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Everything posted by shrugs

  1. Anyone else have Presenting Harold Ashby on Progressive? Grab it if you see it! It smokes throughout!
  2. re: Dave Douglas I think his earlier In Our Lifetime and Moving Portraits are about as close to brilliant as possible. In our Lifetime is gorgeous and a fine tribute to Booker Little. The Tiny Bell Trio live was brilliant when I heard them. Douglas was especially great. His later output is indeed just good. The SACD with Misha and the boys is very good. re:Ivo Perelman wonderful sound and an intentsity that is more than just "let's see how loud I can play for how long". His playing on Sieiro, Sad Life, The Alexander Suite, Seeds, Visions and Counterpoint are all exceptional. Especially the first two. Some very fine playing on most of Brazilian Watercolour as well. I also like The Hammer very much but it may not be for everyone. The title is very fiting.
  3. Yeah I guess a lot of people that have the P300 don't have a fan or unplug it. Either way, it doesn't work correctly according to paulmc at PS Audio Forum. There are definitely some great deals on P300's as of late. Do you guys leave the Power Plants up all the time?
  4. Complete Anthony Braxton Quartets and Trio on Arista to include: New York, Fall 1974 Five Pieces, 1975 Montreaux/Berlin (quartet sessions) For Trio This would be more manageable than a Complete set. Though it would be great to see the CMO '76 and Alto Sax Improvisations '79 available as well. However, all of these can be had on lp for under $50 if you look hard enough
  5. True dat Soul Stream and I believe a few of these titles will cut into future sales. Rivers' Fuchsia Swing Song comes to mind........
  6. I don't know about the "bitch(ing) out" part, but Cuscuna did say that he "got a call" from a distributor saying he had been offered these titles. I don't know if the call was from the one who eventually got them or if it was from a competitor. I told Michael they should just leave them alone. I didn't see what the harm was. In fact, I told him that I thought he should see if True Blue could get them in since their core customers would love a shot at these titles. He said True Blue couldn't touch these. Only Time/Life was supposed to have them and that it was wrong for them to sell them off in violation of their license. Not knowing the ins & outs of this industry, I can't say why Michael was so upset about it. Maybe Chuck Nessa can enlighten us? Although with Mosaic being partially owned by EMI, we may have an answer right there. BTW, I also told him I picked up the Freddie Roach title and that I was loving it. He was not happy but he didn't hold it against me for taking advantage of the situation. I wonder if Tomatbluenote would have reacted the same? As for the ebay thing, since these titles as configured are totally legit, and only their means of sale are in question, I don't see how Blue Note could stop someone from reselling them wherever they wanted. Are you gonna start an ebay business, shrugs? If you do, let me know if you got an extra copy of the Chick Corea's "Early Circle". Intergrity ran out and he says he can't get any more. Later, Kevin I guess it could have easily happened that way. The distributer could have wanted to check at the source. And there is a nice copy of a Circle cd up for sale right now!!
  7. Seems like an odd selection. And the fact that it contains two great yet mostly ignored saxophone players of the music makes it even more puzzling.
  8. I heard that Cuscuna called a distributor and bitched him out. Was this a case of one distributor "ratting out" another distributor? Also, what would prevent someone from buying as many as they could(at least of the in demand titles) and then selling them on e-bay? Or through more discreet channels? But I don't think e-bay would pull these anyway.
  9. We do change. However, the fact that a trumpet player couldn't see through to the core of Pops is truly odd. Especially since the man was possibly the most famous person to come out of his hometown.
  10. And there are many great preamps with a phonoboard as well.
  11. Buying a brand new SACD player would be foolish IMO. Find out what you want and post a wanted add on Audiogon or look through the classifieds. Lots of great deals.
  12. I have a black one. My wife and I liked the fact that it would fit on my rack and I wouldn't have to put another piece of equipment on the floor since my pre amp ps and Lingo are already there. I also heard that the P300's fan is kind of loud and doesn't actually operate like it's supposed to. I read about this at the audio asylum power forum.
  13. I have the P500 with the built in Ultimate Outlet so my power amp and turntable power supply are plugged into that. The UO can accept fan based equipment and won't mess up your turntable either. I wasn't going to get a power plant but I got such a great deal on the P500 that I couldn't pass it up. I was able to recoup some of the $$ by selling a UO and a Juice Bar so that eased it a little more. That said, along with upgrading my LP 12 to an EKOS II tonearm, this is probably the most significant upgrade that I have done in recent times. Being able to control the power to my system is important in my apartment complex. Especially once the air conditioners come on in a few weeks(if we ever see summer). There were times last year when the power dropped below 114V. My preamp makes an odd sound at that point. There is a switch to enable the preamp to work with power loss but it degrades the performance. It seems at night and on weekends, I would always getting nasty power especially after 6pm on weeknights. A close listen to the tweeters on my speakers would reveal a grainy sound. Granted, I do have some tube noise but this was different. I have played a little with multi-wave and will check it out some more in the near future.
  14. Has anyone sat down and noticed any benefits from using multi-wave and if so what were they? Thanks!
  15. Dan, What kind of organ do you think the board took it's name from?
  16. If you like classical, it's a sure thing IMO. Especially for reissues of stuff on the Columbia label. Their classical lp's never did sound incredible(there are some exceptions). And there are some amazing new recordings out there. The Florestan Trio on Hyperion comes to mind. Anotehr good resource: www.highfidelityreview.com
  17. You could probably get these for half of what DG is asking. They seem to get double to quadruple what my local gets.
  18. The NYC clubs I have been to are just as packed as they were before the ban. And at least in Austin, it doesn't stay cold as long as it does in NYC. Smokers can pop outside for a fix. How many billions will die of smoking this century? The numbers were on TV recently. Scary. And oh my god how nice it is during a jazz concert at a bar not to have someone light up a smoke right behind you or next to you. I really hated it when it was hot. I am looking forward to smoke free concerts this summer.
  19. The earlier 2 cd sets sounded very nice as well. I dumped them when I got the lp sets after buying a complete Hat Hut lp collection for a very nice price. Sales of the cd's and the lp's I already had or didn't want easily surpassed the amount of $$ I actually paid. And I still have some extras that I just listed on e-bay!! Back to the cd set. At the price it's going for, one of the best deals in a long time.
  20. ROB Blakeslee is a great player. Wynton could only dream of improvising at the level of this man. I am taking into consideration the PBS show that Wynton and clan were on. Man did Branford tear Wynton a new one on that track where they took the spotlite. CAN Wynton improvise?
  21. I just saw a copy of the 2cd Walls Bridges and it appears the original may have contained edited tracks. A lot of the tracks are now longer if I remember correctly. FWIW, there is not much more music on this new reissue. My local has it 14.99 and I know he has to be making something on it. Looks like DMG is pricing above retail on this one since it's a 2cd set.
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