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Everything posted by flat5

  1. In the 1970s I once fixed Paul's clip-on mic for one of his horns. He gave me his latest album which really interested me because it had Dave Parlotta (bass) and Bart Hall (drums) who I knew as a teenager. I got to play with them many times.
  2. A diminished 7 flat5 is a full diminished 7th chord. Three minor thirds on top of each other (doing the nasty). Or a dominant seventh flat9 chord in search of a root (to do the nasty). Harmonically it does make sense and is sometimes called diminished7. But the thb5 is redundant, as has been eluded to by the eminent Dr. Funkenstein.
  3. flat5

    Bix Beiderbecke

    Hi Shrdlu, You reminded me of when I was 15 and went to NY for two weeks (1963). I went out with an old friend of my mother's who lived in the same apartment building that the Jones brothers, Pepper Addams, McCoy Tyner, Donald Byrd, etc. lived in. When she told me this I was so excited! We went to each of their rooms for me to meet them! NOBODY WAS HOME!
  4. Not yet but here is a high quality and downloadable version. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXdHTP7omZk some info but not the musicians. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0788085/ http://www.google.nl/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=6&ved=0CCEQFjAF&url=http%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FGumbasia&ei=CSpJS8yROcLr-Aben7VM&usg=AFQjCNFDsl4PLMnz8L5jTKOMAyPmYdDrOg&sig2=JHdEKAMSCyJrtTVrSIBz8g Interview http://www.everwonder.com/david/gumby/interview.html Previous thread: http://www.organissimo.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=34414
  5. flat5

    Fats Waller

    Nice read. Thanks.
  6. flat5

    George Baquet

    Thanks. Will try to hear some of his recordings.
  7. A great jazzer. A flat5 expert (tritone). Shares my first name. Happy 80 Barry Harris!
  8. flat5


    or concise, swinging, and original in phrasing, choice of melodic lines, and sound and inflections. It was a vocal feature with a two (?) chorus tenor solo in between.
  9. flat5

    Two Ton Baker!

    coral-83036-musicshop.mp3 is great for teaching very young kids about the sound of various instruments.
  10. Masterpieces by Ellington Jazz Party the 1940s material with Blanton and lots of other stuff
  11. Interesting. I love his playing in the late 1950s & 60s.
  12. flat5

    Clare Fischer

    Kurt McGettrick - Bari Sax Monster - R.I.P.
  13. To bad the site does not offer any sound clips by Ernie. It just advertises itself.
  14. Once at the Both/And club in San Francisco in 1968 (I believe) I heard the Kent Glenn Big Band play an up-tempo "Lester Leaps In". It included a long arco solo by Henry Grimes. It was clean and clear.
  15. I have a huge fondness for the earlier setting and performance of the piece that Kenny recorded with Jackie McLean, etc. on the record "Into Somethin'". At that time it was called "US".
  16. Horn players will not be on as many sessions but should have their own category.
  17. flat5

    Philly Joe Jones

    Check out "Billy Boy"
  18. First time you play a 5 string bass it drives you crazy :-) You think you can just ignore the extra string but it takes practice to get even semi used to it.
  19. I heard her once in a club near San Francisco with Jimmy about 1970, I think. I was very impressed. Hope to find a recording of her brass playing some time.
  20. If we are going to list musician/actors we must include Jack Sheldon. I'll let others list the rest :-)
  21. Cannonball Adderley played a character on the TV series "Kung Fu". Other musicians did too.
  22. The one above is a good one because the video is complete. Accept no imitations :-)
  23. No, sorry. Is that pronounced like "Gagne with a spoon"? Sorry again.
  24. Not everyone agrees. Some people can't listen to Rouse. They don't like his growlly sound or intonation (often sharp) or his redundant use of some motifs or embellishment figures. etc. I can enjoy him for awhile. Apparently he did what Monk wanted.
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