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Everything posted by kinuta

  1. Watched the show and agree she's a real cutie. The show itself was tiresome. Also watched Detroit 1-8-7 which was much better. The gritty cop thing has been flogged to death but it's still quite compelling if done well.
  2. Me too. Someone's going to have to start a thread for his one. Dynamite stuff.
  3. This weeks episode of the fascinating, complex Rubicon. I suppose we should savour this before the inevitable corporate axe falls. It's way too smart and subtle to survive into a second season.
  4. Another excellent episode. Don's diary has added another layer of meaning to ponder. Especially liked the scene when Peggy gives the arrogant little Joey his comeuppance, and the following scene in the lift which might serve as a lesson into the inscrutable psychology of women, and their complex relations with one another !
  5. Rain, for the first time in seven weeks. Also the first time we've been able to turn off the a/c in as long.
  6. Right. I've been expecting one of them to bite the dust for some time. Roger strikes me as an imbecile, how can someone with his health record continue boozing and smoking like a teenager. Don is a very sad guy, teetering on the edge of alcoholism. I wouldn't expect him to live past his mid fifties. Great show though.
  7. H 37.6 L 29 Fed up with it. No escape.
  8. H37 L27 or for the F brigade H98.6F - L80F.
  9. 'Burning - Confessing The Blues ' is great, I recommend it to you.
  10. Just finished rewatching A Perfect Spy, the BBC series. 1987 by Peter Smith.
  11. Interesting. The tous/vous choice for expressing you is present in Japanese, but in a greatly expanded variety. When referring to yourself, you can choose from 1 watakushi,formal,2 watashi, neutral, 3 atashi, used informally by women, 4 boku, used by boys,5 ore, a bit rough and ready and used only by men,6 washi, used by old men, 7 one's first name, used by small kids. For addressing a person directly, 1 anata- the form for you that appears in a dictionary but is seldom used 2 kimi, used informally or when speaking to someone perceived as being on a lower social level, 3 omae,rough, used by all boys when addressing each other, by husbands to wives, by superiors to inferiors, 4 kisama- you fucker 5 temei- asshole 6 oniisan, literally big brother used the same way as ' love' in the north of England with the female version 7 oneisan. However maybe the most widely used forms of direct address are 8 name+san or sama, 9 sensei when talking to a teacher or doctor and 10 okyakusan or sama when a shop person is addressing a customer. If I were speaking to one of the neighbours, in the unlikely event that I had to use a subject, I'd use 11 Okusan ( literally housewife ) for a woman and 12 Danasan ( literally husband) for a man. In reality many of these subject pronouns are simply omitted, the relations being expressed by the choice of verb, but that's another story.
  12. 7C? The lowest temperature here was 28C, in the middle of the night !
  13. Insufferably hot. I've decided to stay indoors for a while. Several people I know have been complaining of heat fatigue and lethargy. The hospital out patients departments are being kept busy with a steady stream of heat stroke patients.
  14. I think there are some schools of thought that dismiss the idea that your language shapes how you relate to things. My experience has not been so, at all.
  15. After 30 years of grappling with the Japanese language, my answer to the question would be a definite yes. Absence of subjects, objects,concepts of number and amount, lack of, or more accurately none use of, a precise grammar for establishing who did what to whom and when, the ability to make complex statements with a couple of words most certainly shape the way of looking at things, present the outsider with seemingly never ending enigmas, and explain in part the inability to learn English. Daily Japanese is a lazy language that thrives on brevity and vagueness and requires a clear leap of logic from a learner.
  16. H36 L27 Burning hot with no respite. Frazzled and done in.
  17. Still working my way through The Forsyte Saga, next up episode 22 with four more episodes to go. Think I'll start on 'Dallas' next !
  18. I must be getting old too. Beats me how anybody could eat that lethal crap.
  19. Rubicon. Love the fact that it doesn't play to the lowest common denominator of viewer intelligence. I'm quite caught up in trying to unravel the plot(s) but fear the slow pace and lack of action will lead the studio to do an axe job on it before it has chance to develop. Really like the Gordon Willis style cinematography.
  20. One incident in a recent string of cases of families concealing the deaths of aged parents and collecting the pensions. It's quite big news here.
  21. The Forsyte Saga- original BBC series (1967) Up to episode 13. TV at it's zenith, makes you wonder how it got to it's present sorry state.
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