy piano cats playing stride all night. Great music. But then Lonnie comes out and proceeds to basically make love to the organ, groanin' and moanin' and gruntin' and he fucking FREAKED those people out. I would say 40% of the audience left within the first two tunes! But he played his ass off. So much lyricism and dynamics and melody. And the sidemen, who were local as I said, kept up with him great. They were just as surprised as the audience was after the long, weird intro to Caravan. Lonnie is the man. He needs to record.
  12. Yes, I did get to hang. I gave him a copy of my CD and he was very appreciative. We've talked a few times before, but I don't think he remembered me. But he did say to keep doing what I'm doing and to keep the music alive. He said "We're brothers, man. We look out for each other." It was very cool. He's a genuine good person.
  13. Africa Brass, Would you mind sharing your thoughts on the record now that you've had it for awhile?
  14. Damn bro... I understand. I just saw Dr. Lonnie Smith last Sunday with two exceptionally bad-ass local musicians with him. Lansing resident Randy Gelispie on drums (he's on some Sonny Stitt sides from the 60s) and Detroiter Perry Hughes on guitar (played with Earl Klugh among others). The Dr. is so much more dynamic and interesting than most every other organist on the scene today. Everything he does is unique and his technique is flawless. His basslines are subtle, his chords are his own, and his soloing builds and builds and builds until you can't imagine him holding back the floodgates anymore... and then he takes another chorus! Soulive is for people who only care about a back beat.
  15. Yeah, and I'm even trying to sell my horn... Ebay
  16. I'll probably design some others when I have the time. And make the snow one a little more interesting.... work in progress.
  17. Hi everyone, Due to requests, I implemented a new skin in case you're not thrilled with the color scheme here. You can access the new skin by going to "My Controls" in the upper right hand corner, and choosing "Skin and Language" from the menu on the left. The new skin is called "Organissimo (Snow)". The old skin is "Organissimo Default". Enjoy.
  18. Man he really does steal everything from Jobs, doesn't he?
  19. I think the Pistons have a good chance of getting walloped by the West champions, whoever they might be this year. I'm not putting my money on the Lakers. I'd actually like to see the Spurs or the Kings rise to the occassion, although the Kings bother me. They complain too much... just shutup and play the game. As long as the Pistons get past the second round of playoffs, I'll be happy. That will show some progress from last year. They just need that one standout player that makes things happen.
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