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Everything posted by T.D.

  1. PM sent on Brignola ,Nick – On A Different Level (Reservoir) K.Barron/ Holland/DeJohnette $7 Melford ,Myra – Alive in the House of Saints (Hat Hut) $8 Evans ,Bill – California, Here I Come (Verve) 2004 remaster $7 and question on Quebec ,Ike – Complete Blue Note/Savoy 40’s mas
  2. Classic lineup in Champions League semis: Barcelona, Bayern, Juventus, Real Madrid. I thought Porto had a chance to KO Bayern, but they got annihilated in 2nd leg.
  3. An excellent book. I found it very informative. I just finished this: and started this:
  4. Pleased about the Evans, but the Monk seems unnecessary since All Monk seems to have dealt with that material I think "All Monk" may not have all the outtakes, though I don't know for sure. I fairly recently purchased "All Monk", and it does not have outtakes (I believe the set is a simple collection of the 16 original OJC CD releases). It also has a minimal booklet, consisting of images of original OJC booklet covers, track listings and personnel.
  5. Very funny! When I lived in the NYC area, I often attended new music concerts at Miller Theater, so many elements of the video really hit home.
  6. PM sent on: $5: David Hazeltine "Manhattan Autumn" Lee Konitz "Motion" $3: Jack Wilson "Easterly Winds" (Japanese) $2: Clifford Jordan "Glass Bead Games" Charlie Parker, "Swedish Schnapps" Cedar Walton, "At Maybeck" Shelly Manne and his Men, "At the Blackhawk vol. 3" Shelly Manne and his Men, "At the Blackhawk vol. 4"
  7. RIP. Before my time, but I remember Bednarik often being mentioned for: a) Putting a brutal open-field hit on Frank Gifford; b) Having remarkably misshapen hands as a result of old football injuries.
  8. Agreed, and from the same era This Sporting Life. Both outstanding films. Agreed. I actually considered including This Sporting Life in the original post, but had to be honest and hold back because I never read the book... I looked around for it a few years ago, but scarce in USA.
  9. PM sent on Jaki Byard "Out Front!" Jaki Byard "Hi-Fly"
  10. In the "short story adaptation" category, The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner.
  11. Yes! I should have recalled these. I'll add Bertolucci's film of Alberto Moravia's The Conformist. Not necessarily better than the (rather good) novel, but praiseworthy in its own way.
  12. No Country for Old Men The Great Santini High and Low (Kurosawa's adaptation of Ed McBain's King's Ransom) Goodfellas
  13. According to Mayer's own website, yes. http://www.jonmayer.com/bio.htm Eventually he recorded with two of the greatest saxophonists ever: Jackie McLean on Strange Blues (Prestige/OJC) and John Coltrane on a session known as the legendary "I Talk With The Trees" date and finally issued in 1990 as part of Coltrane's Like Sonny (Roulette).
  14. Very attractive, but I just can't spare the $ right now...
  15. +1 on that. Years ago, I bought Geoff Dyer's But Beautiful on the basis of some good reviews, and couldn't stand it (didn't even finish it, which is unusual for me). Dyer's recent piece on Coltrane reinforced my opinion that he's an author to avoid.
  16. Scottish sour candies. Never eaten them, but Jim seems right: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soor_ploom http://www.scottishsweets.com/shopexd.asp?id=89
  17. I've sworn off the mega-boxes (despite cheap per-disk prices, I don't wind up listening to them often enough), but Berkshire is selling this interesting 30-CD Casadesus collection (on the Scribendum label) for $119.70: http://www.scribendumrecordings.com/our-shop/4583959841/sc506-30cd---the-art-of-robert-casadesus/8724523 With the usual dilemma: if you already own a bunch of the constituent recordings, how much do you want to spend to fill in the gaps (and also acquire some likely marginalia)?
  18. I like the Otter Crest disc (very cheap on Amazon iirc), but don't know where it ranks among GH recordings. I think his Live at Maybeck solo piano CD is excellent; one of my favorites in the Maybeck series.
  19. Tom, I think that's recording engineer Richard Alderson rather than Barry. Alderson messed up a whole bunch of good recordings IMO; his efforts seem to be characterized by out-of-tune pianos with a weird timbre that I think of as "underwater". And I don't usually pay a lot of attention to sound quality.
  20. Wow awesome to hear the CL for free! I really enjoy their recordings of Villa-Lobos and Ginastera.
  21. I stopped watching TV over 5 years ago. What a pleasure to not see any of this crap! Pity it still gets covered on the Internet. I do recall Jenner as an Olympic decathlon gold medalist.
  22. Not a Trekkie and didn't see the show when it originally aired, but went through a period of digging it on late-night TV in the '80s. I've only seen the original series, not the many sequels. The shirtless Shatner is a bizarre first-season artifact (as were some Kirk fistfights iirc) - I figure the network was searching for an audience and trying to draw the female demographic to the sci-fi genre. I loved the twofer "Menagerie" premiere episode, but apparently it was kind of a mash-up after the original pilot was rejected by the network as "too cerebral". Uhura's a staple throughout, and overall there are many women in skimpy '60s attire. Couple of things: the Romulans are fearsome badasses, and there's a cool episode in which Spock goes into the Vulcan equivalent of heat and has to return home for a mating ritual.
  23. I suggest ignoring all the TV/showbiz weather personalities and learning how to navigate the National Weather Service website. Predicted snowfall for NYC area: http://www.weather.gov/okx/stormtotalsnow The predicted heavy stuff has been shifting slightly East. My area (western Ulster Co., NY, well northwest of the City) is now pegged for only 6-8", which seems too good to be true!
  24. RIP. I suggest the Swingle Singers recording of Berio's Sinfonia, but that's probably very hard to find (maybe the piece isn't to everyone's taste, as well... ). Added: Granted, various later recordings of Sinfonia are generally regarded as better, but the original one with the Swingle Singers is "of historical significance".
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