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Everything posted by clifford_thornton

  1. That title is ridiculous. I'd heard it was the usual loungey fare that they've been up to lately... to be honest, they haven't made a record in a looong time that I've been moved by.
  2. I could SWEAR I saw Blue John offered at auction from Paris Jazz Corner. Wonder if it was a test pressing also? I met a Japanese dude in Paris who had a test pressing of the Brooks...
  3. I've heard Simmons rapping, and it's not too great. His LPs are all a treasure, however...
  4. You're not just dealing with BN, you're dealing with EMI/Capitol. I stick with my Toshiba Japanese pressing of this excellent session.
  5. I'm not bothered by this at all. Andre is better-dressed than Cannonball anyway... The Wynton factor is the only dubious one I see as well.
  6. The photo is fine, it's the graphics that are the problem. Even worse than "Straight No Filter."
  7. Yeah, yeah, this is a good one. I've read some of it previously but the Bud story is a tear-jerker. Heavy.
  8. I'd buy the Ra, MEV and Rivers LPs at $50 each, for sure... The only Horo records I've had were the Roach and the Lacy "Threads," and only kept the Roach.
  9. Sal, I listened to it again today, and the more I hear it the more I like it. But I don't take back anything I said in my original post. Seventy-seven minutes is a long time for nine songs that sound the same, even if they are very good. Wonder if the "mood thing" relates back to his work with Komeda and film music, or not... I like the Stanko I've heard, but not heard this one. Balladina, his first on ECM, is very good. I'd also like to check out a few of those early Musa/Poljazz things, like Twet.
  10. Yeah, the original Warleigh was on Philips. Have not heard it myself, but the LP used to run a fair chunk of change... Spelling edit on the Drake, thanks for catching that. Not that I'm a big Drake fan (sold all the LPs years ago)...
  11. There is an alternate cover for this, no? I feel like I've seen another issue. Also, wasn't Higgins on an Elmo Hope LP from the late '50s, or am I just stoned?
  12. Also IIRC on Nick Drake's Bryter Later. Some Westbrook too, no?
  13. Surprised the Columbia isn't available. Wasn't there a Hahn private LP that Arhoolie reissued? I can't remember the title, though the cover art fits the tenor of the times.
  14. "Not really free in the conventional sense -- but "free" with a seminal NY "New Thing" vibe that has a lot of post-ESP feel, never too hippy-dippy for us, but still very spiritual and soulful at the same time! The sax is kinda similar to the things ___ was working on towards the end of the '60s, but with a raw funky side that we know Dusty fans will love! (original pressing with a cut corner and both seams almost completely split. Vinyl has a fair number of marks, but you hardly ever see this one on wax. Trust us!)" Make sense to you?
  15. Are you sure you want to be at the point where you understand DG descriptions?
  16. This is generalization along the lines of "all jazz musicians are drug addicts." I am going to otherwise stay out of this discussion, as it gets under my skin... that said, I have read some serious misinformation and posturing, even today, on some of the latest AAJ reviews. But I also listened to a junkie's music last night, so there...
  17. Dusty Groove's descriptions do more harm than good, I would say. Try and find a few samples online and go from there...
  18. Can't wait to get home from work so I can spin a few of these in Mal's Bday honor.
  19. I wouldn't be surprised if Cuneiform did something with Ogun. I too haven't been impressed with the CD reissues. I tend not to like combining two vaguely-related sessions on one disc, however. The Breuker-Mengelberg fallout seems to prevent the initial ICPs from being reissued at the moment. Too bad - those are great records!
  20. That's weird. So Gebers left and is now suing her? This is all very confusing... FWIW, Brotzmann owns the tapes of Nipples and it was originally on Calig. There was never any intention to put that out on FMP if you go with PB's statements - that was, after all, one of the first UMS titles way back in the 90s.
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