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Everything posted by sheldonm

  1. I've never seen an "upscale and prestigious moving and rigging company"....now where's that DNA tester.....I know it's here somewhere!
  2. ....while I have not really robbed a bank, I do have a robbery story. Many years ago (too many) when I received my driver's license, I drove to St. Louis to visit my sister (my first road trip). In the middle of the night, we got a call from my frantic (crying) mother asking if I had made it there alright. She had just received a call from a small police station in Gas City, Indiana (close to James Dean's home); they said I had been arrested from robbing a CVS Drug store . She said that couldn't possibly be, as I told her I was going to St. Louis. It appears that the person they had arrested had the same license plate number as mine, but their plate was expired (the previous years plate). Despite the fact that my sister told my mother I was sleeping at the time, she was still hysterical! I did make sure to call the police station when I returned home to make sure nothing was on my record!
  3. ....late also, hope you had a good one! Mark
  4. Personally I think the award was great, being from Indiana and seeing Ron play frequently, I know what he does for the team with his defense (and no, I don't think rebound and blocks are all there is to defense!). That said, I think our society will give away an award for anything. I also think no matter who you give it to, someone is always going to be pissed. B3er, I don't think Pop would be any happier if they gave it to Wallace. I'm sure if it went to someone else, I'd be bitchin' too (but I'm happy for now)! I'm still pissed Rick Carlisle didn't get the manager of the year award!!! Mark
  5. .....I am apparently still a kid . I generally give the musicians a matted photograph of mine (If I had photographed them before) and ask them to sign one of my own. I think the only person that that was hesitant was Jimmy Smith when I asked him to sign an original Francis Wolff photograph (the one used on the cover of the Mosaic). He signed it and it may have been the only thing he signed that night. I have many autographs and don't feel bad about asking for one; I believe I may also have a signed book from that famous jazz author . If I though I was imposing on a private moment or the guy was having a bad night, I woundn't do it. I also wouldn't do this with the thought of selling an item, just something to bring back the good vibes from a show. Mark
  6. Based on your criteria, my two favorites would be: a.) James Moody: I gave James a photograph that I made of him at an earlier show. When I asked him to sign a photograph for me, he said he would only do it if I signed the photograph I gave him. He also incorporates a cool drawing of a saxophone and glasses into his signature. b.) John Clayton: John, Monte Alexander and Russell Malone were playing a tribute show shortly after Ray Brown has passed away. I gave them each a photograph that I had made of Ray and asked them to sign one for me. John signed "To Mark, your biggest fan, Jonh Clayton. He also draws an image of a bass player along side his signature. A funny story along the "signature" topic. I was in a trendy housewares store in St. Louis a few years ago and put an item on my debit card. When I went to sign the receipt, the girl (18-20 years old) pointed to the line and said "put your Herbie Hancock right there B) ", which I thought was very funny! Mark
  7. I would guess most poeple on this board have about a half dozen copies of Blue Train in their current collections !!!
  8. I voted other; I have been buying a lot more on-line (CD Universe, Dusty Groove, Mosaic and some times Amazon) in the past couple years. I also shop at places like the Jazz Record Mart and Dusty Groove (those bastards!) when in Chicago, which is frequently. There are not many places to buy jazz recordings in Indy so I shop at Borders if I buy something locally (although their prices are quite high). I have also shopped at both Euclid Records/Vintage Vinyl in St. Louis as my sister lives there and I visit several times a year. While were on the subject, any good record/cd stores in Detroit???? I'm going there this weekend to see Donald Byrd B) and have some time to shop! Mark
  9. I think I heard he was playing a little in Europe and that his health may be an issue as well.
  10. I wouldn't mind that skyscraper gig, that would be cool!!! I used to do a lot of aerial photography, hanging out of small planes and helicopters with no doors, hot air balloons and building roof tops, nice view! Now those other jobs, I don't think I could do them; bullets whizzing by my head and football sized turds ......not this boy! Mark
  11. why would he be? To hear all the Laker fans before the season started, they shouldn't have lost a game all year with the additions they bought in the off season.
  12. Great news Jim, congratulations to you and your wife ! Mark
  13. Thanks Joe, I sent him a PM. Anyone else??? Mark
  14. I'm going to make a trip to Detroit to see Donald Byrd, Barry Harris and Curtis Fuller at Baker's Keyboard Lounge. Having not been to Detroit in some time, I have a few questions. 1.) Who's been to the club and what's it like? 2.) Is there anything else in the vacinity to do as I may be there for a couple days? 3.) What's the surrounding area like, should I stay close by, is the area safe? I got the ok to photograph the show and a preceeding awards ceremony, so I tought I would take them up on it. Any helpful tips would be appreciated. Thanks, Mark
  15. I'm going to an open house on Saturday for about 60 artists who open up their studios to the public two days each year, should be much fun. On Saturday night, I'm going to dinner with my family for my birthday, which was this past Wednesday. Sunday, working around the house, lots to do now that winter is gone (I think). Mark
  16. Thanks for all the warm wishes on my birthday!!! Unlike Deus, I only get one birthday a year and really appreciate each of you taking time out from your busy day to wish me well. I probably won't be tipping any hops tonight but will be opening some of Napa's finest during dinner with my better half. I also hope to open a few packages fill with music (or at least a certificate or two from Mosaic). I have six sisters so the odds are pretty good! In regards to Noj's post, I'm not sure what to say except I've heard those words many times before (the "oh yeah, you're an animal, give it to me" words) . Thanks again to all! Mark
  17. ...oh, I missed John Scofield w/Steve Swallow on bass! Mark
  18. I will now be on my best behaviour .
  19. Damn....glad you're OK! Some of those busses and trucks are so big, they can run over a small car and not even feel it! Mark
  20. You guys kick ass! That is some seriously cool work!!! Thanks! Mark
  21. Now that's really cool!!!! Daaaaaaaamnnn!!!
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