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New Miles Box News


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What puzzles me a bit is that Jazzmatazz announces the Cellar Door Box for spring and the Steps box for fall, and here it's the other way 'round ...

My email says the 60's box is this fall. I believe the Cellar Door stuff isn't going to be a box but a series of double CDs

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You all are posting as if you have already seen the content of this box. Is it just Carnegie, Lincoln Center, Antibes, Tokyo, Berlin, Seven Steps to Heaven, and Someday My Prince Will Come (without Coltrane) and no newly discovered material?

If so, it will be a hard sell for me.

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Back to the only thing we really care about, the metal spine, I believe the reason why In A Silent Way didn't have one was because there were only 3 discs, so it didn't require that extra solid metally construction. You think they slap those on as decoration? Hell no! If Jack Johnson didn't have a metal spine it would explode, sending shrapnel everywhere. It'd be a bloody mess. But actually, this is a good thing - the Silent Way not having a metal spine that is. For if lightning ever strikes your CD collection in the "D" section, In A Silent Way might be spared!

The one Columbia I don't have is 7 Steps To Heaven. I've put it off as I knew it would be reissued eventually and I thought I should save it for the day when I really needed a "new" (or unheard) Miles studio album.

I'm not sure I can imagine how My Funny Valentine/Four & More could sound better, but if it can I'd love to hear it!

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surprise for me will be the Tokyo concert with Sam Rivers. Never heard it!

likewise. I'm really loking forward to hearing this set. I've never heard Seven Steps to Heaven, either, but that's not exciting me as much, for some reason.

I played both of the these this morning - the Sam Rivers CD is most enjoyable & it makes you wonder how the band would have deveoped if Sam had stayed for longer.

The Seven Steps to Heaven CD, although not classic Miles, except for the title track its not a Cd I've played a lot of, was a lot better than I remember .

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I think SEVEN STEPS might be a "sleeper" of an album for some, based on some of the comments here. But I've always enjoyed it immensely - the very beginning of the Second Quintet coupled with some gorgeous ballads w/Victor Feldman (what they do to and with "Basin Street Blues" is nothing short of miraculous, imo). I've been burnt out on "Joshua" (the tune) for a while now, but this version still works for me, and I can't imagine how the title tune & "So Near, So Far" must have sounded the first time out of the box to contemporaneous ears (TONY!!!!!).

Maybe not as "important" an album as what was to come, but deeply rewarding nevertheless, at least for me.

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If the remainder of "Someday" really will not be in the fall box set, Mobley again is the looser:

1 CD Someday

2 CD Carnegie Hall Live

4 CD Blackhawk live

then only the quintets with Coleman and Rivers would be in that box. Miles' curse over Hank still seems to work ... :angry:

Hey, Shorter will be in there, too, won't he? The Berlin concert will be part of the box, as far as I know! And that's a GREAT concert!

For me, the 1964 recordings (Four&More and My Funny Valentine) have always been some sort of sentimental favorites. I got them very early in my jazz "career", and ever since loved them. The band was sooo good that night! And Coleman...

By the way, the liners mention some music being played not on the two LPs/CDs - hope we'll get some additional material!

On the Mobley thing - yes, this really sucks! I never really understood why they couldn't just include "Someday" as sort of a bonus in the Miles/Trane box.


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On the Mobley thing - yes, this really sucks! I never really understood why they couldn't just include "Someday" as sort of a bonus in the Miles/Trane box.


Well, maybe they didn't include the Coltrane-less tracks because it was the "Miles with Coltrane" box ;)

Seriously, I seem to remember someone on the "old board" posted something about a disc or set that would include those Coltrane-less Mobley tracks from Someday, but I'm not sure.

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