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Swinging Swede

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Everything posted by Swinging Swede

  1. Duplications are very rare, but occurred sometimes with singers who had made their first sides under some other leader's name. Sarah Vaughan is one example that comes to mind. Her tracks with Dizzy Gillespie, John Kirby, Georgie Auld et cetera occur both on the CDs under her name and on those under the respective leaders' names. But in general it is not something you have to worry about; it is basically each artist's leader sessions that are presented, plus sometimes sessions that were made under the leadership of someone who doesn't have enough sessions to fill a CD of his own.
  2. And here I was looking forward to getting my hands on the Art Hodes and the Commodores!
  3. I took advantage of the End of March sale and ordered three sets (Stitt, Tyner and the first Hill). I also took the opportunity to ask if they had any new plans considering their current dire financial state. Scott told me that they are in the process of setting up a separate European company, Mosaic Europe. On that they will reissue OOP box sets that contain music over 50 years old, thus taking advantage of the European copyright laws, since no new rights will have to be obtained for recordings that have entered the public domain. This means that OOP sets with music recorded before 1960 can be reissued this year. These European Mosaics can’t be sold directly in the U.S., but nothing prevents U.S. individuals from ordering them of course. This step is taken for one reason solely: To enable Mosaic to survive. Hopefully Mosaic Europe will turn out to be a more successful idea than Mosaic Contemporary.
  4. Main Entry: sal·vif·ic Pronunciation: \sal-ˈvi-fik\ Function: adjective Etymology: Late Latin salvificus, from Latin salvus safe + -ficus -fic Date: 1591 : having the intent or power to save... So when I'm out in blogland downloading files I want to and can save to my hard drive, I'm being really salvific. It's always nice to learn new words!
  5. At least one big jazz blog has recently switched to Megaupload instead. Rapidshare has also recently worsened the rules for how soon a file that hasn't been downloaded in a certain amount of time is deleted. They may have done it because they felt they had established a market leader position and thus could get away with it, but I'm not so sure about that. People don't want their files deleted soon and it seems like more bloggers contemplate switching to something else.
  6. According to Merriam-Webster, English has this word: Main Entry: scha·den·freu·de Pronunciation: \ˈshä-dən-ˌfrȯi-də\ Function: noun Usage: often capitalized Etymology: German, from Schaden damage + Freude joy Date: 1895 : enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others -_-
  7. And also The Three Sounds' "Vibrations". That one has not been on CD before. The Japanese are apparently our last remaining hope when it comes to getting new titles reissued on CD.
  8. I used to enjoy Mr A on British TV years ago, but I think that's a bit of an exaggeration Indeed. I'd say it's a gross exaggeration. No, alphabetically Asmussen should definitely be mentioned between Armstrong and Ellington!
  9. I thought it was Wamp! Wamp!
  10. There are actually quite a few organizations that have internal solutions developed for IE6, and since IE6 deviated a lot from standards, they can't upgrade to later more standard-compliant IE versions, since the solutions would stop working correctly then. So the organizations have policies that employees must continue to use IE6 and aren't allowed to use different browsers or versions. Since Windows XP came with IE6 and many still have that OS, it also means that a lot of less computer-savvy users still have IE6. As for myself, I can't upgrade to a later IE version than 6, since I have another program that will stop working then (yes, it's old software but one I'm using). I can however use Firefox instead, and do!
  11. But I think a reason for that is that Halcyon already had put out the complete chronological recordings.
  12. Never Again! has been on a Xanadu CD, but under the title James Moody And The Hip Organ Trio. It also included several additional tracks from the same session, including Giant Steps. This CD seems to be impossible to find now. We'll have to wait for the Andorrans, I guess...
  13. "all material taken from commercially available recordings" <-- How is that a collectors box then? They should have put out all the rejected/unissued sessions instead, and collectors would have been all over it!
  14. I checked and there were actually *7* CDs in that batch! Art Blakey - Drums Around The Corner Lou Donaldson - Man With A Horn Grant Green - Blues For Lou Bobby Hutcherson - The Kicker Dizzy Reece - Comin’ On Jimmy Smith - Six Views Of The Blues Various Artists - The Lost Sessions Those were the days...
  15. Yes, it's depressing. 2009 is the first year that there has been no Connoisseur batch since the start of that series in 1994, and it's not like there have been any other reissues either. What a way to celebrate the 70th anniversary! I remember those BNBB discussions back in 1999. Seems like a different world.
  16. This? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLm987o6ukE?start=48
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