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Everything posted by sjarrell

  1. The Ellington set is indeed swell, and Caiman delivered fast! Best $10.64 I've spent lately...
  2. I can't recall which thread this was in, but I printed out the list. Looks like 2 batches of 5, the second being: Hank Mobley: Peckin' Time Sonny Clark: Leapin' and Lopin' Grachan Moncur: Evolution Sam Rivers: Dimensions and Extensions Stanley Turrentine: Dearly Beloved
  3. Frosty is totally gonna get you that job!
  4. Best to you and your mom, I hope she recovers fully.
  5. I buy records at work, and they trickle in more slowly than ever these days. I pay a buck and up for the useful ones and refuse the not-useful ones. Things I used to see daily I see maybe annually now. These days I'm thrilled when a stack of Zeppelin LPs show up, because there's always a kid that wants 'em, and I never know if or when I'll see them again...
  6. Fiats are way faster than babies, you know.
  7. Valerie's gonna love her some Gene Harris! Thanks, Dan!!!!
  8. Thanks, everybody! Spent the day at the hospital with Valerie and the Missus, both are doing great. Heating up dinner for Raymond now. And me. Hungry! GA- Mosaic wasn't on the list, but early on Hank was a boy name candidate...
  9. I wasn't born yesterday, but Valerie Graham Jarrell was: That's her with my son Raymond, yesterday. 6 hours old and alert!
  10. Well, I'm very fond of that roarin' hard bop session $28 (£14) is not an unusual price here, but it probably sounds a lot worse on your side of the pond Grab the Charly Blakey/Roach "The Hard Drive" it sounds great, includes Hard Drive album AND the "MAX" album (with Mobley) and the sound is swell. Amazon sellers have it as cheap as $4.02.
  11. It's one of the zillion or so self titled Gil albums, from 1969, I think. The opening track is Cerebro Electronico, which is how Amazon identifies the album.
  12. The Cellar Door Sessions is $59, but 99 cents per track purchased separately. Less than $28 that way...
  13. I watched Alton Brown make moonpies on Good Eats a couple weeks ago. I've got to try it at home, 'cause they looked even more fun to eat. My shitload was aided by 6+ yrs of emusic subscription. I was ready for the player!
  14. I've got an '05 XB, and with the exception of the really loud road-noise at highway speeds, I love it. I got it used and sans pod-port, so I have to use a transmitter, though. But, really, swell car.
  15. I quit in 1996 after 17 years (I used the nicotine gum), started smoking weekends only (surprisingly succsessfully- only when drinking, only Fri/Sat) in '97, and was done for good by 2003 when my son was born. Never liked it when my dad smoked around me when I was a kid. I still missed it for a couple years, not now though. Sometimes, though, when the weather is right (dry, cool) and someone lights up it smells really good. Good luck!
  16. Sold! I'll delete thread once they've arrived at Hoppy T.'s I've got none each of: Satoko Fujii Trio/Trace a River Gato Libre/Kuro Junk Box/Cloudy then Sunny All 2008, Libra Records LP sleeve CDs, unplayed w/ obi. Retail is 2500 yen, $15 each shipped first class in the US. Overseas I'll quote. PM if you hanker! Thanks! Sandy
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