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Everything posted by gslade

  1. gslade

    Anthony Braxton

    This is just getting amazing. Braxton and Cecil, and then a post later, this! I'm there. Wherever 'there' is! So good to read news like this
  2. Now I see them reporting a major chemical leak in Surgarland??
  3. Yes I had to order the Ellington I am never happy unless broke I ordered the Hodges also!
  4. I see two people were sent to the hospital in Jersey, Hmmmm! the culprits and where was Lon, Austin maybe Hmmmm doing some wholesale bird hunting
  5. Now reading -The Dangling Man : Saul Bellow Just finished Kill all the Lawyers: Paul Levine not the first in the Solomon/Lord series but a funny read, I have not read the first two of the series.
  6. Great News! Start her music education early Congratulations to you both!
  7. Universal Italy? Maybe they figured they would do it before the scab labels
  8. OMG - if that isn't the second coming of Vanilla Ice, nothing is! How did the recording engineer/tech whatever not lose his lunch and keep a straight face
  9. Nice site I will try to listen (sound samples) later
  10. Theo Bleckmann and Fumio Yasuda, Las Vegas Rhapsody—The Night They Invented Champagne (Winter & Winter)
  11. Were staying in tonight also we will get up early and do some snow Shoeing up the hill I hope Everyone has a great New Year!
  12. Shit, I guess I'll have to order the condon mob and the ellington I'll be broke for the new year also
  13. My first was the Candid Mingus Mosaic (in 87 I think), sold it along with many other prized mosaic's to pay for surgery on my fathers Dog this summer. will miss the sets but it was well worth the enjoyment and the companionship of the animal. I did not buy another box set until 1993 when I got Ornette "Beauty is a Rare Thing"
  14. Sad news indeed, as culture in this country continues to die in the name $$$$$$$! Looking forward to the photos, thanks in advance and have a great time.
  15. Have a great evening and a great year Happy Birthday
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