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Everything posted by GregK

  1. Nothing interesting here. Wake me up when the Winter Olympics start.
  2. GregK

    Bob Dylan corner

    what was that about Zappa's artwork?
  3. Seems better to me. I preferred the look and color scheme of the old site, but that's about it.
  4. I didn't know anyone actually thought sandler was funny. He's gotta be the worst.
  5. GregK

    Anthony Braxton

    I've never tried converting them to CD. I just upload the FLAC to Google music and stream to my phone or tablet.
  6. What were Lester's and Roscoe's reactions?
  7. Great! I'm glad its this quartet. I'd take either one. Why is it taking so long for the complainers to show up and whine about the whining
  8. Maybe they're Dutch! Do bear in mind that a lot of "mispronunciations" are actually regional variations that wouldn't raise an eyebrow in their natural habitat. And there are many variants between standard Canadian and standard American pronunciation of the same words. Two people I know from Oregon pronounce "lawyer" in a way that sounds to me like "liar" (though more specifically it's something like lah-yer). Same goes with the word: Orange. A lot of it depends on the prevailing accent in the place one lives. Hunnert for hundred is another. Another irritant for me is adding "r" to words that do not have them. Warsh when they mean wash. Man, that bugs me. The difference between Canadian and American is astonishing, even in a border state! I still get mocked frequently for how i pronounce "dollar", or any word ending in "-out". But at least i pronounce "sorry" and "borrow" correctly, unlike those weirdos in Ontario!
  9. RIP pete. What did he do after Miles? I don't think I've seen his name anywhere else.
  10. People planning on coming here for the fest, don't forget Windsor, just across the river (of course you'll need transportation to downtown Detroit)
  11. I agree with all of this.
  12. Point of clarification: The George Benson performing is not the famous guitarist but a veteran Detroit saxophonist (in his 80s, a bebopper, day gig career as a mailman but always an important local player). I'm on a zillion deadlines so can't pull up my own stories about this year's Detroit line up but if I get a chance later, I'll post them. Sounds like the perfect guy for George Benson the guitar player to sit in with Should have formed a quartet with Bill Evans and Bill Evans.
  13. I had no idea it was this bad. Love the Band, especially the blend of voices together and separately.
  14. Wow. Only two Canadian teams this year (and Winnipeg is not one of them, unfortunately). First time since 1970 (or thereabouts) that neither Montreal or Toronto are in the playoffs.
  15. Do you mean the coin (aka "Loonie") or the worth-more-than-the-US-currency itself? I liked the Canadian dollar better when it cost 62 cents. Then I went to Montreal 2-3 times a year. ...and it was allowing me to rapidly pay down my student loans. Of course everything changed about halfway through, and it ended up taking me longer than anticipated!
  16. Nessa Records is in the credits too. I was told if I didn't say ok (for nothing) my material would be left out. Wait, your work is in the series? I must have missed it. When/what? I haven't watched it since it first aired 11-12 years ago.
  17. Thank you so much for this post. There is endless bashing of all things ECM; it's nice to read something positive about the label for once!
  18. so if you go deluxe, you get all the music with no repetitions?
  19. Is there any point in the deluxe edition? It has the USB drive (in a decorative box with magnetic closure!) and the 2-disc set. Isn't the 2-disc set already covered by the USB?
  20. Not sure exactly what you're saying, but I believe the ads are targeted on a combination of your tracking cookie and the context of the page you're on, so if you have a new computer you'd have no history. Unless he is using Chrome and is logged in to his Google account (and has searched dating sites before while logged in to Google).
  21. Eicher does NOT twist great players' arms so that they record music they do NOT want to record. I spoke to Abercrombie about this very subject about a month ago. He lives in my neck of the woods, and I run into him occasionally. Get over the ECM bashing already. It is old and extremely close-minded. I agree with you. But maybe that's because I very much like the ECM sound. Anyway, I've only listened to the Parker a few times, and nothing stuck. The Roscoe I've listened to more times, and I do like it but it is very dense. I think these are records that need to be listened to intently many times over, which I have not been able to do yet.
  22. I wish we were having a normal winter here. Very little snow, much warmer than usual...maybe I should move to Seattle.
  23. so who does own the rights then?
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