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Dub Modal

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Everything posted by Dub Modal

  1. Only nine tracks in this BFT because the selections were pretty long. Glad most of it was enjoyed. I definitely had fun putting this together. Let's get to it: Track One - Le Rex - Alimentation Generale - Escape of the Fire Ants 2019 (written by Stucki) AS - Benedikt Reising D - Rico Baumann TS - Marc Stucki Tr - Andreas Tschopp Tu - Marc Unternahrer Blind buy of an album I ended up enjoying and glad some of yall did too. This was my favorite tune from the record. I agree with comments that Stucki was the standout here and well, it's his tune so that makes sense. Track Two - Anthony Braxton, Composition No. 40B - Six Compositions: Quartet 1981 (written by Braxton) AS - Anthony Braxton Bass - Mark Helias D - Edward Blackwell P - Anthony Davis A few guesses for Ed Blackwell on track 7, but here he is. I actually preferred Composition No. 40A from this record, but this one was shorter and fit the CD's time restrictions. As @felser noted, Braxton's playing could be described as frantic here but I enjoy that component here, and think it plays well with the tight rhythm section. Track Three - David Torn - Transmit Regardless - Prezens 2005 (Ensemble) AS - Tim Berne D - Tom Rainey Rhodes/Hammond/Mellotron/Bent Circuits - Craig Taborn G - David Torn I thought a few more would have guessed Berne here like @mjzee. I waffled a bit on whether to include this and then where to place it because it's so far outside of the other songs here. Then I read the song title again and took it to heart - Transmit Regardless. The soundscape that Prezens creates is an entire sphere for everything else to breathe within, with the ensemble traversing over the topography of this little sonic world. Maybe that comes across as too artsy and it probably is, but I don't mean to say this can't be enjoyed viscerally. The original hype sticker said this album is a "tapestry" and maybe that's a better way to describe what Torn is creating. This song stood out among the others though, so I wanted to share it here even though it's obviously not to everyone's preference. Track Four - Hank Mobley - Feelin' Folksy - The Flip 1969 (Released in '70, written by Mobley) B - Alby Cullaz D - Philly Joe P - Vince Benedetti TS - Hank Mobley Tb - Slide Hampton Tr - Dizzy Reece I think this is a massively underrated Mobley album, so much so that without Mosaic doing the 60s Mobley set I may have never bought it separately. That would have been my loss. Check the line up. Once you get the title track out of the way (although @Dan Gould digs it!), one gets to some excellent songs. It was Dizzy's solo on this made me sit up and take notice at first. Then after a few listens it all came home for me. Track Five - Steve Lacy 5 - Stamps (Live) - Blinks...Zurich Live 1983 (composed by Steve Lacy) B - Jean-Jacques Avenel Percussion - Oliver Johnson Ss - Steve Lacy AS - Steve Potts Cello - Irene Aebi Recent CD purchase and the whole thing grabbed me from the get go. Time factors affected this selection but it's still a damn good song. As @tkeith notes, the listening here from everyone involved is masterful. Track Six - Charles McPherson - BeBop to HipHop - Illusions in Blue 1990, live from a night club in La Jolla, CA; possibly composed by McPherson B - Jeffrey Littleton D - Chuck McPherson (Charles Jr) P - Randy Porter AS - Charles McPherson For some reason, this song isn't listed on the discogs page and the CD cover is different. This selection was one of my favorites from this 1990 live date (and bonus not to include announcements of song/personnel for the BFT) where I think Charles is playing incredibly well. I purchased direct from Charles' web store: https://charlesmcpherson.com/store/ Track Seven - Philly Joe Jones - Jim's Jewel - Philly Mignon 1977 (written by Charles Brown Sr., arranged by Philly Joe) B - Ron Carter Cornet - Nat Adderley D - Philly Joe Ss - Ira Sullivan Big names on what I think is an almost unknown or maybe forgotten album. My favorite track from it, the off kilter melody was unexpected but fit this Charles Brown composition so well. Philly Joe looks like a boss on this cover photo as well. Track Eight- Myra Melford Extended Ensemble - Evening