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About fasstrack

  • Birthday 07/21/1954

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    NY area
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    music; friendship; humor; human strivings/failings/trying again; knuckleheads (see previous entry)
    Full name: Joel Fass Born: Brooklyn, NY Currently resides: Bronx, NY Occupation: musician (guitarist/composer/songwriter/teacher )

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  1. ...I have been a member since 2004, and have even contributed hard-earned $. I'm pretty much outta here. Not gonna be a drama queen like the not-missed Chris Albertson, but just a quick word on why, FWIW: I posted a thread on a podcast interview done with another member and REAL supporter of jazz (unlike a few other bullshitters and fatmouthers on this MF who ruin it (for me at least). Practically NOTHING but hatred poured out of the, er, 'brave' and facile writing fingers of compassionate geniuses such as Scott Dolan and another moron whose name I don't give 2 1/2 shits to mention. This is what gets me more worked up than I care to be about digital 'communication' and, sadly, the 'jazz' world: Fighting, bullshit and 'bravery' by pussies who, unlike myself and a precious few others here, haven't contributed SHIT to this great art form other than their sad-assed, speaking out of turn and their asses 'contributions'. I am 62, no one knows how much time they are given in life, and I would prefer spending my own playing and hearing nice sounds or (are you listening God?) nursing a beer while 'petting' with some nice nubile creature. Or pretty much anything else than this nonsense. So, gents: Kill each other, or do what the fuck you want. I care not and have better things to do with my precious time than have my thread about the masters I have known and certain assholes here have not, but run their tired-ass mouths anyway shit on. I like most people here, but at my age---shee-it.... Good luck with that...
  2. Just saw the man 3 weeks ago in Harlem...
  3. Thanks for that. Got some unruly kids I want to 'scare quiet'---and my 8x10 of Mr. T didn't seem to work. I'm here through Thursday. Try the Zinfadel, and remember: If you tip your waitress well, she may just be 'nice' to you later...
  4. On Tuesday (10/18) I will be heading over to CJ's in a bit. Besides remembering Chris Anderson, I would like to broach the subject of another great man and mentor: the late Bill Finegan. It has been almost 9 years since he's passed. Bill treated myself, James Chirillo and Frank Griffith like sons. His wife Rosemary was an angel, and she went before he---doubtless hastening his own demise (though Mr. Finegan made it to 91) . If I don't get to it today, I also would like to mention here that Bob Brookmeyer (who I wish was a mentor) called Bill every day after Rosemary's death. People say some funny things about Brook, but I think this was the real Bob Brookmeyer: a loving friend (who also told me and others than Bill Finegan was his hero). I spoke with Bob Mover yesterday, and promised I would broach our history as well. Bob was an even earlier mentor than the others. I was 23 when we met (in late 1977). He was 26. The main point of these interviews for me is to show how much love and generosity there exists among musicians. I still see it, out almost every night in NY jamming, listening or gigging. There may be a bad apple or 3, as in any barrel, but by and large in NY and the Hague---the only 2 places I've lived---the musos were always people with the right values, and 'rich' in the important ways. I doubly appreciate CJ's giving me this platform since I wrote perhaps 150 pages of a book about the '80s scene in NY, fleshing out these very people. Unfortunately the hard drive of the computer it lived in crashed, and dummy me did not back up the data. So unless I can fish the files out (and there are ways, some not even costly) CJ's podcast is the only show in town for a codger like myself to 'do the right thing'. The book---when and if completed---is to be called Generous Spirits. Finally, CJ again has graciously allowed me to bring the guitar and play something in memorium. Because they 'lived' the title, and taught me to do the same, I have selected Benny Carter's Only Trust Your Heart...
  5. Wow! And Lou Donaldson and Jimmy Heath are 90. Roy Haynes and Jon Hendricks both 94. 'Youngsters' Barry Harris and George Coleman, 86 (Barry turns 87 Dec. 15th) and roughly mid-late 80s. Sonny Rollins 86. Ahmad Jamal around the same. We probably oughtta look into this whole music thing... c
  6. I write from Cleopatra's Needle here in the Mango. On the 'juke' is a guy named Jimmy Hill. I know, because I asked the owner, Meir, who it was---because I heard an alto SO sweet, such a sound, such beautiful phrasing, relaxation and control over ideas. As it turns out, I had met Jimmy Hill before. He was as nice as his music. And he passed away---pretty much without a trace. The good news if that Meir told me that his (lone) CD is available online. If you like smiling you might want to look into that...
  7. OK: I'll bite. What did 'they' say about Ernie Henry? LOL!...
  8. Not sure what your first sentence means? Explain it, if you've a mind to. I think the podcast will appear in installments. CJ would know better than I. I never saw C. Sharpe smoke a cigarette once in the 7 or 8 years I knew him---and I was around him in many different settings, so I think that is misinformation. That obit was also bullshit. That line about him being 'the missing link between Charlie Parker and Ornette Coleman' is a bunch of old crap written by a no-nothing. I wouldn't repeat Clarence's comments about Ornette Coleman in polite company, being a gentleman. They DID spell his name right, though... Best advice re jazz or any other journalism: read between the lines. Gotta go. Long day. Thanks for your interest in the cats. I really appreciate it...
  9. http://www.wisn.com/news/jazz-cafe-owner-killed/42035976
  10. I'm CERTAIN his name was not mentioned, but I had a friend, Chuck Clark, originally from SF. I first met him when he subbed at Marshall Brown's Wednesday workshop in 1980. I knew then that he was a great (tenor/soprano) player. I later found out he was an extraordinary writer, too: I got back in touch with Chuck when I had some studio time at an audio college here in NY. I sounded him, saying 'Bring some tunes'. The tune he brought, Full Moon, was a masterpiece! Strays and Rabbit all over it. After we recorded it I sent a copy to Phil Woods. Got an email message: (Subject line) Full Moon (Body) This tune is a MF Sadly, Chuck Clark passed away in 2004. I sent a mass email about this to interested parties. Again, Mr. Woods responded: I didn't know Chuck, but know what it's like to lose a friend. I am so sorry for your loss Attached was a PDF lead sheet of Full Moon. At top left hand corner was this inscription: Arranged by Phil Woods, in Memorium. (Phil never even met or spoke to Chuck!) I believe Chuck Clark released a CD featuring his playing and writing with a nonet. Full Moon is said to have been arranged and recorded with choir by Claire Fischer. So maybe Mr. Clark is not THAT overlooked. Rest well, my friend. You were a giant...
  11. Exactly. Unfortunately though, you've yet to earn mine with statements like that in your 1st sentence. Your ad hominem and facile attack on my friend I daresay speaks for itself and volumes. Geez, tough crowd... Is this ever gonna have a happy ending? As in Mr. Shearn and myself at least offer an alternative view of 1980's jazz history that perhaps serves to correct the record? My lone reason for doing this was to introduce some great folks currently relegated to the historical backwater by IMO bullshit writers trying for careers on the backs of 'names'. Well, the people I speak of may not be names but deserve to be. They were great men (Barry is still very much among us). Or will this remain a snipefest unworthy of this forum and its mostly fine members? Inquiring minds... Finally, to those with the unmittigated gall to accuse me of being whiney or self-serving: Have a lovely day. I know where I was coming from. So does CJ. And so will the listeners...
  12. That part is none of my business. I only can talk about what I know. And thank you for listening...
  13. All my posts deleted in deference to the goodness of CJ Shearn and the sake of his career...
  14. Deleted my 2nd post for the sake of CJ, a very fine person who I would like to see succeed...
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