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Everything posted by duaneiac

  1. From 1992, with Benny Green, Peter Washington & Lewis Nash
  2. I was thinking just last week, when I saw a promo for his latest movie, that Kurt Russel has had quite the career these past 50-some years-- to go from being the teen heartthrob lead in those Disney comedies to portraying the immortal Snake Plissken to now being Santa Claus. That shows some adaptability and durability. Good for him. I recently watched the Rifftrax version of this: Just as a movie, this is not that bad if you think of it as a live-action version of one of those 1950's horror comic books. Yes, it's hokey, a little plodding at times and the characters a are all paper thin, but it is ghoulish, mindless fun. The only thing which would have made this movie even better would have been if it had included Elisha Cook, Jr. with a terrible Cockney accent.
  3. Wasn't Roy Hargrove deemed to be part of that Young Lions group? I still listen to, and love, his recordings. Cyrus Chestnut too. And Winard Harper -- he made several very good recordings back in the day that are worth rehearing. I have not heard much from him recently though.
  4. Both very impressive and disturbing, to me. (At 2:41 -- that's about the only dance move I got!)
  5. Which is a CD reissue of this album Recorded on December 27, 1972
  6. It would be great if next year, for the 50th anniversary of this concert, some one would issue the complete program, including the MJQ's first half of the show.
  7. I join Mike and the Bots in saying to one and all, "Merry Christmas -- If That's OK"
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