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Quoting Ourselves

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Sometimes, I find terrific uses of words and ideas on this board. One of my favorites, from JSngry is listed below. Do you have any favorite quotes by other board members?

JSngry - Ever feel like the last 20 years or so have begun to feel increasingly "crowded", how it feels like we're still trying to live in a way that is increasingly becoming the equivalent of trying to put the square peg in the round hole, even if it means using a sledgehammer? Well, maybe it's because that's what we're doing to ourselves. We've been to the moon, we've split the atom, we've discovered DNA, we've figured out a way to be instanly connected with darn near any place in the world, we've done all this amazing shit that whether we realize it or not is opening up new "space" for our psyches to inhabit, and there is still a rather large percentage of the population who are living under the perception that life is lived in 4/4 time, chromaticism is an often=dangerous luxury rather than a fact of life, harmony should be tertiary and primarily diatonic, and that time and rhythm are inevitable cosmic wholes rather than specific selections from a bottomless pit of potential combinations.

>source link<

Thanks, Jim!!! :tup

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Goddamn, that's one hell of a quote. Jim should write a book. I'd pre-order it he second he said he'd even just think about writing it. What's your address, Jim?? - I'll go ahead and send you a check now.

All kidding aside (not that I was kidding!) -- this board (and the old BNBB) was and is blessed with many incredibly insightful people -- who I am constantly reminded of how thankful I am to have crossed paths with, even if only in cyberspace (yack!! - I hate that term 'cyberspace'). Many of you are some of coolest people I've ever known. I know there's more like you out there, in the "real" world. But shit, finding you is a real pain in the ass.

Boards like this provide a real public service, in bringing together like-minded people, to hash and thrash over topics that probably half of us would never get to discuss in our "real" world conversations (or at least certainly not at great length).

Thanks Jim. When I'm posting at my best, it's usually you that I'm trying to emulate. So, when are you gonna write that book?? :)

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In the true jazz tradition, somebody should collate all my "nuggets" (if that's what they in fact are, I myself remain skeptical...), publish them as their own, and loudly sing my praises as an inspiration while all the while never sending me a penny.

Hey - it's the jazz thing to do! :g:g:g

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Wesbed, I know my favorite quote isn't in the spirit that you intended this thread. I have been reading, learning from, and admiring many wonderful, thought provoking posts here much before I became a member, not the least being Jim's.

But I have to include the one that makes me laugh out loud every time I think about it. (I still haven't learned how to copy others posts yet.) From aric:

"i mean hell though all i was sayin dude was anyone who complains about fidelity on a bootleged tape from gerrys apartment in 1951 is asking for the beat down". :lol:

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Wesbed, I know my favorite quote isn't in the spirit that you intended this thread.

The spirit of this thread is ANYTHING you can think of or have in mind, that was posted on these boards, by the users of these boards. Anything you may have found amusing, uplifting, or aggravating. Anything that made you laugh, cry, think, ponder, or want to blow chunks. Anything that is a favorite. Yeah, ANYTHING.

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We've added something like 400 members since these two posts were made, but I'm sure that some of you will recognize them:

posted by B-3er: 2) I would rather play in my living room for the rest of my life for and with myself than bow down to some pissant "industry insider" threatening me and my career. To the very idea that you can somehow keep me from making a living in the music industry I say, very heartily... Fuck You. I play what I want to play, I say what I want to say.

... and the follow-up from Jim Dye:



Edited by Joe G
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We've added something like 400 members since these two posts were made, but I'm sure that some of you will recognize them:

posted by B-3er: 2) I would rather play in my living room for the rest of my life for and with myself than bow down to some pissant "industry insider" threatening me and my career. To the very idea that you can somehow keep me from making a living in the music industry I say, very heartily... Fuck You. I play what I want to play, I say what I want to say.

... and the follow-up from Jim Dye:



I do recall these posts. Great words, Jim. :tup

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Here's agreat 'Sangreyism':

If you were blindfolded and otherwise cut off from your senses, would you be able to tell who was sucking your dick? If you could be certain that you would never, EVER find out, would you even care? If it takes you less than one second to answer that last question negatively, you're probably not a Miles fan, and if you can ever answer it 1000% definitively one way ior the other without actually knowing from experience, you're DEFINITELY not a Miles fan. But if you have to admit to yourself that you just don't know...

This ain't all about anonymous dick sucking. It's not even a little about anonymous dick sucking. It's not AT ALL about anonymous dick sucking. But it made you think, didn't it.