Might Still - Even the Sounds Shine 1996 (composed by Melford) Cl - Marty Ehrlich B - Lindsey Horner D - Reggie Nicholson P - Myra Melford Tr - Dave Douglas Ehrlich hooked me and I had to include this one because this is a serious jam. Glad most enjoyed it too. The whole album is excellent IMO. Track Nine - Augustus Pablo - Song of the East - The Red Sea (composed by A. Pablo) B - Aston Barrett or Val Douglas D - Carlton Barrett or Mikey Richards G - Alva Lewis, Mikey Chung, or Ranny Williams Tr - Bobby Ellis TS - Tommy McCook Tb - Vin Gordon Keyboards - Geoffrey Chung, Glen Adams, Lloyd Charmers Melodica - A. Pablo Percussion - Sticky Thompson I almost didn't include this one either, but I've been listening to a lot of Pablo lately and thought what the hell. Pablo is a remarkable guy. Dealt with Myasthenia Gravis his whole life even though it was never diagnosed until decades after he'd been suffering with it. Took initiative and carved out his own Rockers sound among the world music capital of Kingston, JA and became a legend worldwide. He was gifted a melodica by a friend and taught himself to play it, ending up getting called to record by Herman Chin-Loy of Aquarius & Randy's studios. Those early sessions are on this comp and this little groove stands out. It's so raw and loose but the drive is palpable.
  2. Not KG but someone who was around and playing when Cannonball was... And 7 has Ron Carter on bass but it's not his date. The other guys aren't there though. I'll be interested in anyone's thoughts on the album this came from. I suspect it's been under the radar for a long time - or maybe never on the radar? Thanks for giving an ear and glad you dug it!
  3. Reveal will be posted tomorrow AM. Thanks again!
  4. I think all of these albums stream so I’ll skip the box. And George Adams doesn’t bother me at all. As for Taylor Swift, her last 2 albums are really good pop records. She has some updated 80s inspired synth elements that are perfect if you like that sort of thing.
  5. Another oversight on my part. The Flip was recorded in Paris so that makes total sense.
  6. Just listened to Bobby Hutcherson's Patterns yesterday. Spaulding is the star of that record along with Rudy's production. The mood he built off of what these guys were playing is master class stuff. RVG unbelievably gets slogged at other audiophile forums but I guess that's what jealousy gets you.
  7. Listening now. First 2 tracks were great. Lester Bowie's Brass Fantasy really struggles with One Love surprisingly.
  8. Clues: Track 1 is a band of European players. I misspoke about Track 5 earlier. Irene Aebi is there, but not singing. Track 6 is led by a well known sax player who’s still active today and actually has a tour going on now. Track 7, another well known bunch led by a guy who played with a legendary Miles band. Track 8 is led by a frequent collaborator with Ehrlich.
  9. Wow. I never realized that 🤯 Actually played the Flip last night and Philly Joe was standing out in a great way. And it’s the only album I have with Alby Cullaz. Where’d he come from to get this date?
  10. Thanks to Mosaic’s Mobley 60s set I got the Flip and damn, I liked it much more than I anticipated. Maybe because the title opener is a bit generic? Once that’s over though there’s some great tunes and playing. Glad you dug a couple more too, esp the first track.
  11. This music on this set looks to be outside of the Dial and Verve material. Savoy too maybe?
  12. Hard to believe this album is almost 30 years old!
  13. Mixed bag. Kali's Children No Cry is built off of Ras Michael's None a Jah Jah Children and works for the most part. You can tell it's roots reggae inspired but there's a missing ingredient that keeps the whole album from working 100%. Can't put my finger on it exactly. Moved on to: Another good one but heavy. Needed a change up so:
  14. Spent some time with Hamid Drake's Reggaeology: And now listening to: Masabumi Kikuchi Quintet's End for the Beginning
  15. Waterloo made its way to our area and it’s going to be my pool/beach side drink this year replacing beer. Definitely better than La Croix and Bubly.
  16. 👍 Totally understand work being busy. Mid-year can get pretty crazy especially when colleagues are out on vacation etc.
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