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Everything posted by catesta

  1. He was a funny man. The Burnett show, Dorf, his Carson appearances, all good stuff. RIP and thanks for the laughs.
  2. catesta

    Kenny Burrell

    To me, something still seems off about this. I'm not saying there is not some truth, hell maybe it's all true, but... “UCLA was unaware of Katherine Burrell’s crowdfunding activity on behalf of herself and husband, Kenny. UCLA is concerned and is looking into the circumstances of this matter. Kenny Burrell is a Distinguished Professor of Music and Global Jazz Studies at UCLA’s Herb Alpert School of Music. Professor Burrell is currently on sabbatical, and is scheduled to return to UCLA for the Spring Quarter in March 2020. He remains a full-time faculty member with related compensation and health benefits.”
  3. Yeah, I also just remember her from Mod Squad. RIP
  4. She had a beautiful voice and I very much admired the work she did and her foundation does for animal welfare. RIP
  5. Just returned to Phoenix and my wife purchased tickets to see Larry Fuller tonight with Hassan Shakur and Lewis Nash.
  6. I had a feeling he wasn't doing so well since he was always so active online, and then, not. It's sad he died alone. We had some pleasant offline exchanges and even though he and I had many disagreements back in the day when you could discuss politics here, he was a gentlemen and usually maintained a sense of humor. I thank him for the insight and stories shared. RIP Chris.
  7. I think Kate Williams is really reaching...
  8. Is what he said racist? Looking at Mr. Washington's tour schedule he will be performing in Russia in June? Russia requires a Visa regardless of stay duration, no? It can be done!
  9. Any Type O Negative fans here? If so, Trivium did a cover of "I Don't Wanna Be Me" that flat out smokes.
  10. Good advice but not news to me. I've been making this case with my wife for years. She still doesn't get it but probably more so today than five years ago. I work my ass off and spend a lot of time hanging out. Being self employed it is difficult to turn it off but I always find time to do nothing and I'm never bored.
  11. Another dragon down. It's amazing how Euron gets a direct hit on first trial with the giant arrow thing and was able to reload and do it again while in motion. It's obvious they're trying to cram a lot into just a couple of more episodes. Cersei (and Euron) has to go, right? I don't dare speculate who takes the thrown in the end but I'm pulling for Jon. No doubt the battle of the Clegane brothers is coming. How about the Starbucks cup mishap? e.
  12. Yeah, if it was about her singing voice, but it's not.
  13. Yeah, I'm hoping the Night King and company are gone for good. There are several theories that say he is not gone and lives in Bran Stark now. I hope that is not the case and would much prefer the final episodes focused on the battle with Cersei.
  14. The punch line about her being a physically unattractive woman? She paid the price for that, never married and went out hard. Why don't we go after the composers next? The whole thing is bullshit.
  15. Game of Thrones, Season 8. Typically this is not my kind of show and it wasn't for a long time until my daughter convinced me a few years ago to start at the beginning. Now like so many, I am hooked. Episode 3 was intense. Sorry to see Jorah Mormont go and I would have like to have seen the Dothraki in the final battle but that's not going to happen now. Looking forward to see what happens next.
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