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Everything posted by gmonahan

  1. I don't know--I don't think I've ever heard Gorelick play that well. gregmo
  2. Cool! I'm in Europe for the next few weeks, so I'll look for them here! gregmo
  3. No sign of "King Jazz Records Story" on the Storyville website. Any notion on a release date? gregmo
  4. My personal favorite Yogism: "When you come to a fork in the road, take it." gregmo
  5. Re: MG's joke. Mike SHOULD do it!! gregmo
  6. I only have one cd of the old series, so I'm excited about this! 'Course, getting hold of Storyville boxes can sometimes be a bit of a pain. Any notion on a release date? gregmo
  7. I hope Popmarket comes through with the (promised?) Brubeck Live Box. gregmo
  8. So, what you're saying is that, were FLACs to become a regular alternative medium available by consumer choice from firms like iTunes or Amazon or whoever (I've recently seen a Spanish download firm with very interesting material, but only available to people on Spanish ISPs) there'd be an economic opportunity for someone to open up a business alongside iTunes & Amazon, flogging discographical info and the like to people purchasing downloads from the DL companies. Over to Mike Fitzgerald MG Oops--my ignorance is showing. Mike, do you do that?! gregmo
  9. Yes, used cd stores are doing ok, but without new cds, they'll become increasingly antiquarian. I guess I could live with lossless downloads if there were more of them AND if one could always get personnels and liner notes, but the whole point of shifting to downloads is to make the process cheaper, and the accompanying materials cost money. Grrrrrrrr. gregmo
  10. Hi Steve--Gibert doesn't have much. Paris Jazz Corner is exactly the same as always, and that's a comfort (I was there today!). But the big retail stores here used to stock more as little as a year ago, and I was struck by the change. That's why I posted. In the US, I get all my cds on-line, with the exception of an occasional visit to a used cd store. 'Course, I don't live close enough to go to Jack's! gregmo
  11. I'm bumping this one. I'm in Paris right now (love this town), and after only about a year plus absence I'm struck by the extent and speed with which cds are disappearing. The big Virgin Megastore on the Champs-Elysees used to have a small room dedicated to jazz cds. Now it's barely a bay. Even FNAC's collections are shrinking. If France, which has always seemed to me to hold onto a format longer than other places, is starting to abandon it, then those of us who like hard media (with cool things like liner notes and personnels in our hands), are running out of time even quicker than I thought. gregmo
  12. Didn't the most recorded song of all time used to be "Stardust" at one time or another? "Body and Soul" doesn't surprise me, though I bet "Round Midnight" is right up there. gregmo
  13. I wonder if there's any chance the new Bessie Smith will be remastered? Those old Columbias were fine in their day, but.... gregmo
  14. gmonahan

    Kenny G

    "Most of the time, I'm able to relax and separate from myself. With this CD that was not possible. The music can only be described as annoying and counter productive to the relaxation process. I was not able to relax and let go and it was because of the music I was listening that was playing." That was a crap film. Yeah, but the juxtaposition is very cool! Would that we could all aim like that at a pile of Gore-Lick's records.
  15. I agree completely. Assuming it plays here. Oh, it'll get there...right after The Sound of Music! I'm in pdx now, so I actually get to see movies...quicker! gregmo
  16. Count me with those who like "Casino Royale" better than "Quantum." I thought the latter took itself too seriously. I like at least a little bit of wit and humor with my Bond. The Moore films took it to extremes, unhappily. I too am really looking forward to "Skyfall." gregmo
  17. I've been thinking of using the promo to get the Anthony Braxton set. I keep hesitating because I'm not a big fan of the avant garde, and I wonder honestly whether I'd enjoy it, whether it's accessible to me. Not that anyone else can really answer that question, I guess! gregmo
  18. The Dizzy Gillespie Reunion Big Band 20th and 30th Anniversary, Verve MPS. gregmo
  19. Reading it, I was reminded of Monk's blindfold test reprinted in one of the old Encyclopedias of Jazz where Feather put on Oscar Peterson and Monk left to take a piss. They didn't exactly...favor...each other. Miles was always fun to read. gregmo
  20. I'm with those who probably won't invest in this one. I not only have all the cd sets, but I kept hold of the old European VSOP LPs as well. (Yeah, I know--hopeless packrat!) That said, for those (are there any?) who do not have them, this might be a very nice set. gregmo
  21. I loved him in "The Wild Bunch." And he was fun to see in "RED" too. RIP. gregmo
  22. Posts like Ricky's are what I always love and hope to see on the Board. Many thanks for that! Definitely on my list! gregmo
  23. gmonahan

    Kenny Barron

    "Wanton Spirit" is also a favorite of mine. Highly recommended. gregmo
  24. Curious to know how much material there is that has not yet been released. This one was available as an old 2-LP set from Decca forever! gregmo
  25. I wonder if I, at age 58, will now live to see the total end of paper-published newspapers. Our little local daily is going to three days a week, too. gregmo
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