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    • Don’t mistake me, because I would gladly probably take Paxlovid again (especially if there was an nasty new variant). That said, the entire 5 days I was on it — and my wife too — EVERYTHING tasted like sucking on a bag of nickels.  And I mean continuously.  While we were eating, we could sort of half-taste our food kinda halfway-way OK.  But the minute we stopped eating, it was back to that strong metallic taste. When I was a kid, did you ever touch the two poles of a 9V battery to your tongue to test it?  It was THAT taste for 5 days, 24 hours a day. We chewed lots of gum, and at LOTS of red-hot cinnamon candies — and despite all my bitching here, it absolutely wasn’t that bad — and we definitely felt it was better than the alternative. Far as the Covid itself, it wasn’t quite as bad as the worst cold either of us had ever gotten.  But we do attribute that to our both taking the Plaxovid so quickly, and we’d take it again. (I think we each lost 10 lbs over 7-10 days, easily, because food just didn’t taste all that great — which, again, was a good problem to have.)
    • Mason Cangood - Puttin' Up!!!
    • A lady gave birth to identical twins. She named one of them Juan and the other Emol. Through the years, when someone asked to see a picture of the twins, she invariably would only show a picture of one child. This confused folks, and many would ask, "Why show just one picture when you have two children?" She said, “When you’ve seen Juan, you’ve seen Emol!!”
    • The CDC softened their recommendations for Covid earlier this year, bringing them more in line with recommendations for other respiratory viruses. They now say you can resume normal activities once symptoms have improved and you've had no fever for at least 24 hours, but they also suggest taking added precautions for 5 days thereafter.  Respiratory Virus Guidance Hopefully your wife is feeling better by now. In my experience, the cough tends to linger for quite some time after a Covid infection. I count myself lucky that I didn't experience any significant side effects from Paxlovid - the first time I took it, I was concerned about the near-intolerable foul taste that it seems many people have experienced, but although I did notice an "off" taste, it was slight and very manageable. 
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