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Everything posted by flat5

  1. Crown definitely released some World Pacific material. Chico Hamilton w/Paul Horn for one.
  2. What was never released? Where are those tapes?
  3. I'm sorry but I keep reading this as "Leonard Cohen farts during a concert"
  4. flat5

    Denis Charles

    "Though def. more on the free side, that John Blum recording he's on (w/ Antonio Grippi & Wm Parker) is a monster. Astrogeny, on Eremite." I sent an email to Antonio with a link to this thread. I thought he would like to see a mention and I know he loved Denis. He should get more work.
  5. Critics have no standards. I only consider the advice of "critics" concerning something I know nothing about. They have never been fair or accurate about me.
  6. "Is that why he's named Lucky?" Ok, here is some of the story. http://www.jazzhouse.org/gone/lastpost2.php3?edit=1137519707
  7. Some good jazz is on Victor in spite of the company. That's a point I am making.
  8. Sad to say, who is actually playing the music is not important to many people. Was watching on You-Tube yesterday Frankly Jazz - The Lighthouse Allstars. The announcer only told the viewer who the bass and tenor were. At the end of the program everybody involved with the show was listed in the credits but not the musicians. How many movies have we watched that feature a solo musician in the score who does not get mentioned in the credits? RCA has a mixed track record in their handling of jazz. Al Hurt was not marketed as a jazz musician. RCA did some very shabby production for even their best jazz artists. I don't think Sonny Rollins was handled well or understood by the company at all, though he produced some of his best work under them. George Avakian's notes for "Our Man In Jazz" shows no understanding of the music on the record. His writing is just bullshit.
  9. flat5

    Art Tatum

    A friend listening to Tatum for the first time pointed out to me that his arpeggios go down almost all the time. He seemed to be correct. I wonder how common this is among pianists? I can see a reason for this. It puts you in the melody range or leads to a harmonic resolution. If you go up an arpeggio to the top of the piano with out turning around it does not lead anywhere. You just stop. Of course sometimes you would like this effect.
  10. flat5

    Bill Evans

    I have always found Steve Allen to be a class act. His unobtrusive comments were probably helpful to many listeners. He was hired by the producer to make those comments. How they were used was not under his control.
  11. They are just mp3 links...not even streaming. In Firefox I can just right click the link and select "save link as".
  12. I was 18, new in town and crazy. Tom was a few years older and a "local" boy. I don't have a good memory. He played fine and was respected. The club was "The Haight Levels", on Haight Street about a block from Ashbury. Nice jazz club. Had a Hammond B3 too. Heard Roland Kirk play it one day. He played a blues for about 10-15 minutes. Got a lot of different textures out of it. I mostly played across the street at the "Jukebox", another jazz bar. The Jukebox had jazz every night.
  13. Used to see him at some sessions on Haight Street in 1966. Was always friendly and kind to me.
  14. Thanks, Allen. Just signed up and did my first Ebay order. "I Remember" by Clyde Bernhardt, Sheldon Harris (1986) $3 (+ $13 shipping...ggrrrr)
  15. I was looking for a Cedar Walton thread and only found this. He's so damn professional and this is all we have to say? This guy is dedicated and produces great music as panist and composer. and band leader too, I guess. I don't know what his best albums are but I too am a big fan of Blakey's Mosaic.
  16. Put .jpg on the end of the link after downloading. I like Eddie's earlier music. He wrote a great jazz sight reading book! Just a string of jazz phrases from beginning to the end of the book. For the student it is helpful and fun. He accomplished a lot.
  17. flat5

    Marc Mommaas

    Should be a good listen. We were in the same big band sax section for a few months. He always played very good tenor solos. I think that was about 2005.
  18. Actually I have rediscovered Art Van Damme recently. Four of his albums. On most of them the arrangements are quite good. One he did with Joe Pass has good (though short) guitar solos. How 'bout that? I want to find the ones he did with Buddy DeFranco. I had one when I was a kid.
  19. I just got an email from Bruno and he implied that he did not make the post about Clifford Brown. Bruno does have a fine sense of humor so I was not surprised except I've never known him to be sarcastic. He is very up-beat. However I do think the Miles Cosnat bit is funny :-) "The Jazz Brothers, Hey Baby!, Spring Fever and Recuerdo are all good listens and I especially enjoy those that feature Sal Nistico." Ditto to that! I had two of the Mangione Brothers Riverside LPs in the early sixties and played them often. I talked to Sal once in 1983 about them and his work with Herman. I told him how much I was impressed with his articulation, his tonguing. He said, "Yeah...I don't do that anymore". (or something like that) I took it to mean that he could do it when he was young. Nice fellow, great player!
  20. Hi Bruno, Check out Clyde McCoy too :-) Also for flugelhorn, try to find some Miles Cosnat. He blew in the 1600s. Way ahead of his time. Recordings hard to find. I think he made some early De Vinci sides :-)
  21. Yes...the Great Sam Butera. A hard worker.
  22. Yes and Sonny Lewis. Thanks For Sonny Cox. Edit: I see Nico has added more Sonnys.
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