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Lost a special cat Friday....

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Of course, we all think all of our cats were special...I'm sure everyone else feels that way about their family members too.

Like so many of our cats, he showed up unannounced...clearly someone had been at least feeding him, but his collar had no tag of any kind on it. He was also about 6 months old, so my Mom stuck him with the terrible name of Baby.

He lived up to that name, as he never really matured, he was always getting in trouble. ^_^

Baby seemed to live on my Mom's bed her last few months. She worried we wouldn't give him the constant attention/petting he got from her. As if!

Clearly, he was part Dog. Only cat we ever had that would run right over if you called his name. He loved to get as high on you as he could, while you were sitting in a chair. The chair in front of our computer would always lean back as you did so he could be more comfortable...and really, that's all that mattered! ;)

He picked on our older girl cat at times...would put his front leg over her neck like a slimy guy at a bar hitting on women. I felt he needed some gold chains around his neck. He was good looking though, perhaps more of a gigolo.

Some cats will bite you if you rubbed their belly. Not Baby. You could rub his belly til the end of time, and he'd still want more.

Baby liked everyone. Someone he never met could sit in a chair, and 10 minutes later he'd sit right next to them, and lean into them like they were someone they saw every day. People who were not cat people had to admit he was alright.

In my 43 years on this planet, I can't remember not having a cat. Since my Mom died in 2005, 4 cats have died. He was the last one.

He was 14 or so. He went from being a "fatso" (my Dad's best friend refused to call him Baby, just fatso) of 14 pounds, to 7 in about 4 months. Some Cancer of course. A fairly long life for cats (we had two make it to 19) But you always want more time, don't you???

Oh, and he was a big goof, who didn't sit like he was supposed to, and was always getting into trouble.... as these pictures will show! :g







Edited by BERIGAN
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Sorry you lost your friend. In time, I predict you'll adopt a new kitten. . . . Or another cat will "show up." I lost all my original pets in the '2000s. . . but one showed up to take their place, my Zen Buddhist cat Mr. PC.

Edited by jazzbo
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Sorry to hear this. Always tough to lose a pal.

Baby looks a little bit like my great, late friend Willie, who, along with his brother Simon, passed away in the past couple of years after good, long lives. They both had a good run, just like Baby.

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Great pictures of Baby there. I'm so sorry for the ache you must be feeling. Don' t take this as cheapening the memory of your cat but I'd highly recommend adopting another cat or kitten sooner than you may think of doing. We had almost a year without one and it was far too long. Discovering a new individual, even if it likes to shred LP spines that aren't safeguarded, is a beautiful thing.

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Berigan, I'm so sorry to hear you lost Baby. I lost both of my boys within a few weeks of each other last autumn--one of them had come to me in a way somewhat similar to what you describe. You are a wonderful person and I hope other cats find their way to you, in one way or another; they will be blessed to be in your care.

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Thanks for the kind words everyone! I was going to respond to several well thought out comments, but there were so many! Suffice to say, everyone who loves or has loved a pet, understands completely.

I hope to get another cat someday soon. Used to be there were more roaming the neighborhood than there are now.

Plenty still need to be adopted though.

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Sorry to hear this, Conrad!

Very nice photos there, what a beautiful creature!

We lost ours a while ago (I started a thread, too) but have hade our new one for a year and a half of so (I guess she should be two years somewhen in May, but even though we know where we got her from, we don't know when she was born... doesn't really matter anyway). She doesn't even listen to her name, and she's really wild (sometimes she stays out for two full days and I start getting worried), chasing foxes, trying to hunt frogs and other crazy stuff... but she's so darn cute, can't help loving her!

Anyway, my advice - take your time, and look for another kitten in fall... there are always kittens around, and I'm sure you'll find another really special one!

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a beautiful creature indeed--what a great loss.

take care of yourself, berigan.

i lost 2 of my 20 year old pets (cat and dog) within the same week 3 summers ago.

not coincidentally, 3 days later, i suffered a minor stroke.

as i went to drive myself to the hospital, left arm dangling, there was a huge beautiful stray cat crying, about 3 years old, neutered, declawed, and unloved, right at my car door. her rear legs scratched the hell out of me as i tried to hold her.

when i returned home 3 days later, my first move was to bring her into the house, a kitty who i soon named ms. goodspeak. she was, and still is, great medicine, and a fine friend.

things often work themselves out, but there will always be an ache in your heart.my sincere best wishes.

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If there's anything much sadder than losing a pet, I'm not sure I know what it is. Over time there's an unconditional bond that develops with an animal. The longer you have them, the stronger that bond becomes and the harder it is when it's time to let go. For me, two things have made the loss easier. The first sounds kind of clinical, it's quality of life, something that needs no explanation and the second, finding another dog or another cat to fill the void. Those things have, as the expression goes, sustained me in my hour of need. Although I'm probably a 60/40 dog guy, we have four cats. I love their independence and the fact that everything is on their terms. Dogs are your buddies. Cats are your acquaintances. That's their choice and part of what makes them special.

Edited by Dave James
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Thanks for the clarity.

In my life, I've now lost both parents, 5 cats and 4 dogs. Thank (whatever god), I still have my mate and she has one surviving parent. My 2 children both live.

I'm sorry but I find phrases like "If there's anything much sadder than losing a pet, I'm not sure I know what it is" insulting.

I guess your experiences differ.

I am sorry about the loss of Conrad's pet.

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