Think about that. You all think about that.

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Here's agreat 'Sangreyism':

If you were blindfolded and otherwise cut off from your senses, would you be able to tell who was sucking your dick? If you could be certain that you would never, EVER find out, would you even care? If it takes you less than one second to answer that last question negatively, you're probably not a Miles fan, and if you can ever answer it 1000% definitively one way ior the other without actually knowing from experience, you're DEFINITELY not a Miles fan. But if you have to admit to yourself that you just don't know...

This ain't all about anonymous dick sucking. It's not even a little about anonymous dick sucking. It's not AT ALL about anonymous dick sucking. But it made you think, didn't it.

Think about that. You all think about that.

This reminds me of the scene in Bull Durham when the kid pitcher makes the show and gives his final interview while in the minors:

"Baseball is a game where you throw the ball and you catch the ball. Sometimes you win. Sometimes you lose. Think about that."

Yeah, think about that.

This is so deep, so profound, I nearly weep just repeating it.



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One of my recent favorites from Jazzmoose, in the Wadada Leo Smith thread:

I hate threads like these. You people make it sound like this is the Holy Grail or something. But I'm not falling for it this time. No! Stop! What the hell? What's my credit card doing out? Email from CDUniverse confiriming....you bastards!  :angry:


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Here's agreat 'Sangreyism':

If you were blindfolded and otherwise cut off from your senses, would you be able to tell who was sucking your dick? If you could be certain that you would never, EVER find out, would you even care? If it takes you less than one second to answer that last question negatively, you're probably not a Miles fan, and if you can ever answer it 1000% definitively one way ior the other without actually knowing from experience, you're DEFINITELY not a Miles fan. But if you have to admit to yourself that you just don't know...

This ain't all about anonymous dick sucking. It's not even a little about anonymous dick sucking. It's not AT ALL about anonymous dick sucking. But it made you think, didn't it.

Think about that. You all think about that.

This reminds me of the scene in Bull Durham when the kid pitcher makes the show and gives his final interview while in the minors:

"Baseball is a game where you throw the ball and you catch the ball. Sometimes you win. Sometimes you lose. Think about that."

Yeah, think about that.

This is so deep, so profound, I nearly weep just repeating it.



Sorry RainyDay, but you butchered one of the highlights of the film. The interview is given after Nuke LaLoosh has reached the Show. You can tell because the backdrop is a major league ballpark. And in fact the line is:

"A friend of mine used to say, this is a simple game. You throw the ball, you hit the ball and you catch the ball. Sometimes, you win, sometimes, you lose, and sometimes, it rains. Think about that."

I'd sentence you to listening to Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon pontificate about politics, but unfortunately that would be right up your alley anyway.

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Here's agreat 'Sangreyism':

If you were blindfolded and otherwise cut off from your senses, would you be able to tell who was sucking your dick? If you could be certain that you would never, EVER find out, would you even care? If it takes you less than one second to answer that last question negatively, you're probably not a Miles fan, and if you can ever answer it 1000% definitively one way ior the other without actually knowing from experience, you're DEFINITELY not a Miles fan. But if you have to admit to yourself that you just don't know...

This ain't all about anonymous dick sucking. It's not even a little about anonymous dick sucking. It's not AT ALL about anonymous dick sucking. But it made you think, didn't it.

Think about that. You all think about that.

This reminds me of the scene in Bull Durham when the kid pitcher makes the show and gives his final interview while in the minors:

"Baseball is a game where you throw the ball and you catch the ball. Sometimes you win. Sometimes you lose. Think about that."

Yeah, think about that.

This is so deep, so profound, I nearly weep just repeating it.



Sorry RainyDay, but you butchered one of the highlights of the film. The interview is given after Nuke LaLoosh has reached the Show. You can tell because the backdrop is a major league ballpark. And in fact the line is:

"A friend of mine used to say, this is a simple game. You throw the ball, you hit the ball and you catch the ball. Sometimes, you win, sometimes, you lose, and sometimes, it rains. Think about that."

I'd sentence you to listening to Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon pontificate about politics, but unfortunately that would be right up your alley anyway.

You are of course, correct. I am now in the throes of uncontrolled sobbing.

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Just after the 100,000th post on this board (many people were online, checking the thread every couple of seconds or so), Jazzmoose posted this:

I just woke up from a nap; how close are we?  Boy, I can't wait!  I sure don't want to miss this one!  Wow, is this exciting or what?? :excited:

I just screamed with laughter.


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