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Everything posted by sheldonm

  1. ...not necessarily a bad thing !!!
  2. Houston Person is currently playing at the Jazz Showcase through Sunday. I saw his show the last time he played there about a year ago. He still seems to sound pretty good....any fans out there??? I'll make the Sunday show, anyone else....Sal??? Mark
  3. White River Park is only 10.2 miles from my front door. If I can find about 520.24 100' extension cords (I already have two) lying around we could set you up in their parking lot and you could stumble right to the stage!! I'm still on for the second round!!! Mark
  4. ....and one more way to get that post count up (as if you need it!).
  5. Man, that's so bright I have to wear shades B) !!!!!
  6. Deus, While I don't participate in the BFTs, your covers are great! Mark
  7. Pacers win again, 6 straight playoff wins by double digits; I believe a new record!
  8. Hi Rachel, I saw the banner hanging outside the club last week. I don't know a lot about Hunter, any recommendations from anyone??? Mark
  9. These are some of my favorites also. Rest in Peace!
  10. Bud's something alright, but I'm not sure sure it's a "traditionalist". ( All-Star game ending in a tie???) Mark
  11. Dmitry, I bought mine on Amazon, I think it was $27.00 or $29.00, which I think is a good deal. If you've not seen it in person, it's "coffee table" book size, very nice! Mark
  12. Jason, I would agree about jokes, they hold true even today. It's interesting how the image of the "cat" changes a little from year to year. Gene also drew many of the ads insided the magazine, which are pretty funny also. I'm always on the lookout for some of the issues I don't have. I talked to Gene a while back and he said he has none of the original drawings, that they have ended up in the hands of collectors. As you can imagine, he's pretty sad about this . Mark
  13. Jason, We have actually talked about this before but I forget which thread. Gene Deitch drew a fabulous drawing for me which I will include on my jazz photography site that is in the works. I have talked with Gene a few times, he's a great guy and still living in Prague. He has done a ton of great cartoons and is an accomplished author (with a great sense of humor) as well. I have a majority of the Record Changer Magazines that Gene drew and would recommend "Cat on a Hot Thin Groove" to everyone that loves jazz, cartoons and great design! Mark
  14. Brownie, I'll be photographing both the Sunday and Monday festivities. I've never been to the club but am looking forward to it and to seeing Donald Byrd, Barry Harris, Curtis Fuller and Charles McPherson!!!. It's about 10:00 pm in Indy right now and I'm leaving about 6:00 am tomorrow morning for Detroit. If anyone is there look for me with cameras in hand!!! Time to hit the sack!!! Mark
  15. Randy, I'm very sorry to hear of your loss, she sounds like a wonderful person! Mark
  16. You better watch out, a statement like that may bring on something bigger than 10.5 (but I agree with your statement!!!!)
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