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  1. Ethel "Sweet Mama Stringbean" Waters Patty Waters Burton Greene
  2. Stan & Kim Hunter Jonah & Shirley Jones Jimmy & Ann Shirley Ernie & Helen Hayes Martin & Marian Rivera George & Patty Duke Jimmy & Maggie Smith Rudy & Margaret Rutherford John & Linda Hunt Leon Jr & Octavia Spencer John & Teresa Wright Wilbur & Marcia Gay Harden Les & Ann Baxter Eddie & Barbara Harris George & Amy Adams Nathan & Geraldine Page Roland & Jane Alexander Big & Karen Black Ron & Helena Bonham Carter Buddy & Toni Collette Ramsey & Juliette Lewis Bennie & Samantha Morton Joe "King" & Edna Mae Oliver Earl & Lesley Ann Warren MG
  3. Hiram and Sandra Bullock Charlie and Claudia Christian Eddie and Bebe Daniels Don and Marlene Dietrich George and Patty Duke Clyde and Dolores Hart Sy and Susan Oliver Jay and Jean Peters Ray and Zasu Pitts Waymon and Donna Reed Zoot and Molly Sims Butch and Sharon Stone
  4. Frank & Theresa Wright Herbie and Barbara Nichols Chico and Margaret Hamilton Hal and Maxine Roach Fred Lonberg- and Celeste Holm Alice and Robbie Coltrane Jim and Karen Black Jack and Patricia "Patty Parker" Nicholson Joe and Cathy Rigby Dick & Nora York Charles and Liv Tyler Ivan and Akua Dixon
  5. Some years ago Patricia Nicholson used to go by the name Patty Parker. I prefer dancers with jazz to poets with jazz, because with dancers you can close your eyes. I'm not opposed to jazz poetry in principle, though. Ted Joans and Kenneth Rexroth among others did some great stuff back in the day. But I hate the jazz poetry that's so self-referential about jazz, and the "expressive dance" I've been seeing since the days of Rivbea remind me of those old Jules Feiffer cartoons. Another really silly thing is live action painting with jazz performances.
  6. not true - Armstrong is commercial, The Beatles are commercial. James Brown is commercial, Hell, even Beethoven is commercial these days. The Lovin Spoonful was commercial. The Velvets were commercial. Patty Smith is commercial (well, she sucks). Miles was commercial. Mamie Smith was commercial. Bessie Smith was commercial. Basie was commercial. Ibuprofen is commercial. Cheeseburgers are commercial. but I like (almost) all of the above.
  7. Pretty close to mine, though I would want to put Patty Waters and Annie Ross in there too somehow.
  8. The Louvin Brothers Patty Loveless Lyle Lovett
  9. General Field Marshall Cinque Patty Hearst Orson Welles
  10. Pope Innocent I Guilty Party Patty Boyd
  11. Out of the Past (John Hendricks) Out of Nowhere (Coleman Hawkins) Get out of Town (Patty McGovern) I Told Ya I Love Ya Now Get Out (Stan Kenton) I Let a Song Go Out of My Heart (Duke) next Ashes
  12. About a month before the company went live here, somebody made sure that the "secret menu" business was included in all the print stories that were hitting the presses. Five Guys opened up here over a year ago, and they're good, but I'm more of a single half-pound patty cooked medium rare (at most!) and served on an artisan-type bun guy, so...I like them, but really...I can get better at home.
  13. Duke Ellington (so far it's only 77 years of Solitude) Duke (the bloodhound from Beverly Hillbillies) Patty Duke
  14. Exactly Like You (the Fields-McHugh song) Every Day Is Exactly The Same (Nine Inch Nails) That's Exactly What I Mean (Patty Loveless) Exactly What You Wanted (Helmet) Exactly Where I'm At (Ween) next: EVERYONE/EVERYBODY (was it already done?)
  15. Vanilla Ice Chocolate Thunder Peppermint Patty
  16. Yellow dye in the pickles. Yellow dye in the cheese. Probably in the "butter" too, which most likely isn't real butter. Has the patty been bleached with ammonia like other fast-food hamburgers (in order to protect against ecoli and salmonella)? Yum! Fast food is gross. On our last long road trip, which was mostly in the Great Plains, I was so sick of fast food I actually didn't eat all day until we had dinner at the venue each night. In states like Nebraska, Iowa, etc. there is literally nothing else to eat on the road unless you have time to sit down for 1 to 2 hours and get a real meal. Nothing even decent like a Panera. It was hell. I'll never eat at Wendy's again; that stuff is nasty.
  17. crazy man, they call me----- an old old old worn out record friend... we've been through a lot together we've been lots of places more than our share of good times; far less than our share of bad times............ PATTY!!!!!
  18. This week's Damages. Patty was in dazzling form, it's turned into a real battle against evil.
  19. DEEP--OUT THERE LURKING--Can you believe these tortured post-mortems? At least two of these threads are bursting with vilification and sanctimony days after your ostracization. Methinks they PROTEST TOO MUCH. Maybe one of your SUPERIORS will shoot me your email address (Patty?) so I can resume our personal pissing contest (I don't mind getting wet.) That HAM-FISTED PRIG Christiern will eventually be drained of his tedious indignation if he needn't witness our FUN. Patty: How offended can you be by my use of the NOTORIOUS C-WORD when you took the trouble to quote it for the benefit of those who didn't understand the reference? Out of all the slime that's been bandied about WITH VIGAH you get pissed off at a synonym for your own GENDER? But seriously, I apologize for being a PRICK. And BTW, whoever accused DEEP of using the DREADED C-WORD, is guilty of PILING ON. I'm ashamed for all of us. We should be BEGGING HIS FORGIVENESS. B-3er: I think it's significant that you and Use3 allow DEEP to continue lurking. Maybe there's redemption for ALL OF US. Use3 could be the instrument of our salvation IF HE CHOOSES.
  20. The Grope (A DOPE), Just because I named you that doesn't mean you have to become one. What are you, some kind of HIGH PLAINS DRIFTER ? Everybody needs some support and I could be a friend to you but you need guidance. It's obvious you're a tenderfoot, A GREEN HORN so to speak. With that stated please allow me to make a few suggestions: #1. Ignore Used3D. He doesn't exist. He knows nothing about jazz. If you are compelled to acknowledge his existence then look at him like Keith Partridge. He's the older one with the leisure suit. He does drive a pickup truck and it does have a rifle rack and he does attend butter churnin' competition and he does go COON huntin' and he does have two pearl handled six shooters and his axe IS DELETE!! JUST HEAR THE VIOLINS (behind Dolly Parton) EVERY TIME HE POSTS. #2. Be delicate with Albertson (Christiern). He's the site PULER. Humor him at times and agree with his Bush Bashing on occasion. He is not above e mailing the moderators of this board in the hope of getting obstreperous posters blown out. #3. Patty is a TRAP. I'm reminded of the husband who sent his wife on a vacation to the Bahamas. When she discovered that, after an ocean swim, her snatch was itching see saw the hotel physician to have it examined. The hotel Sawbones reached in and pulled out an oyster. Upon hulling the oyster he found a beautiful pearl. He hastily wired the woman's husband with the information and a query as to what to do. The husband immediately wired back, "SEND PEARL (stop) RESET TRAP (stop)!!" In short: AVOID PATTY. DO NOT ENGAGE HER. HER MISSION IS TO GET YOU BLOWN OUT, PEARL OR *NO* PEARL. HER GUISE IS THE GUISE OF MOSCOW. SHE'S TROUBLE AND "WHO NEEDS TROUBLE"??!! SHE'LL CRY RAPE IN A HEARTBEAT. DON'T EVEN TOUCH HER WITH conn's JOHNSON. With these little tidbits of advice you should do well here if you take heed. I know I'm stepping out of character by posting on this thread but I am soon to start another "Private Club" thread so as to appease the PULERS (like Stapleton, Moose, Deus et al). RACK'EM DEEP
  21. Yeah right, The Groper. That tranparent bullshit doesn't cut with anybody around here, least of all Patty & Cistern. It's about as interesting as all that nickname shit Patty was littering up the thread with. I suggest you take it to phone sex with her and JUMP THREAD. On a much more interesting topic: Any of you Dilds ever take an OPEN MRI??
  22. Franklin Mint Ferdinand La Menthe Peppermint Patty
  23. I'm with B 100% on this. When I was on Maynard Ferguson's Band the first year was heaven. NO CHICKIES ON THE BUS. Maynard even used to say that the way to destroy a band is to bring one chickie on the bus and the whole band will be at odds. Same thing goin' on with this thread. Bunch of cats havin' a ball. How many chickies have posted on this thread?? ONE !! Ironically, Maynard brought his stepdaughter, Kim, on the bus the second year. The whole band turned to shit. Same thing goin' on here. Now the thread has turned to shit. The Groper is tryin' to bird dog Patty and the place is in an uproar. I originated this thread to get Albertson to commit to writing some liner notes for my upcoming Big Band CD and now THIS??? Patty, You just can't help yourself can you? You feel an uncontrollable urge to be at the center of desirability with the cats. Well you've done it again. Got the whole scene blown out. CLASP!! DEEP
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